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{The report interviews several medical doctors who did autopsies on ET bodies from UFO crash sites... who indicate that the majority of the "grey" type alien entities actually possess a REPTIL/SAURIAN genetic base}

ET had large heads and were around 4 ft tall. They have small noses and mouths with no ears or hair. The ET photo that I have was taken by an ET, and has an eye diameter of an inch. He has his left hand raised in a salute. That hand has 4 fingers on it with one finger twice as long as either outside finger. The photo was taken at a range of 3ft from the waist up. Brain capacity is 1800 cc versus 1300 cc for the average human. The skin is grey or ashen and under the microscope appears meshlike. This meshlike appearance gives it the reptilian texture of granular skinned lizards like iguana or chameleon. There was a colorless liquid in the body without red cells, no lymphocytes, no hemoglobin. There was no digestive system, intestinal, alimentary canal, or rectal area in the ET autopsy.

CASE #17
From: "THE TRUTH ABOUT UFO'S", video by Brad Stieger

"In the late 1960's I presented my hypothesis that the reason why the most frequently reported UFOnauts resemble REPTILIAN or AMPHIBIAN humanoids may be because that is exactly what they are, highly evolved members of a serpentine or semi- aquatic species. A provocative theory is that the dinosaurs didn't really vanish, they 'evolved' into a humanoid creature that eventually ran it's course, or was destroyed in an Atlantis- type catastrophe (i.e. such as the Great Deluge - Although Steiger and others may hold to an 'evolutionary' hypothesis, this may not necessarily be the case, especially when the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and the laws of entropy are brought to bear. Instead of 'evolving' from a far less complex form, it is in fact far more likely that the serpent race MUTATED via atrophication, natural selection, environmental adaptation, survival of the fittest and most intelligent, and possibly a bit of superficial molecular shape-shifting IF as some believe regressive supernatural entities have been involved in guiding the 'evolution' of the 'serpent race' down through history... into it's various known and unknown branches, from a complex bi-pedal single species which originally inhabited the earth in ancient times - Branton). "...I had developed this hypothesis considerably," Steiger continues, " I was delighted when I received word that Dale Russell and Ron Seguen of Canada's 'National Museum of Natural Sciences' of Ottawa, had fashioned a model of a humanoid dinosaur using Stenonychosaurus and Equallus as their inspiration. Stenonychosaurus, according to Russell, had a rather large brain and eyes with over-lapping visual fields. The 90 pound dinosaur also walked on two legs, and it appears to have had a particularly OPPOSABLE THUMB on it's three-clawed hand. The result of such scientific speculation was an astonishingly human- like creature that Russell terms a 'Dinosauroid'. The creature stands four-and-a-half feet tall, has a large, domed head, green skin, and yellow reptilian eyes. It should probably have had ears, Russell conceded, but the effect would have made it appear too human. As it is, the dinosaur on display at Canada's "National Museum of Natural Sciences" almost exactly fits the descriptions of UFOnauts provided by THOUSANDS of men and women throughout the planet who have reported close encounters..."

From: "THE UFO ABDUCTORS", by Brad Stieger (1988., Berkley Books., N.Y.), pp 5-6:

"...In the greatest number of alien encounters, the UFOnauts were described as standing about five feet tall and dressed in one-piece, tight-fitting jumpsuits. Their skin was gray, or grayish-green, and hairless. Their faces were dominated by large eyes, VERY OFTEN WITH SNAKELIKE, SLIT PUPILS. They had no discernible lips, just straight lines for mouths. They seldom were described as having noses, just little snubs if at all; but usually the witnesses saw only nostrils nearly flush against the smooth face. Sometimes a percipient mentioned pointed ears but on many occasions commented on the absence of noticeable ears on the large, round head. And, REPEATEDLY, WITNESSES DESCRIBED AN INSIGNIA OF A FLYING SERPENT ON A SHOULDER PATCH, A BADGE, A MEDALLION, OR A HELMET."

