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Common Sense II - Rebuttal to a Reptile in Human Clothing

This Treatise is called "More Common Sense" in memory of Thomas Paine when he tried to explain the facts of life to the colonists prior to the Revolutionary War.

This letter is in rebuttal to the one Dr. Richard Boylan gave to a female abductee in a recent Contact Forum letter. Boylan's letter was a classic example of a reptilian propagandist and apologist's lame efforts to justify evil perpetrated upon an innocent person.

My name is James Bartley and I am a close associate and colleague of Barbara Bartholic of Tulsa Oklahoma. Barbara is the most knowledgeable Reptilian researcher on this planet. There is no one on this planet who knows more about the Alien Abduction phenomena than Ms. Bartholic. She has worked with over seven hundred abductees over a span of two decades. I also work closely with Eve Frances Lorgen of San Diego county, California who is also a protege of Ms. Bartholic. I am an abductee myself and speak from the standpoint of Wisdom, which is knowledge gained through experience. I'm not interested in endless conjecture and speculation.

It IS About Spiritual Warfare

I have the maturity to recognize that what we are involved with is spiritual warfare on a cosmic multi-dimensional scale. The reader simply must be aware that the first line of defense for the dark gods is the so-called UFO research community itself. There is nothing simpler than activating the ego of the so- called UFO researcher. It has long been a part of their Modus Operandi. Richard Boylan, Steven Greer and the rest of the Muppet Show are classic examples of manipulated and programmed Muppets who have had their puny egos activated and who have been sent out into the world to impose their wills upon abductees and "experiencers" who are still seeking the approval of others.

Boylan used the usual canned responses in his absurd letter. Namely: 1) The ludicrous notion that the woman was merely suffering from spiritual retardation and was mentally incapable of understanding the "benevolent" nature of the horrific and unwanted experimentation that was being conducted on her.

Witnesses to the Alien Lies

Right now Barbie and I are working with a woman who is literally having her nerve tissues harvested by the aliens. They are replacing her nerve endings with alien nerve endings and are plying this woman with chemicals to promote the growth of the alien nerve tissue.

This woman is eminently qualified to discuss what is happening to her. She is an Electron Microscopist and has spent over ten years working in Tissue Culture Research and Dermatology. She has worked for 23 years in Cancer Research.

This woman is in constant pain and has contemplated suicide on a number of occasions. What has happened to her has absolutely nothing to do with spiritual evolution.

We have also worked with countless women who have suffered painful and bloody hemorrhages, sometimes lasting for days, after the "benevolent ET" doctors had made an unwanted housecall. What, the discerning human must ask, does profuse and painful bleeding have to do with "spiritual evolution." Whatever sophistry of reasoning Boylan uses to justify all of this just gives the reader an excellent opportunity to study the language of a Perpetrator.

Blame it all on Human Military/Industrialists

The second familiar excuse Boylan uses is to heap all of the blame upon "the Global Industrialist and Militarist." This is one of the most insidious methods the dark side is using against the human race.

One of the main planks of the Reptilian Agenda has been to heap all of the blame upon the apparent humans who are merely the errand boys of the reptilian overlords of this world. I say "apparent" because many of the "Illuminated" members of the human race are actually high ranking Adepts, well versed in the Black Arts.

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

The New Age La-Dee-Dahs claim that there is no such thing as Evil or Demons, which makes these same New Age La-Dee-Dahs the butt of endless jokes by Witches, Warlocks and Satanists throughout the world because the latter derive their power from demonic entities. An Adept who invokes the power of the dark side and conjures up malevolent non-human entities know more about the paranormal in general and about UFO's in particular than the densest UFO researcher will ever know.

Blame Game Creates More Human Conflict

By constantly blaming "the military" and the "globalist industrialist" the reptilian propagandists condition the abductees into believing that ALL human institutions are bad and that the only hope one has to reach the chimerical ": next level of consciousness, evolution, vibratory frequency" et al is to look to the skies towards the same dark gods who are responsible for their current state of spiritual enslavement.

Never mind that for the most part these "Globalist and Militarist" are part of the same old fraternal orders which worship the patriarchal serpent gods and in many cases are Hosts for Reptilian entities themselves. (We know people who can actually SEE the reptilian image superimposed upon the features of apparent "people" whether the latter are in public or on CSPAN. Some of them can also "sniff out" shape shifting reptilians because they simply don't smell the way normal humans do. I can feel negative reptilian energy when it's in my presence and I can tell you that Boylan has abusive and nauseating reptilian energy in god-awful abundance)

Indwelling Reptilian Beings in Humans or Hosts

These hosts and their fellow travelers operate as a Fifth Column here on Earth to set the stage for the return of the Dark Reptilian Gods. The so-called UFO Research Community is awash with these "Muppets." Even I have to laugh at the irony of it: Literal hosts for reptilian entities facilitating abductee support groups, lecturing at so called "UFO Conferences" and speaking on the Art Bell Show. This is so because of the long term genetic and soul.matrix manipulation of the human race.

