
deep apologies

Region 1

July 28, 2009
Hi my name is Adelbert and I attended last weekend's Portland LoveTribe event. Unfortunately, I was told that I acted inappropriately in two different instances. This was indeed my first LoveTribe event, and it seems I became "overly-excited". I just want to apologize to all that heard about this. Especially the event coordinator and my longtime friend of 4 years who abandoned me as a result, as I'm sure word got spread around like wildfire already. The way I acted is absolutely not the way I wanted to act. If there is anyone who can give me relationship help and otherwise how to treat women in the best way possible, I would greatly appreciate a response. Again I am sorry for all the hurt I have caused and I hope there is at least the slightest possibility that I will be able to create a loving relationship in the near future with LoveTribe's help. Thanks for reading. :'-(

Region 1

July 28, 2009

"Relationship Help"

Since you put yourself out there and asked for help... here it is (again).

You wrote:
"If there is anyone who can give me relationship help and otherwise how to treat women in the best way possible, I would greatly appreciate a response."

Some of us have already tried to help you. The problem is you don't listen... to anything, nor do you act upon the suggestions given to you. It's not just about having a relationship (romantically, intimately, or even as a friend relationship). It's about shaping your life so that you can be a better person so that all the other things in life fall into place.

I'm not one who thinks I know it all, or whatever, but I will say I HAVE lived in this life and as far as relationships go- I can write books upon books about all kinds of relationships (friends, enemies, betrayal, intimacy, romance, sex, or whatever).

Let's go back to the beginning of what you're looking for... "relationship help" and "how to treat women".

1) Listen.
2) Listen to your elders.
3) Don't listen (or limit your listening) to those who are younger than you.
4) Change your life FIRST before you try to obtain relationship help or knowledge on how to treat women. Everything else should fall into place afterwards.
5) Have MORE self-esteem than you already have.
6) If you have a receding hair-line and are worried about hair-loss, SHAVE YOUR HEAD. Most bald men look great because that is who they are and they make themselves look great.
7) Don't complain AFTER you asked for help or when you say your life is all messed up and disorganized when someone or some people offer suggestions and then you don't take their advice.
8) Although this relates to #4 above... (changing your life)... understand that money is not everything and can't make you happy, but it does offer some sense of stability and security. If you're not making enough money, look for a better job. You're lucky enough to have a day off during the week sometime to schedule interviews. You should put your resume out there and if you're called in for an interview, try to schedule it for the day you have off. Then, you'll slowly move up the ladder to have a better income, better things that you can purchase that can help you change your life, and your days of partying can still continue on the weekends... once you have a Monday through Friday job. It won't screw up your internal clock as far as your timing of your sleep, etc.
9) Get organized with your own personal life (and your clutter, etc.): a) Throw it away, b) Give it away, c) Sell it, d) Store it, or e) Keep it. Once you meet someone and you invite that woman (even men, friends, etc.) over to your place, the energy you put out in your HOME is a reflection of who you are. If they see clutter or your place being a mess, they'll know your life is a mess. If they see that you're clean, that your home is well-taken care of, and that you're organized, it will make the company you have over feel very comfortable with you and your surroundings.
9) Don't contradict your own actions and what you say. You've said in the past that you're healthy, that you're into healthy eating and drinking, but yet you still choose to smoke spliffs (with tobacco) and tobacco causes cancer and it's definitelyl NOT good for you or anyone. Be healthy. Ganja is ok, tobacco is not.
10) FIND THE BEAUTY inside of women, even though they may not have that "Hollywood / L.A." glamour look like some people want. There are many, MANY women who are really very beautiful on the outside and just sort of ordinary or plain or cute or pretty on the outside, but when you start talking to that person and find out how beautiful they are on the inside, then their WHOLE persona, energy, etc. is completely much more beautiful than those women with better looks on the outside. (Unless those women who have the beautiful looks on the outside are also beautiful on the inside.)
11) Get to know the woman (women) by asking questions. Be frank, but not rude. Slowly ask questions, but not too many at one time.
12) Offer to meet them in a setting where there will be other friends around and things that you both (and your friends and her friends) can enjoy.
13) After a few outings of meeting that person in public or at get-togethers, ask them if they want to go walk in the park, shop at the farmer's market, COOK A MEAL TOGETHER, rent a movie, but mainly- get to know each other.
14) Watch a LOT of romantic movies and sink yourself into the movie so that you can relate on how a man is supposed to treat a woman, how a woman is supposed to treat a man, etc. I know it's cheesy- but they help. It's kind of like being "programmed", but don't be fake about anything. LEARN. Romance and loving is actually very easy... but, you'll find that some out there want to complicate things and complicate "love" by stirring up problems that have nothing to do with love or the way two people interact.
15) Surround yourself with GOOD people, good energy, and toss the bad energy out and get rid of your toxic friends. Some of us have been loyal to you and others have not. Then, you come down on those who have been loyal to you, and don't do anything with those who have screwed you over. In a nutshell... have some balls (or grow them) and face up ("man up") to those people and don't take sh-- from anyone.

I could go on and on, but I think 15 suggestions are good for now. Please understand that I'm definitely not an "expert" on relationships. However, given the experience that I have had, all the hurt, all the romance, all the good times and the bad... I know what's good and when there's good energy, good people, etc.