From: The "NEVADA AERIAL RESEARCH JOURNAL" for Summer, 1989. Re-print a UPI news item which appeared in a Berkley, California newspaper:

"Dale Russell, curator of fossil vertebrates at the National Museums of Canada in Ottawa, has developed a theory that intelligent life forms could have developed from the large reptiles that roamed the earth (in ancient times).

"Russell calls his imaginary creature a 'Dinosauroid' which would look like a hairless, green-skinned reptile with a bulging skull, luminous cat-like eyes and three-fingered hands...

"The amphibians evolved into a humanoid species that eventually developed a culture that ran its course or was destroyed in an Atlantis-like catastrophe--just after they had begun exploring extraterrestrial frontiers. Certain UFOnauts, then, may be the descendants of the survivors of that amphibian culture RETURNING from their space colony to monitor the present dominant species on the HOME planet."

From: A review of the 4-part documentary 'DINOSAUR', hosted by Walter Cronkite, by columnist David Norman:

"...The series finishes with an unusual flourish. In 1982 Dr.Dale Russel of the Royal Museum of Canada, Ottawa indulged in a half-serious thought experiment. He had described a small, HIGHLY PREDATORY, nimble troodont dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous, STENONYCHOSAURUS, which had AN UNUSUALLY LARGE BRAIN, large stereoscopic eyes, and grasping hands. He speculated about what might have happened to such dinosaurs if they had not become extinct. His answer was the 'dinosauroid' - a three-clawed, three-toed, large-brained, UPRIGHT, and TAILLESS dinosaur."

Norman also described the almost human-like quality of the hand of one particular saurian branch, the Iquanodon:

"...The flexible fifth finger moves a bit like a human thumb for grasping objects, while the middle three fingers are capable of little flexure. The large, stiletto-like thumb spike of Iguanodon would have been a devastating weapon. The sharp spike, coupled with the strength of the forelimb, could have punctured the toughest skin."

From: Testimonial of police officer/patrolman Herb Shermer, in regards to his description of alien creatures which he swore he encountered during an abduction experience outside of Ashland, Nebraska, shortly after midnight on December 3rd, 1967:

"They were from 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. Their uniforms were silver-gray, very shiny. Their suits came up around their heads like a pilot's cap. On the right side of their helmet's they had a small antenna, just above where the ear would be. Their chests were bigger than ours, they were built very wiry and muscular. Their eyes were the one thing I will never forget... THE PUPIL WENT UP AND DOWN LIKE A SLIT. When they looked at me they stared straight into my eyes. They didn't blink. It was REAL uncomfortable. Their noses were flat, their mouths looked more like a slit than a regular mouth..."

From: QUEST INTERNATIONAL (c/o 15, Pichard Court., Temple Newsam., Leeds, L515 9AY., ENGLAND U.K.) -- a major British UFO research organization consisting mainly of retired Police, Security and Military personnel, and its investigation of what may well be the most documentable case of the crash-retrieval of an unidentified flying disk to date:

On the 7th of May, 1989, NORAD installations allegedly tracked an unidentified object as it entered African air-space. The South African Air Force is also said to have tracked the craft by radar, traveling at a calculated speed of 5746 nautical miles per hour. The incident was related by a South African Intelligence Worker, who along with documentation of his military position, also sent documents and transcripts to two QUEST INTERNATIONAL investigators, Tony Dodd and Henry Azadehdel, telling of the event. Also, several RECORDED telephone conversations with high-ranking military and government officials were obtained which strongly suggest that "something" did in fact happen over South African terrain. Some of these recorded conversations involved military officials in South Africa who strongly reprimanding the intelligence worker-turned-informer over the phone. This was due to the fact that the informer had left South Africa for Britain, where he stayed at the house of the researchers, and then later went into hiding.

