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What is Universal Truth?

My life is a constant searching for knowledge and understanding, and also spiritual growth and expanding my vision. To understand my definition of Universal Truth, you must first see where I am coming from. I am a student of philosophy and social work. I read alot of metaphysics, and am studying ACIM (A Course in Miracles.)I have been involved for five years in a program called "Impact Trainings" which has provided for me a place to experience my spirit, open my eyes, and remember who I am and accept my divine purpose here. I am also constantly inspired by the people around me (whether they like it or not) thier actions and reactions, thier lives, and our relationships are constantly being analyzed by my mercury-ruled-mind. The purpose in sharing my infulences is synchronicity. For example...when the same ideas shows up in ancient greek philosophy, in modern-day organized religons, in my personal experiences, and in relationships all around me, I consider it to be a natural ruling principle of existance.... a Universal Truth. I believe there are infinite truths and when we are in harmony with them, we have inner peace. When we as One have inner peace then we will have transcended. These truths dont have to show up necissarily in the way that I mentioned, nor do they have to be BIG. These are all UNIVERSAL ideas, so I know they will be familiar and simple to most, but it is recognizing how it all fits together.. how we all fit together.. that is the big picture.

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