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My Hero

I remember..
waking from some dreamless sleep,
and I was in your arms,
I was in your arms.

I remember..
the sweet smell of your flesh,
the scent that was totally your own.
It is all I have left,
it's all I have left.

I remember the beauty of your skin,
the skin of the earth.
The brown skin that was just a little darker
than my own.
It was just a little darker than my own.

I remember your hair,
I would twine my fingers in the inky
darkness of your hair.
Hair so long, that I could have hidden behind it.
I should have hidden there and never came out.
I wish I could have never came out.

I remember you asking me to tell my mother
that you loved her,
you wanted me to ask her to come back to you.
She never did,
she never did.

I remember my mother telling me you were a drunk,
she said you drank to drown out the voices,
the voices of your grandmothers crying inside you.
All i remember of you that you were my hero,
you were just my hero.

I remember that one day,
you were no longer around..
and I missed you,
ohhh how I have missed you.

Daddy...look at me!!
I'm all grown up now...
and did I tell you...
I saw you the other day,
in the store,
I turned around and there you were.

Daddy, you looked right at me,
you looked right at me,
with those eyes that are my own.
and you didn't even recognize me,
you didnt even recognize me.

I still didn't get the chance to tell you,
I wish I had the guts to tell you,
that you were always my hero,
no matter what,
you have always been my hero.