Please don't come down on me for offering suggestions on relationship help. Relationship help is not just necessarily pointed towards the opposite sex, but with ALL humans. Changing your life and getting things done that are positive in your life helps. Don't try to fix the ship in the harbor so it can sail again if you don't have the water for the ship to sail in. Go to the source (the root) of the problem. Don't be influenced by those who think they know or say that they know... evaluate, LISTEN, take it all in (all the options that everyone gives you) and then pick and choose those from a list and if they don't work, go back to the list and try something else.



Region 1

July 28, 2009

Re: [COMMUNITY] "Relationship Help"

I don't want to seem like I'm picking your exhaustive advice (or anyone
else's) apart, but I would like to suggest that watching romantic movies
might not be the best way to figure out how to have a real world romance.

Hollywood movies especially tend to present a specific kind of
relationship dynamic that isn't necessarily reflective of the world
actual men and women live in.

IMO, romance movies are to relationships what pornography is to sex;
they reflect some of reality but they're artistic interpretations of it,
not to be taken literally although there can be tips and hints and
specific actions worth experimenting with.

I think the very best advice that you offered in your list of
recommendations was to listen. Listening, watching, asking questions and
doing self-inventory have been pretty useful to me throughout my life.
Of course, as is so often the case, the devil's in the details. :-)

-- Theresa

TribalMutt@LoveTribe.org wrote:

> 14) Watch a LOT of romantic movies and sink yourself into the movie so that you can relate on how a man is supposed to treat a woman, how a woman is supposed to treat a man, etc. I know it's cheesy- but they help. It's kind of like being "programmed", but don't be fake about anything. LEARN. Romance and loving is actually very easy... but, you'll find that some out there want to complicate things and complicate "love" by stirring up problems that have nothing to do with love or the way two people interact.

Region 1

July 28, 2009

"Romantic Movies"

"but I would like to suggest that watching romantic movies might not be the best way to figure out how to have a real world romance"

I never mentioned that they would be the "best" way to figure out how to have a real world romance. I do know that I've seen a lot since I was around 4 or 5 years of age, and with my parents' help and watching either t.v., movies, and being involved in relationships (looking up to couples when I was younger and in actual relationships that I've had)... it does help.

They may not be the best source, but yet there is a genuine level there that is true. Example:

Forever Young (Mel Gibson):

After many years of thinking that the woman he was engaged to had died and then he became frozen, when he awoke, he searched all over to find her and it may have been years down the road where he became old, but in the end he proved how much he loved her and that he would travel any distance.

I've traveled around the world 3 times for love... THOUSANDS of miles, and it goes to show you that anyone can fall in love with anyone else way off in far off lands. However, if one is not honest with the other person, then- that throws everything out of the window.

Take Darklady's advice too.


Region 1

July 28, 2009
Hi Adelbert,

I met you the other day at your work and you seemed like a very nice person. Sometimes, through how we're raised or other life circumstances, we make mistakes in how we interact with people. Try not to beat yourself up over what happened, but look it as a learning experience for what not to do in the future. Just speaking from my own experience, I can suggest taking college courses on Psychology because they really taught me a lot about people and how to understand them better (I was raised on a farm by animals, my parents ignored me, I UNDERSTAND how hard it can be to "get" people sometimes!) We all make mistakes, that's how we grow. *hugs*

And to Marcus, I think some of your comments are personal and I would never bring up personal things of that nature about my friends in a public forum. I think it comes off as very passive agressive and doesn't work to support your friend. I don't have time to pick it all apart right now, but I don't think the kind of comments about how you think he should live his life are appropriate Love Tribe material. You seem to have a lot of confidence in yourself and I can tell you right now it comes off as arrogance. Your life isn't someone elses life, and what's right for you may not be right for someone else, so keep that in mind. I get the feeling that your advice has not been heeded before and you probably get irritated with Adelbert making what you see as the same mistakes and not doing what you want, or feel he should do, but really, it's his life. His experience.

Region 1

July 28, 2009

Magic Thighs' Comments

Magic Thighs-

Perhaps you forgot to read one of the last paragraphs when I made my original reply. The line about "please don't come down on me for offering suggestions on relationship help" applies to not only Adelbert, but to everyone.

Your comments to me- are totally uncalled for. If it was Adelbert replying, he should have been the one to reply to what I said- not anyone else, and if he would have replied to what I said, a simple "thank you" or "thank you, but I'll keep my options open" or whatever would be better received.

You wrote:
"I think some of your comments are personal and I would never bring up personal things of that nature about my friends in a public forum."

First of all, the comments are a REFLECTION of something that may seem to be "personal" to some, but aren't since he asked for help in a PUBLIC forum. Also, Adelbert and I are no longer friends because he has chosen to ask me questions on how to help him in the past, and then I made clear suggestions (by offering different options and not just one) and then many of us hear him complain about his own life because he's not doing anything to help his own life and doesn't listen to the advice given to him (and it's not just me).

You also wrote:
"I think it comes off as very passive agressive and doesn't work to support your friend."

You're walking on very thin ice and you need to take a giant leap back before the real, "terrible" Marcas bites your head off. I'm not "terrible" in any way, and you and many others don't know me, nor my life... so in a nutshell- please watch your comments and think before you speak or write. It's NOT "passive aggressive". YOUR comments however- are. I MADE, OFFERED suggestions on what HE can do. I'm not getting mad at him if he does NOT choose what I want, or feels what I feel, etc. NO ONE can ever feel what I feel because I'm so far beyond the depth that mankind can never imagine having in their own lives. Again... he chose to end our friendship after 5 years, not me. He also came down on those that are close to him, while others were screwing him over and I pointed that out on 3 separate occasions and he has STILL yet to actually confront someone else (the 3rd person) that screwed him over recently.

