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The Frightening Aspects of Aurianna Silver

No, I'm not actually that scary, you just might not to know all the weird details of my life. But you followed the link, so it's your choice. *grin*

I suppose, like everyone else, I should get into the real details. Well, *shudder* I might as well.

As far as appearancers go, this is what I look like:

Hair - Brown-blond curly hair that is gradually getting darker as I get older. Now it seems more like light brown with streaks of blond. Odd, is it not?

Eyes - Now this is my favorite aspect of myself. I have dark green eyes with flecks of brown. When I look at them, I think of huge green pine forests. *shrugs*

Height - I'm 5'6

WARNING: The following contains completely random and useless facts about me. Continue AT YOUR OWN RISK. =)

I have written poetry since the end of 4th grade when I first had my heart broken. Sappy, isn't it?

I love soccer.... Soccer soccer soccer! It is the awesomest sport on earth, not to mention the most popular in the world (take that you football phreaks!)

My record in the past year or so for the longest period of liking a guy is 5 days. But then, they never know, so nobody gets hurt except me! (ah, to "soar on the wings of anticipation" (Anne of Green Gables) and then to be bashed back down with a metaphoric sledge hammer. But that's life.)

I hate pop music. Well, not all pop music, but I mean, c'mon people! There's more to life then singing songs about the opposite gender while dancing arond with 10 other people trying to look cool on MTV. Sheesh! I miss alternative!!! *breaks down and cries, reminiscing about the good old days of the Cranberries (which just so happens to be my favorite band of all time!)*

I love the cranberries more then any other band on earth.

I don't mind being repetative AND redundant (take that Adam G!).

I wear my Doc Martins more than my tennis shoes, and love them 10 times more, despite the fact I now wish I had gotten the boot kind.

I love baggy jeans of every shape and kind, and am perfectly happy wearing them to school every day, despite the fact I live in the horrible humidity of Louisiana.

I hate prejudice in all forms; and yes, all you phreaks at my school, that includes the whole skank/prep crap you guys never shut up about!

I hate the fact that adolescent society can and will judge you by threads sewn together that you wear on your body so you don't get killed by the elements or incredibly embarrassed. Amazing, the mentality of people my age....

I was born in Oklahoma and have never seen or listened to the entire musical.

I love musicals.

I like to be oxy-moronic (yes, I made up the word... so what?)

My favorite oxy-moron of all time is "Microsoft Works" (although I do *SO* prefer Word)

I play volleyball, but I will never stop loving soccer.

I play guitar and love it.

I have played a bit of violin, but didn't like it too much because I couldn't move at my own pace (learning in classes really bites sometimes!).

I love thunderstorms, but I hate having to turn my computer off.

My parents worry about the time I spend online.

I guess they have an excuse since I tend to rant a lot about the evils of society, middle school, and life in general.

I'm really not a depressed maniac, but I wonder what it would be like if I was.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (AKA Mormon).

I hate religious prejudice.

"Kindred spirits aren't as rare as I used to think." --Anne of Green Gables

"Ah, but what do we live for? To make sport for our neigbors, and laugh at them in our turn." -- Mr. Bennet, from Pride and Prejudice

I love nifty spiffy quotes.

I can never stop reading books... Well, that's an understatement, but I love books! Especially fantasy... No, not sci-fi (although that's OK), FANTASY GOSH DARN IT!

I find it odd that people include sci-fi, horror, and fantasy all in one genre. Haven't those people actually *READ*?

I love Ewan McGreggor (Obi Wan Kenobi from The Phantom Menace , and think he is soooooo amazingly fine! But, try as I might, he just doesn't work as an Emerim. Dang it! I'll never find the perfect face for my characters!

For those of you who are wondering, I am not schitzophrentic and never have been (although I love to pretend I am online). I was simply referring to characters from my novel-in-progress, The Tess Trilogy. (the random fact ^^^^)

I don't appreciate certain theats (OK, first I'll be bitten by Yoric, and now I'll be poisoned by a certain drunk's (yes, you Falc...) breath!) from certain RP members at the Steelsing's Site, but I'm beginning to be resigned to my fate...

Loreena McKennitt has recently become one of my fav musicians (darn, I know I spelled that wrong, but..) and will most likely keep that position. I mean, who can listen to "Mummer's Dance" without falling in love with the music? Not to mention "The Highwayman" (awesome poem by Alfred Noyes!), "Standing Stones", and "Annachie Gordon", which are so amazingly wonderful... Oh, wait, I forgot... Most people's tastes have been poluted by country and pop! *gag* Ah well, I'm resigned to that fate too.

My ICQ number is 37399024, and I'm probably online and bored out of my wits. *hint hint*

I'm slowly learning to play classical guitar.... notice the word "slowly"

I meant to make this page in the summer of '98, but didn't actually get right down to it until school started. Sheesh, sometimes I do too much for my own good (just don't tell my family I admited that, whatever you do!)

I wish, I really do, that I could paint and draw worth a flip, but I've never spent time developing what little talent I might have there, so it's a hopeless cause.

I love awesome fantasy pictures, especially ones that are of scenes in JRR Tolkien books.

I aspire to be a famous musician someday, but I'm not too dedicated to that end... It would just be nice to actually have a band, play a gig or two, and have fun jamming on my guitar with my songs.

I hate it when you love something, and when you move on to greener pastures, you can't quite get back into that something. *thinks of Tamora Pierce books*

I dream of someday having my fantasy story (among others that I've been thinking about) published. I think that's more likely than being famous for my music. After all, it would be rather frustrating dealing with people on MTV who feel they have to cuss in every sentence...

(this was created on June 16, 1999, and was last added to on June 18, 1999)