QUEST INTERNATIONAL director Graham W. Birdsall has stated that the documentation and the individuals involved in the incident are of such a nature that the event must have taken place, or the International Intelligence Community is collectively perpetrating a hoax concerning a recovered flying disk. Birdsall strongly suspects that the incidents did take place, due to the weight of evidence. Following is part of a word-for-word transcript given to the researchers by the informant, describing what he alleged to be the actual top secret report of the initial tracking of the object:

"...The object entered South African air space at 13.52 GMT. Radio contact was attempted with object, but all communications proved futile. As a result two armed Mirage fighters were scrambled. A short time later the object suddenly changed course at great speed which would have been impossible for conventional aircraft to duplicate.

"At 13.59 GMT, Squadron Leader ----- the pilot of the fighter reported that they had radar and visual confirmation of the object. The order was given to arm and fire the experimental aircraft-mounted Thor 2 laser cannon. This was done.

"Squadron leader ----- reported that several blinding flashes emitted from the object which had started wavering whilst heading in a northerly direction. At 14.02 is was reported that the object was decreasing altitude at a rate of 3000 feet per minute. Then at speed it dived at an angle of 25 degrees and impacted in desert terrain 80 miles north of the South African border with Botswana, identified as the central Kalahari desert. Squadron leader ----- was instructed to circle the area until a retrieval team arrived. A team of Air Force Intelligence Officers, together with medical and technical staff were promptly taken to the area of impact for Investigation and retrieval. The findings were as follows:

1) a crater 150 meters in diameter and 12 meters in depth.

2) A silver coloured disk shaped object 45 degrees embedded inside of crater.

3) Around the object sand and rocks were fused together by the intense heat.

4) An intense magnetic and radio-active environment around the object resulted in electronic failure of air force equipment (causing the crash of one Air Force helicopter).

5) The object was eventually moved to an Air Force Base for further investigation.

6) The terrain of impact was filled with sand and rubble to disguise all evidence of the event having taken place..."

The report indicated that a hydraulic type landing gear was fully deployed, suggesting that electronic malfunction had caused the object to crash, probably due to the Thor 2 laser cannon having been fired at the craft. While the team observed the object at the Air Force Base a loud sound was heard. It was then noted that a hatch on the lower side of the craft had opened slightly and appeared to be stuck. This opening was later forced with the use of hydraulic pressure equipment, at which point two humanoid entities in tight fitting grey suits emerged and were promptly apprehended. The report stated that the entities were of the following description (emphasis ours - Branton):

"HEIGHT: 4-5.5 ft.; COMPLEXION: Greyish blue - skin texture smooth, extremely resilient; HAIR: Totally devoid of any bodily hair; HEAD: Oversize in relation to human proportions. Raised cranium with dark blue markings around head; FACE: Prominent cheek bones; EYES: Large and slanted upwards towards side of face. No pupils seen; NOSE: Small consisting of two nostrils; MOUTH: Small slit devoid of lips; JAW: Small in relation to human proportions; BODY/ARMS: Long and thin reaching just above knees; HANDS: CONSISTING OF 3 DIGITS, WEBBED, CLAW-LIKE NAILS; TORSO: CHEST AND ABDOMEN COVERED WITH SCALY RIBBED SKIN; HIPS: Small narrow; LEGS: Short and thin; GENITALS: NO EXTERIOR sexual organs; FEET: CONSISTING OF THREE TOES, NO NAILS AND WEBBED. NOTES: Due to AGGRESSIVE NATURE of humanoids, no samples of blood or tissue could be taken (One humanoid ATTACKED DOCTOR causing DEEP SCRATCHES ON FACE AND CHEST). When offered various food, refused to eat... One way passage has been requested for both humanoids to Wright Patterson Air Force Base USA for more advanced investigation and research..."