You also wrote:
"I don't have time to pick it all apart right now"

Then, don't. I can already see that you haven't practiced the "seek to understand first" rule.

You also wrote:
"I don't think the kind of comments about how you think he should live his life are appropriate Love Tribe material."

I don't "think" he should live his live in any way that is not suitable for his own growth. We ALL have our own opionions on how we should live our own lives, opinions on how others should live their life... just to get them going in a direction that is positive (not negative), and in the end... it's our opinion, our advice... and ultimately- the decision will be up to Adelbert (or whomever that we're trying to help out). Seek to understand first. You haven't.

You also wrote:
"You seem to have a lot of confidence in yourself and I can tell you right now it comes off as arrogance."

Yep- there you go again. Acusations can really rub me the wrong way, so if you want to start a flame war... be my guest, but you'll end up getting reamed by the worst. Don't go there. I am very confident in everything I do. I assure you and all others that I'm not "overly-confident", NOR am I arrogant. Arrogance is cockiness also, and one being proud, etc. I'm not proud of the things that I've done in certain areas in my life, but I am proud of my survival and the turmoil that I've gotten over. Unfortunately- these days I have even more and for 34+ years now... there hasn't been any help for me... people don't know my life and people who are negative and who have bad energy- like you have in your post above... which shows COMPLETELY BAD ENERGY... can just leave my a-- alone. I avoide confrontation at all cost, but if I'm right and most of the time I am (and there have been times where I have been wrong, so I am not right all the time)... I will fight like crazy to prove my point because mainly I want justice and want what is wrong corrected. If I am in the wrong, I apologize. Even when I take it to be consideration and I know that I'm not wrong, I STILL apologize... just to make amends. So, you don't know me, nor does anyone, and because of your comments that ARE attacking me... again- you need to take a giant leap backwards before you stir up more conflict between you and I as well as others on the list.

You also wrote:
"Your life isn't someone elses life"

Well.... DUH... no kidding. That's a fact we all know. And, YOUR life isn't my life, nor Adelbert's life. You don't know what has transpired the last few months or years with Adelbert... and you need to realize that you should be helping Adelbert, but not attacking those who make suggestions to him.

You also wrote:
"...and what's right for you may not be right for someone else, so keep that in mind."

I already knew that. How old are you again? Oh... I see... 27. That's right... most people I talk to in their 30s, 40s, and 50s+ have ALWAYS told me that people in their 20s still think they know it all, but they haven't lived until they actually get to 30+. I'm an ancient soul, and you definitely have NOT respected your elders and are not respecting me because of what you're THINKING that I'm doing and you don't understand the depth behind it. It kind of reminds me of today's youth and those who disrespect their parents and others who are older than them that are in our society. It's like a poster that I've seen that said something like... "Pioneers are the ones that planted the seed that built the trees. Slackers are the ones that rest in the shade." It appears quite clearly that you're the slacker... because everytihng is FILTERED down to a level where you don't understand the depth behind the actual relationships that are formed, were formed, or that will be formed. Again, my advice to you is to watch your step.

You also wrote:
"I get the feeling that your advice has not been heeded before and you probably get irritated with Adelbert making what you see as the same mistakes and not doing what you want"

No... that's where you're wrong. It's not a matter of Adelbert NOT doing what I want. It's the fact that he has asked for advice in the past and everyone gives it to him and he doesn't act on ANY advice from anyone... and THEN he complains about it. If he asks for advice and people give him the advice and he doesn't act on anything... then, he can only blame himself and he should NOT be complaining then afterwards because he's contradicting his own belief system subconsciously- talking and acting in circles. It's like the cliche about "it doesn't matter what the destination is, but what was most important- the journey along the way." It doesn't matter what his final decision was, but if he's asking for help from many, and people are giving him help, some of us have lived and want to help. Again- in the end- it'll be HIS decision, not Marcas'. You obviously forgot my other line above- "Don't be influenced by those who think they know or say that they know... evaluate, LISTEN, take it all in (all the options that everyone gives you) and then pick and choose those from a list and if they don't work, go back to the list and try something else". The "ick and choose" portion of that is the light suggestion. Deal with it.

You also wrote:
"...or feel he should do, but really, it's his life. His experience."

No kidding... that sounds so ridiculous how you put that. All along I thought it was YOUR life that he was dealing with. Wow.

Yes- it's HIS life and WE are HERE to help HIM... ALL of US... so, leave your "attacking the messenger and advisors" attitude out of the scenario.


Region 1

July 28, 2009
Oh my god. I was right to think you're an asshole when you first messaged me Marcus. Thanks for confirming my intuition.

You think because you're in your 40's you know everything and you're an "ancient soul"? Get over yourself. Nobody is special, we're all just here stumbling along in life trying to get by. You don't know anything about me, or my life experiences, and you judge me by my age? If you're still hung up on the "Age equals wisdom" thing at 43, you still have a lot to learn. You're still a child, everything about you screams that. Self-absorbed, infantile, pathetic. I'm done with you, flame me all you want, but you're an asshole, a drama queen and a total flake. I want nothing further to do with you.

