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Well everyone...this is my feeble attempt to a homepage. As soon as I figure out more computer junk I'll add tons more stuff to it. But for now....I guess I can describe myself to those who didn't want to waste time in looking up my picture. My name is Ashley, I'm 18 years old and I am from the great state of Utah, but now I live in the rad state of California. I moved there just this past August to be a member of this great performance group called the Young Americans. It is a non profit organization that goes all over the country and sometimes the world singing and dancing. It's lots of work but oh so worth it*s*. I have blonde hair and really wicked eyes that change color, but for the most part they are brown right around my pupil and green surrounding that. I'm 5'8" and built like a brick wall*L* j/k. I'm a total outdoorsy kindof person and I have 1 cat, 2 dogs, and 2 horses. That's enough...I'll shut up now...thanks for giving pitiful me a chance! But if any of y'all can help me with a new page cuz mine really sucks...please let me know!!!!!! Or maybe you could just make it for me *puppy dog eyes* *L*. I suck at computers. LATER!!

The Links Thingy

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
TERDS R US! it's pretty spiffy
ugh....a couple old pictures of cute little danger girl.......ugh
Danger Girl's Funktified Dictionary
Some awesome pics of my home state