Many of the details regarding these "humanoids" are actually very similar to other branches of the reptilian race as it has been described by other witnesses. It appears as if the serpent race is composed of several different branches or types, much the same as dogs or other animals retain their distinction but are composed of several different "breeds". Commonly known reptiles are devoid of bodily hair, have prominent cheek bones, large slanted eyes, small openings in place of ears, 3-digit webbed hands and feet -- except in the case of snakes etc. which lost their limbs through atrophication over 1000's of years -- have claws, are covered with "scaly" ribbed skin, and have no external reproductive organs, being egg-layers, and are aggressive and predatory in nature.

The top-secret document indicated that the passage of the object and creatures would be implemented on the 23rd of June, 1989 to Wright Patterson AFB. Actually, sources DO indicate that Wright Patterson DID IN FACT GO ON RED ALERT on that date. Subsequent documents supplied by the Intelligence source to Q.I. indicate that the creatures seemed to have a strong connection with the SAURIAN race which existed in ancient times. The exact wording of one particular document which is now in the hands of QUEST INTERNATIONAL is as follows:

"All informations found aboard alien spacecraft concerning the evolution of alien life forms indicates to an evolution similar to that which we find on Earth PRIOR TO THE EXTINCTION OF THE DINOSAURS... (the findings indicate) a high degree of adaptability. Further physiological and psychological studies performed in South Africa and in the United States points to a simple and complex structure of behavior. It would seem as if these lifeforms CAN NOT FUNCTION INDEPENDENTLY WITHOUT GROUP INTELLIGENCE AND IDENTITY TOGETHER WITH A CENTRAL COMMAND. According to additional informations found aboard retrieved craft a separate race is designated superior by them. CONCLUSION: An in-depth study and analysis of the psychological make-up and behavior prediction is advised. Studies performed on two alien life forms captured has proven that they cannot act independently from own acquired intelligence without access to communication, orders and instructions from a hierarchy or central command..."

Three different aspects of the South African affair in fact coincide very closely with what other sources have revealed concerning these reptil-saurian "alien" creatures: 1) the "saurian grays" are the lower echelon of a hidden reptilian hierarchy... the other or "superior" race that is considered to be superior is a bipedal reptilian-saurian species as well, although they are a different and taller "branch" of the serpent race; 2)the serpent race - saurians - reptilians operate on a "collective consciousness" level as if the individual alien beings are -- to put it in one perspective -- individual "cells" in an immense hive-like mind, or "body" of a single immense creature. Actually there seems to be a COMBINATION of both individuality AS WELL AS "collective" or "group" consciousness operating within these entities. 3) The description of the "aliens" as well as the electromagnetic nature of their craft corresponds exactly with descriptions given in HUNDREDS of separate reports of this nature.

The Intelligence Officer who contacted QUEST INTERNATIONAL and provided them with the information, claims he did so out of concern for the security of the human race as a whole, and although he was pressured into signing a 'National Secrecy Act' form he believes that he would be guilty of treason against the human race if he did not disclose what he knew, and what the governments were trying to hide.


"...Lew Tery, who has recently relocated to Utah, was the foremost local proponent of geomagnetic vortex/UFO connection theory. Lew was instrumental in the discovery of underground tunnel networks in the Las Vegas area, one of them being between the base of Boulder Dam and Jumbo Peak, where there are two mines whose owners view 200' diameter disks on a frequent basis. At one point, Lew offered to set up an interview with these miners. Alas, Mr. Tery is not to be found.

"A local Henderson resident, who shall remain nameless, has been into inner earth research for years. This person has been hounded and chased due to intimate knowledge of inner earth tunnels in the local area.

"There is obviously something here that some people wish to protect. Something to hide. Many seem to know what it is, and they speak cautiously about REPTILIAN HUMANOIDS and the SERPENT RACE, which are two subjects which seem to be surfacing again. Response to local television and radio programs featuring JOHN LEAR have been overwhelming. A recent lecture in Las Vegas drew over 700 people.

"According to some sources, the 'Greys' are the lower level of a bigger scenario that involves this reptilian race..."