Region 1

July 28, 2009

Re: [COMMUNITY] Magic Thighs' Comments

Okay ya'll, what was suppose to be a plea for advice is turning into something far from that.
Let's love one another, and respect each others comments, even if we don't agree. Let's end it here. I'd like to suggest, those with advice for Adelbert send it directly to him.
Peace, Love, and Snuggly Goodness

--- On Tue, 7/28/09, TribalMutt@LoveTribe.org wrote:

From: TribalMutt@LoveTribe.org
Subject: [COMMUNITY] Magic Thighs' Comments
To: earthdaughter333@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 7:42 PM

Magic Thighs-

Perhaps you forgot to read one of the last paragraphs when I made my original reply.  The line about "please don't come down on me for offering suggestions on relationship help" applies to not only Adelbert, but to everyone.

Your comments to me- are totally uncalled for.  If it was Adelbert replying, he should have been the one to reply to what I said- not anyone else, and if he would have replied to what I said, a simple "thank you" or "thank you, but I'll keep my options open" or whatever would be better received.

You wrote:
"I think some of your comments are personal and I would never bring up personal things of that nature about my friends in a public forum."

First of all, the comments are a REFLECTION of something that may seem to be "personal" to some, but aren't since he asked for help in a PUBLIC forum.  Also, Adelbert and I are no longer friends because he has chosen to ask me questions on how to help him in the past, and then I made clear suggestions (by offering different options and not just one) and then many of us hear him complain about his own life because he's not doing anything to help his own life and doesn't listen to the advice given to him (and it's not just me).

You also wrote:
"I think it comes off as very passive agressive and doesn't work to support your friend."

You're walking on very thin ice and you need to take a giant leap back before the real, "terrible" Marcas bites your head off.  I'm not "terrible" in any way, and you and many others don't know me, nor my life... so in a nutshell- please watch your comments and think before you speak or write.  It's NOT "passive aggressive".  YOUR comments however- are.  I MADE, OFFERED suggestions on what HE can do.  I'm not getting mad at him if he does NOT choose what I want, or feels what I feel, etc.  NO ONE can ever feel what I feel because I'm so far beyond the depth that mankind can never imagine having in their own lives.  Again... he chose to end our friendship after 5 years, not me.  He also came down on those that are close to him, while others were screwing him over and I pointed that out on 3 separate occasions and he has STILL yet to actually confront someone else (the 3rd person) that screwed him over recently.

You also wrote:
"I don't have time to pick it all apart right now"

Then, don't.  I can already see that you haven't practiced the "seek to understand first" rule.

You also wrote:
"I don't think the kind of comments about how you think he should live his life are appropriate Love Tribe material."

I don't "think" he should live his live in any way that is not suitable for his own growth.  We ALL have our own opionions on how we should live our own lives, opinions on how others should live their life... just to get them going in a direction that is positive (not negative), and in the end... it's our opinion, our advice... and ultimately- the decision will be up to Adelbert (or whomever that we're trying to help out).  Seek to understand first.  You haven't.

You also wrote:
"You seem to have a lot of confidence in yourself and I can tell you right now it comes off as arrogance."

Yep- there you go again.  Acusations can really rub me the wrong way, so if you want to start a flame war... be my guest, but you'll end up getting reamed by the worst.  Don't go there.  I am very confident in everything I do.  I assure you and all others that I'm not "overly-confident", NOR am I arrogant.  Arrogance is cockiness also, and one being proud, etc.  I'm not proud of the things that I've done in certain areas in my life, but I am proud of my survival and the turmoil that I've gotten over.  Unfortunately- these days I have even more and for 34+ years now... there hasn't been any help for me... people don't know my life and people who are negative and who have bad energy- like you have in your post above... which shows COMPLETELY BAD ENERGY... can just leave my a-- alone.  I avoide confrontation at all cost, but if I'm right and most of the time I am (and there have been times where I have been wrong, so I am not right all the time)...
I will fight like crazy to prove my point because mainly I want justice and want what is wrong corrected.  If I am in the wrong, I apologize.  Even when I take it to be consideration and I know that I'm not wrong, I STILL apologize... just to make amends.  So, you don't know me, nor does anyone, and because of your comments that ARE attacking me... again- you need to take a giant leap backwards before you stir up more conflict between you and I as well as others on the list.

You also wrote:
"Your life isn't someone elses life"

Well.... DUH... no kidding.  That's a fact we all know.  And, YOUR life isn't my life, nor Adelbert's life.  You don't know what has transpired the last few months or years with Adelbert... and you need to realize that you should be helping Adelbert, but not attacking those who make suggestions to him.

You also wrote:
"...and what's right for you may not be right for someone else, so keep that in mind."

I already knew that.  How old are you again?  Oh... I see... 27.  That's right... most people I talk to in their 30s, 40s, and 50s+ have ALWAYS told me that people in their 20s still think they know it all, but they haven't lived until they actually get to 30+.  I'm an ancient soul, and you definitely have NOT respected your elders and are not respecting me because of what you're THINKING that I'm doing and you don't understand the depth behind it.  It kind of reminds me of today's youth and those who disrespect their parents and others who are older than them that are in our society.  It's like a poster that I've seen that said something like... "Pioneers are the ones that planted the seed that built the trees. Slackers are the ones that rest in the shade."  It appears quite clearly that you're the slacker... because everytihng is FILTERED down to a level where you don't understand the depth behind the actual relationships that are formed, were
formed, or that will be formed.  Again, my advice to you is to watch your step.