At a recent conference in San Diego an abductee was regressed "live" in front of all the other conferees in a closed session. When her memory of a benevolent childhood ET encounter transformed into a frightening encounter with a claw-handed reptilian, Boylan asked her after the regression if she had heard "the sound of helicopters" prior to the encounter.

The implication of his question is apparent to anyone who can still think: It wasn't nasty and harmful ET's abducting the was "the military in their helicopters."

First of all, I have no beef against mind controlled and perhaps cloned out military security thugs. (They do exist. Ask survivors of Hurricane Andrew in the horrific devastation) It's questionable whether the latter even have souls as we have come to know them.

Infestation of Reptilian Astral Pod-like Entities

Another irony about that conference was that the individual at the situation desk at the register was a Host for a Reptilian Entity. This particular entity is summoned by her "Spirit Guides" to visit Sedona Arizona at intervals throughout the calendar year to take part in "Rebirthing Exercises."

During one of these exercises reptilian astral pods (very dark smoky reptilian shaped astral entities) were seen by numerous witnesses to enter and exit the abdomen of the host whilst the latter growled and hissed as if in a state of possession. The host was merely being "re-infested" and this is done at intervals. This host has all the facial and physical characteristics that mark it as a reptilian hybrid and yet to the unsuspecting "contactee" or "experiencer" she merely comes off as a ditzy New Age La Dee Dah.

This entity has facilitated a number of support groups in the southwest and has left scores of psychologically and physically wrecked "contactees" in its wake over the years. (There are harmful side effects from being in too close proximity to a reptilian host over an extended period of time. The reptilian energy/essence, which oozes out of these containers, seeks to enter through holes in our light body and will eventually corrupt us from within if we hang around them for too long.

An Occult Connection

It may seem somewhat paradoxical that Sedona Arizona is a "New Age Mecca" when at the same time it is a major hub of Satanic Ritual Activity. Also places like Salt Lake City. (Black magicians who have defected from the craft have stated this) There is also a large underground reptilian base beneath Boynton Canyon where much work is done jointly by the ET's and their human military vassals because the entire region is a dimensional vortex area which explains why there is so much Satanic Ritual Activity there. There is a FUNDAMENTAL CONNECTION BETWEEN THE OCCULT AND THE UFO PHENOMENON. THATS IT, PERIOD.

Now, back to the "globalist and industrialist." Mind controlled security thugs are not the problem and anyone with the proper amount of maturity will understand that. And I speak as an authority on the subject because *I've been run off the highway by them, dosed with powerful infections by them, dosed with powerful drugs by them etc, etc, etc. My beef is not against the human vassals of the dark gods. My beef is against the dark gods themselves. I'm not interested in the third team.

Time and again abductees accept at face value what is presented to them. If they "see" men in military attire, they automatically assume that what they are looking at are human beings when in some cases the latter have proven to be shape shifting reptilians. Unlike the surface world, sensitive information is not limited to levels of classification or "Need to Know" but rather to Levels of Awareness.

All that is required of a mind controlled security thug is to apply muscle when needed. It doesn't have the luxury of Independent Thought. It is a tragic mistake for abductees to assume that the "Military" is responsible for high level policy making in the underground bases. The latter presupposes that humans are in charge and that the human/non-human interaction is a relatively new phenomenon, which it is most certainly not. The interaction between human and non-human intelligences has an Occult basis and was thousands if not millions of years in the making.

Who Benefits From This New Social Movement?

The discerning abductee must ask the question: Who benefits by making abductees believe that everything negative about the UFO subject is due to the Military? Why, the "Benevolent ET's" of course. At this point the abductee should be asking, "Why does Boylan and Greer and the rest of the Muppet Show hate the human race so much? (Greer says people who call themselves "abductees" have an inferiority complex and just want people to feel sorry for them) More to the point, why do these Muppets want Humans in general and abductees in particular to fear and to loathe "the Military?" Again, who or what stands to benefit by this? Who indeed.

Apocalyptic Disaster Scenes

Yet another phony apology the reptilian apologists come up with is "how mankind is responsible for ruining the ecology of the planet." It is very common for abductees to be shown horrific scenes of climactic and ecological catastrophes in holographic or virtual reality scenarios sometimes to the point where the abductee breaks down in tears.

Question to all of the experiencers out there who have been shown these types of visions: Why are they trying to lay this ecological guilt trip on you? Were you responsible for running the Exxon Valdez aground in Alaska and spewing millions of barrels of crude oil into the ocean? Were you responsible for setting the oil rigs on fire in Kuwait or releasing all that oil in the Persian Gulf? Then why do you allow this very basic psychological warfare strategy to work on you to the point where you start crusading against the human race for "our collective mismanagement of this planet" instead of the aliens who are experts in weather weaponry?