From: Actual letter from John Lear {yes, John Lear the Ace Test Pilot, holder of every flying medel the F.A.A. has to offer, son of William P. Lear - inventor of the 8-Track stereo and founder of Lear Jet corp., etc.} addressed to T.L. [full name on file], dated October 6, 1990:

"Dear [T.L.]... Many thanks for your recent, very interesting letter. I showed it to Bob (i.e. Lazar - Branton) and he thinks we are both crazy. He does not believe that Dulce exists. Bob went through extreme brainwashing at S-4 so I can understand his feelings. About the time that he was brainwashed, maybe a little before, he told me that Dulce was mentioned up there once or twice in conversations that he was not part of...but that he overhead. Since that time he has forgotten even that part. Since I know Dulce exists, what Bob thinks does not affect me in the least.

"A source of mine that is a security guard at the test site tells me that currently there are 5 types of aliens there: The Greys, the Orange, the reptilians, the ones that look like [the aliens] in the movie 'V' and the ones that look so ugly that they take your breath away until you get used to looking at them.

"I now believe that a very large Saucer crashed near Sedona, possibly 2 years ago and is in the process of being retrieved in sections, as it is too big to remove in one piece.

"The recent stories in Aviation Week, I believe, are attempts to buy more time, to mislead the public and to confuse the issue (Note: Lear is here referring to the article in the Oct. 1, 1990 issue of AVIATION WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY, titled "Secret Advanced Vehicles Demonstrate Technologies For Future Military Use". The article referred only to the fairly well-known super- advanced jets being tested in Nevada, giving the impression that these may explain all of the 'UFO' sightings in the area - Branton).

"Again, I appreciate very much your fascinating letter and look forward to more information on Dulce... With much respect and admiration... JOHN LEAR."

From: Lecture given by researcher Michael Lindemann on behalf of the "20/20 Group" (3463 State St., Suite 264., Santa Barbara, CA 93105), in Lancaster, California, on Oct. 20, 1991:

Indeed this whole 'end game' is very vulnerable and that's why they feel it requires such secrecy. The American people wouldn't stand for this stuff if they had the information, and that's the reason why we have to get the information out and take it seriously because it really is a matter of OUR money and OUR future that's being MORTGAGED here.

"But my friend who worked in the underground bases, who was doing sheetrock was down on, he thinks, approximately the 30th level underground... these bases are perhaps 30-35 stories deep ('ground-scrapers' as opposed to a 'sky-scrapers' - Branton). As I say they are not just mine shafts, these are huge, giant facilities... many city blocks in circumference, able to house tens of thousands of people. One of them, the YANO Facility (we're told... by the county fire dept. director, the county fire dept. chief who had to go in there to look at a minor fire infraction) there's a 400-car parking lot on the 1st level of the YANO Facility, but cars never come in and out, those are the cars that they use INSIDE.

"O.K., so... a very interesting situation down there. Our guy was doing sheetrock on the 30th floor, maybe the 30th floor, underground. He and his crew are working on a wall and right over here is an elevator door. The elevator door opens and, a kind of reflex action you look, and he saw three 'guys'. Two of them, human engineers that he'd seen before. And between them a 'guy' that stood about 8 to 8 1/2 feet tall. Green skin, reptilian features, extra-long arms, wearing a lab coat, holding a clip-board...

"I tend to believe that story because, first of all because we have other stories like it, but more importantly because he walked off that job that very day. And he was getting paid a GREAT deal of money... If your basically a sheetrock kind of guy, if you can do sheetrock in a place like that then you get paid way more than standard sheetrock wages, you can count on it.

"So, he walked off that job. His buddy on that same crew turned into an alcoholic shortly after. This is an extremely upsetting thing. You know, it wasn't like this alien jumped out and bit his head off or anything, it was just standing there for a few minutes, the doors closed. He has a feeling that that elevator was malfunctioning, otherwise he never would have seen that except by accident.