You also wrote:
"I get the feeling that your advice has not been heeded before and you probably get irritated with Adelbert making what you see as the same mistakes and not doing what you want"

No... that's where you're wrong.  It's not a matter of Adelbert NOT doing what I want.  It's the fact that he has asked for advice in the past and everyone gives it to him and he doesn't act on ANY advice from anyone... and THEN he complains about it.  If he asks for advice and people give him the advice and he doesn't act on anything... then, he can only blame himself and he should NOT be complaining then afterwards because he's contradicting his own belief system subconsciously- talking and acting in circles.  It's like the cliche about "it doesn't matter what the destination is, but what was most important- the journey along the way."  It doesn't matter what his final decision was, but if he's asking for help from many, and people are giving him help, some of us have lived and want to help.  Again- in the end- it'll be HIS decision, not Marcas'.  You obviously forgot my other line above- "Don't be influenced by those who think they know or say
that they know... evaluate, LISTEN, take it all in (all the options that everyone gives you) and then pick and choose those from a list and if they don't work, go back to the list and try something else".  The "ick and choose" portion of that is the light suggestion.  Deal with it.

You also wrote:
"...or feel he should do, but really, it's his life. His experience."

No kidding... that sounds so ridiculous how you put that.  All along I thought it was YOUR life that he was dealing with.  Wow. 

Yes- it's HIS life and WE are HERE to help HIM... ALL of US... so, leave your "attacking the messenger and advisors" attitude out of the scenario.


View thread at http://

Region 1

July 28, 2009

Re: [COMMUNITY] Magic Thighs' Comments

ugh! i never speak up on these things but guys...please, can you take your toxic feud elsewhere? lovetribe administrators, is there any way to block this thread? or must i manually delete these emails?jack

--- On Tue, 7/28/09, TribalMutt@LoveTribe.org wrote:

From: TribalMutt@LoveTribe.org
Subject: [COMMUNITY] Magic Thighs' Comments
To: jkzsheep@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 7:42 PM

Magic Thighs-

Perhaps you forgot to read one of the last paragraphs when I made my original reply.  The line about "please don't come down on me for offering suggestions on relationship help" applies to not only Adelbert, but to everyone.

Your comments to me- are totally uncalled for.  If it was Adelbert replying, he should have been the one to reply to what I said- not anyone else, and if he would have replied to what I said, a simple "thank you" or "thank you, but I'll keep my options open" or whatever would be better received.

You wrote:
"I think some of your comments are personal and I would never bring up personal things of that nature about my friends in a public forum."

First of all, the comments are a REFLECTION of something that may seem to be "personal" to some, but aren't since he asked for help in a PUBLIC forum.  Also, Adelbert and I are no longer friends because he has chosen to ask me questions on how to help him in the past, and then I made clear suggestions (by offering different options and not just one) and then many of us hear him complain about his own life because he's not doing anything to help his own life and doesn't listen to the advice given to him (and it's not just me).

You also wrote:
"I think it comes off as very passive agressive and doesn't work to support your friend."

You're walking on very thin ice and you need to take a giant leap back before the real, "terrible" Marcas bites your head off.  I'm not "terrible" in any way, and you and many others don't know me, nor my life... so in a nutshell- please watch your comments and think before you speak or write.  It's NOT "passive aggressive".  YOUR comments however- are.  I MADE, OFFERED suggestions on what HE can do.  I'm not getting mad at him if he does NOT choose what I want, or feels what I feel, etc.  NO ONE can ever feel what I feel because I'm so far beyond the depth that mankind can never imagine having in their own lives.  Again... he chose to end our friendship after 5 years, not me.  He also came down on those that are close to him, while others were screwing him over and I pointed that out on 3 separate occasions and he has STILL yet to actually confront someone else (the 3rd person) that screwed him over recently.

You also wrote:
"I don't have time to pick it all apart right now"

Then, don't.  I can already see that you haven't practiced the "seek to understand first" rule.

You also wrote:
"I don't think the kind of comments about how you think he should live his life are appropriate Love Tribe material."

I don't "think" he should live his live in any way that is not suitable for his own growth.  We ALL have our own opionions on how we should live our own lives, opinions on how others should live their life... just to get them going in a direction that is positive (not negative), and in the end... it's our opinion, our advice... and ultimately- the decision will be up to Adelbert (or whomever that we're trying to help out).  Seek to understand first.  You haven't.

You also wrote:
"You seem to have a lot of confidence in yourself and I can tell you right now it comes off as arrogance."

Yep- there you go again.  Acusations can really rub me the wrong way, so if you want to start a flame war... be my guest, but you'll end up getting reamed by the worst.  Don't go there.  I am very confident in everything I do.  I assure you and all others that I'm not "overly-confident", NOR am I arrogant.  Arrogance is cockiness also, and one being proud, etc.  I'm not proud of the things that I've done in certain areas in my life, but I am proud of my survival and the turmoil that I've gotten over.  Unfortunately- these days I have even more and for 34+ years now... there hasn't been any help for me... people don't know my life and people who are negative and who have bad energy- like you have in your post above... which shows COMPLETELY BAD ENERGY... can just leave my a-- alone.  I avoide confrontation at all cost, but if I'm right and most of the time I am (and there have been times where I have been wrong, so I am not right all the time)...
I will fight like crazy to prove my point because mainly I want justice and want what is wrong corrected.  If I am in the wrong, I apologize.  Even when I take it to be consideration and I know that I'm not wrong, I STILL apologize... just to make amends.  So, you don't know me, nor does anyone, and because of your comments that ARE attacking me... again- you need to take a giant leap backwards before you stir up more conflict between you and I as well as others on the list.

