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Primeval power,
Glowing, menacing, untamed.
Throwing out rivers,
Of liquid fire, flowing rock.
A forge lit and alive,
Since the dawn of time.
Feel the heat,
Smell the power.

Ash in the air,
Blotting out the sun,
Your core glows,
Bubbling and frothing.
White-hot soup of destruction,
Fire tigers ready to kill.
Feel the heat,
Smell the power.

Gases growl internally,
Trying to find freedom,
Bursting forth in fiery exaltation,
Roaring hot breath,
Hunting for combustible prey,
The hottest of pursuits.
Feel the heat,
Smell the power.

Chemistry in conflict,
Cacophonic competition,
Wild voices in the night,
Slowly settling, calmly quietening,
Almost exhausted,
A dormant tiger ready to pounce.
Feel the heat,
Smell the power.