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Nervous, uncertain beginning.
Eyes shifting endlessly,
Peering at a strange, new world.
Fear at the foreignness,
Bedlam of tongues, tastes and smells,
A false Judgement Day.

They had to come, departure from despair,
From poverty the predator,
Hunting hope, freedom and life.
Touching every home, daubing the posts and lintels,
A dark visitor inviting,
The Angel of Death.

This Angel kissed many, ending their misery,
Washing away their wanton waste,
Children with empty eyes, empty bellies, empty hearts.
But a voice said, "Look,
Scan the horizon",
And a ship sailed into view.


Jaunty dockyard cousin, sneaking human cargo,
Hoping to be remembered when the dollars roll in.
Four bundles, two like sticks,
And two bundles hungry,
Milky mouths, wide eyes,
Tired cries, long sighs.

The sky moved, the dragon roared,
A monster lowed and smoked,
Rolling out into the blue.
Wheeling gulls called a forlorn farewell.
They rolled for days, cradled under canvas,
Nausea and nightmares, sickly, salty air.

Passing blues, and greens and greys,
An undulating world, blowing, boiling, bubbling,
Wind wildly racing.
Cooling, clearing, crying.
Endless hours a-passing, treading the waves,
Until the rock is spied.


There she is, the lady.
The lady on the rock, torch held aloft,
Blessing those on board.
A beacon for the brave.
They stare as others stared, at the firm face,
Of freedom, justice, truth and hope.

Docking. Weary exit, tired feet on good ground.
Lives wrapped in cardboard cases,
Queuing for a future, the line stretches into oblivion.
Nervous, uncertain beginning.
Eyes shifting endlessly,
Peering at the strange, new world.

Then he speaks, the man,
Loud and clear and easy,
An age-old greeting, or a warm welcome,
To America. America!
"Hey Mac, get yourselves some coffee 'n' doughnuts already!"
Welcome to the Promised Land.