You also wrote:
"Your life isn't someone elses life"

Well.... DUH... no kidding.  That's a fact we all know.  And, YOUR life isn't my life, nor Adelbert's life.  You don't know what has transpired the last few months or years with Adelbert... and you need to realize that you should be helping Adelbert, but not attacking those who make suggestions to him.

You also wrote:
"...and what's right for you may not be right for someone else, so keep that in mind."

I already knew that.  How old are you again?  Oh... I see... 27.  That's right... most people I talk to in their 30s, 40s, and 50s+ have ALWAYS told me that people in their 20s still think they know it all, but they haven't lived until they actually get to 30+.  I'm an ancient soul, and you definitely have NOT respected your elders and are not respecting me because of what you're THINKING that I'm doing and you don't understand the depth behind it.  It kind of reminds me of today's youth and those who disrespect their parents and others who are older than them that are in our society.  It's like a poster that I've seen that said something like... "Pioneers are the ones that planted the seed that built the trees. Slackers are the ones that rest in the shade."  It appears quite clearly that you're the slacker... because everytihng is FILTERED down to a level where you don't understand the depth behind the actual relationships that are formed, were
formed, or that will be formed.  Again, my advice to you is to watch your step.

You also wrote:
"I get the feeling that your advice has not been heeded before and you probably get irritated with Adelbert making what you see as the same mistakes and not doing what you want"

No... that's where you're wrong.  It's not a matter of Adelbert NOT doing what I want.  It's the fact that he has asked for advice in the past and everyone gives it to him and he doesn't act on ANY advice from anyone... and THEN he complains about it.  If he asks for advice and people give him the advice and he doesn't act on anything... then, he can only blame himself and he should NOT be complaining then afterwards because he's contradicting his own belief system subconsciously- talking and acting in circles.  It's like the cliche about "it doesn't matter what the destination is, but what was most important- the journey along the way."  It doesn't matter what his final decision was, but if he's asking for help from many, and people are giving him help, some of us have lived and want to help.  Again- in the end- it'll be HIS decision, not Marcas'.  You obviously forgot my other line above- "Don't be influenced by those who think they know or say
that they know... evaluate, LISTEN, take it all in (all the options that everyone gives you) and then pick and choose those from a list and if they don't work, go back to the list and try something else".  The "ick and choose" portion of that is the light suggestion.  Deal with it.

You also wrote:
"...or feel he should do, but really, it's his life. His experience."

No kidding... that sounds so ridiculous how you put that.  All along I thought it was YOUR life that he was dealing with.  Wow. 

Yes- it's HIS life and WE are HERE to help HIM... ALL of US... so, leave your "attacking the messenger and advisors" attitude out of the scenario.


View thread at http://pos

Region 1

July 28, 2009
ugh! i never speak up on these things but guys...please, can you take your toxic feud elsewhere? lovetribe administrators, is there any way to block this thread? or must i manually delete these emails?

Region 1

July 28, 2009

Re: [COMMUNITY] Magic Thighs' Comments

Thank you for your comment. I too would like to see our posts return to reflecting the values of love tribe.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: LusciousBlue@LoveTribe.org

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 23:30:27
Subject: Re: [COMMUNITY] Magic Thighs' Comments

Region 1

July 29, 2009


MagicThighs' FIRST comments were uncalled for... and then she posted another attacking message to me?

This is LOVETRIBE.ORG... NOT HateTribe.org MagicThighs.

MagicThighs wrote:
"Oh my god. I was right to think you're an asshole when you first messaged me Marcus. Thanks for confirming my intuition."

First off- I am not an asshole... I'm far from that. I COULD be if one wants me to be or brings it out of me as you're doing, but you haven't had the patience to be KIND, and SWEET and your ENERGY fucking sucks and you don't even deserve to be replying to any of this thread.

And, I was right to think you were a cold-hearted bitch from hell with no compassion, empathy, nor understanding when I only LOOKED at your pic and then when I received the message in an email from you. Thanks back to you for confirming my intuition all along. I'm glad I'm highly intuitive being the Scorpio that I am. Oh and by the way- go fuck yourself.

MagicThighs also wrote:
"You think because you're in your 40's you know everything"

YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT I THINK OR NOT THINK OR WHAT I KNOW OR DON'T KNOW. My cliche is that I know a LOT about a LOT of things, but do not know it all. You have no clue as to who I am, what my actions are, etc. YOU are the type of people that don't even belong on LOVETRIBE.ORG or in LOVETRIBE. You're obviously full of hatred and insecurity. You obviously need to be loved because the people around you are not actually fulfilling your inner needs.

MagicThighs also wrote:
..."and you're an "ancient soul"? Get over yourself."

You have NO IDEA who I am. I feel so sorry for you - you lost child.

MagicThighs also wrote:
"Nobody is special, we're all just here stumbling along in life trying to get by."

Oh really? No one is special is something I agree with, but some of us (if not many of us) DO have special qualities. You're just too ignorant to recognize one's teachings because you refuse to listen and you're not like a sponge. YOU get over yourself bitch!

MagicThighs also wrote:
"You don't know anything about me, or my life experiences, and you judge me by my age?"

You fucking judged me by what I wrote you contradicting bitch!!! Fuck off.

MagicThighs also wrote:
"If you're still hung up on the "Age equals wisdom" thing at 43, you still have a lot to learn."

Right... and I'm not by the way because I already know that a child of the 2x2s has more wisdom than the Pope. If you knew what I was talking about and knew of it by experiencing it, you would agree. Since you don't... you're just as ignorant as most humans.

MagicThighs also wrote:
"You're still a child, everything about you screams that. Self-absorbed, infantile, pathetic."

You are so way off the mark - YOU ARE PATHETIC. I'm far from "self-absorbed" as I'm a GIVER... not a TAKER like you. I'm also far from being infantile and pathetic. Go fuck yourself again and again. You are definitely a diabolical little whore that causes bad energy and brings out the WORST in people. Here I thought that mankind - all of us are supposed to be OPTIMISTIC and your antagonistic behavior proves that you're just a bitch that isn't being pleased the correct way. I feel very sorry for your ass.

MagicThighs also wrote:
"I'm done with you, flame me all you want, but you're an asshole, a drama queen and a total flake."

Your words are funny and absolutely incorrect. You could easily be sued for defamation of character, and you have every right to be. If you decide to flame me again bitch, you'll be reported for harrassment to the authorities whether or not the administrators warn you or not. You obviously don't know what "FLAKE" means. I don't flake out on anyone, I'm definitely NOT a "drama queen" because you don't know my fucking life nor my "drama", turmoil, and me being victimized and all the bullshit that I've gone through... so, again- go fuck yourself.

MagicThighs also wrote:
"I want nothing further to do with you."

Then, shut the fuck up.

To eveyrone else that HAS positive energy... I'm definitely NOT an asshole... and I've proved that again with meeting someone very special this last weekend and I was myself (as I am always) and that person recognized and respected the REAL me... the one that is very loving, respectful, understanding, patient, supportive, empathetic, compassionate, sincere, romantic, gentle, kind and true. If everyone reads MagicThighs' first post to me (which should have never happened), then all of you would know that she was way out of line.

I have no desire to ever hear from your sorry ass again MagicThighs. I'll pray for you.

Region 1

July 29, 2009
So let me summarize what happened here:

Someone asked for help. Marcus says things that are uncalled for. I say it's uncalled for, which it was. He writes a novella, I reply in kind to his novella. And then he goes off again. Yes, moderators, please feel free to delete the past few comments. Apparently when you disagree with certain people this is what happens.

Marcus - Please look up "Defamation of Character". If someone stating an opinion on an internet forum counted, the courts would be full of stupid cases.

Have a nice day!

Region 1

July 29, 2009

One other suggestion Adelbert

For those that are "atheists", "agnostic"... this doesn't apply to you.

Go to God for mankind, not to mankind for mankind.

Meaning, take your problems to God (pray about whatever it is that you need or want and it will be in HIS will if He grants that, not your will). When one takes their problems to mankind, they'll be disappointed everytime. When one thinks that they are not disappointed, then- they're only illusioned by something that seems right or feels right or is in their "gut instinct", but in reality is so far off the mark that it only appears to be working.

Looks are deceiving, and the devil works in ways unimaginable. I would suggesting getting on your knees at bedtime and actually believing in God and praying to God and thanking HIM for what you have (and even what you don't have). This is NOT our life... it's a life that HE has chosen for us and we must do the best we can to please Him.

The mistake gets made when people think that this life is THEIR life. When everyone is in it for themselves, that's the wrong approach. This life is not about what's in it for us, but what we can do for others.

Region 1

July 29, 2009

See- MagicThigs lied.

She wanted nothing more to do with me, she shouldn't have responded.

What irritates me is ignorant people who DON'T get to know me. Many people can tell you what a wonderful man I am and I already know that I am because of my depth and my FEELING. It's NOT arrogance. Because I'm so diverse... into many things across this globe- sports, politics, MUSIC, CULTURE, backgrounds, ethnicities, HISTORY, and can speak a little of 6 languages, I make my friendship with other people, cultures, lifestyles, etc. easy-going and very laid-back.

If anyone has a problem with getting along with me, then- they obviously have some serious issues with themselves.

What also irritates me and angers me is being accused of something that I didn't do, being accused of something I'm not, or someone I'm not... and those that are shallow.

If I was an asshole- or mean for that matter, I could easily defame MagicThighs' name across the internet and message boards, forums and websites, communities, etc. and I guess that would be my "opinion" but in reality a fact in which I won't ever be sued whatsoever? I won't stoop that low to her level.

I forgive MagicThighs for what she said, but she obviously should have never attacked those that offered advice. There ARE professionals on here (two I might add and I was also quite impressed with them) that I only mentioned that they themselves have to have that open ear (be a sponge) so that they can even grow to become better counselors.

Everyone needs to relax and stop attacking of others. The world's already f--ked up and stressed, and this should be a community filled with love, not hatred.

Torria's comments were very professional and respectful. Can anyone raise the bar up to be like her? I would hope so.

Region 1

July 29, 2009
A lot of us here aren't Christian, including me. I'm Pagan and so are a lot of people here.

And you're a really bad example of a Christian. I know some really awesome ones right here on this site. You're just a liar and a weirdo.

You said:
"And, I was right to think you were a cold-hearted bitch from hell with no compassion, empathy, nor understanding when I only LOOKED at your pic and then when I received the message in an email from you. Thanks back to you for confirming my intuition all along. I'm glad I'm highly intuitive being the Scorpio that I am. Oh and by the way- go fuck yourself."

But you contacted me. Here's the proof.

And then when I didn't respond, you wrote back.

I had to tell you I was fat to get you to leave me alone. And now you're going NUTS on a forum. I really do think you might need to get some help.

Region 1

July 29, 2009
"She wanted nothing more to do with me, she shouldn't have responded."

The only reason I responded is because I think you might actually be dangerous to other members of this group. You seem like a very unstable person. In fact, I hope this thread doesn't get deleted so people can see the crazy for themselves.

Region 1

July 29, 2009

I don't judge... no matter what.

You indidate what you THINK is Christianity and it's WORLDLY PEOPLE LIKE YOU are the ones that actually are doing the finger-pointing.

Don't get on this "religion", "religious", or "Christianity" topic. You're obviously Pagan and you don't know anything about being a Christian, as ALL Christians are not perfect (because there was only 1 perfect one, and we're not Him). I was also taught to love the sinner, not the sin. Many of us Christians do sin and don't mean to, don't want to, or we're put in situations - like these for example... that cause us to sin.


Region 1

July 29, 2009
I didn't bring up religion. You did, with the god thing.

I can't stop laughing. You're hilarious. Thanks for the most entertainment I've had all day.

Region 1

July 29, 2009

Re: [COMMUNITY] One other suggestion Adelbert

I would like to most respectfully suggest, nay -- urge -- the "getting
the last word" ballet to consider itself a metaphorical swan song that
has now been sung and thus ... ends.

-- Theresa

Region 1

July 29, 2009

"Religion now"?

"I didn't bring up religion. You did, with the god thing."

I never mentinoed "religion" in the paragraph TO Adelbert... NOT you. See people? She did it again.

She is so far whacked that she needs to be institutionalized and be strapped in her lonely white room for the rest of her life. She obviously needs prayed for.

YOU all decide and make your "judgements" as SHE wants you to do. This continuing "thread" - if that's what you want to call it is NOT a help to Adelbert, and that's what the original post is about... is helping Adelbert. As his former friend, I still love and care about him, but I have also decided to remove myself from toxic friends too.

Everyone should already know that MagicThighs is extremely toxic. It's not a matter on whether I'm unstable or stable, and people don't know survivors or victims can lash out in anger when attacked... and that's what I've done.

She obviously doesn't know my pain and what I've been through, and neither of you. I'm completely IN TUNE with who I am and I DO love myself (as we're supposed to), but I don't love myself to be conceited, arrogant, impatient, and not understanding.

She's just a joke and I hope she continues laughing because she's obvsiously a very, VERY rude person that has no place on this earth and should be wiped off the face of the earth. But, that's not my decision to make and I'll pray for those that have accused me of wrong-doing or accused me of something I said, but didn't, or whatever.

I don't care about what one looks like, as Adelbert and many know that I traveled around the world for love before to be with someone who was larger because I saw the beauty they had on the inside and they know that I'm not shallow.

When in doubt- ask. I'm not afraid to speak my mind, speak the truth, or whatever. I ALWAYS tell the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts... even if people think it's opinionated, and not facts. To each their own, as we all have our own beliefs. I don't believe in "religion", "religious", or those that have not experienced the 2x2s (the Truth, or the Way) because they have no meaning and no bearing on what they say or do because they haven't gone down that route. If they have and then they complained, then they would never even begin to argue. So much for power of positive thinking and believing in people that they are good... she's not.

Region 1

July 29, 2009

"Religion now"?

"I didn't bring up religion. You did, with the god thing."

I never mentinoed "religion" in the paragraph TO Adelbert... NOT you. See people? She did it again.

She is so far whacked that she needs to be institutionalized and be strapped in her lonely white room for the rest of her life. She obviously needs prayed for.

YOU all decide and make your "judgements" as SHE wants you to do. This continuing "thread" - if that's what you want to call it is NOT a help to Adelbert, and that's what the original post is about... is helping Adelbert. As his former friend, I still love and care about him, but I have also decided to remove myself from toxic friends too.

Everyone should already know that MagicThighs is extremely toxic. It's not a matter on whether I'm unstable or stable, and people don't know survivors or victims can lash out in anger when attacked... and that's what I've done.

She obviously doesn't know my pain and what I've been through, and neither of you. I'm completely IN TUNE with who I am and I DO love myself (as we're supposed to), but I don't love myself to be conceited, arrogant, impatient, and not understanding.

She's just a joke and I hope she continues laughing because she's obvsiously a very, VERY rude person that has no place on this earth and should be wiped off the face of the earth. But, that's not my decision to make and I'll pray for those that have accused me of wrong-doing or accused me of something I said, but didn't, or whatever.

I don't care about what one looks like, as Adelbert and many know that I traveled around the world for love before to be with someone who was larger because I saw the beauty they had on the inside and they know that I'm not shallow.

When in doubt- ask. I'm not afraid to speak my mind, speak the truth, or whatever. I ALWAYS tell the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts... even if people think it's opinionated, and not facts. To each their own, as we all have our own beliefs. I don't believe in "religion", "religious", or those that have not experienced the 2x2s (the Truth, or the Way) because they have no meaning and no bearing on what they say or do because they haven't gone down that route. If they have and then they complained, then they would never even begin to argue. So much for power of positive thinking and believing in people that they are good... she's not.

Region 1

July 29, 2009
Since you've now said I should die for disagreeing with you, that constitutes a threat on my life, and I will be reporting you.

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COMMENT BY: MagicThighs
  To LOCAL Region 1

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