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She has had to endure extreme forms of "training." To wit: She has experienced gang rapes by apparent military personnel in order to show her that this is something she may have to deal with in the future and that she must learn to block it out. During these sessions she is telepathically reminded of her sexually abusive stepfather (a former Navy man) who frequently raped her and her sisters beginning when she was four years old. They remind her that she developed a capacity to "disassociate" at that time and to utilize that capability during this training scenario and in the future should the need ever arise. She is told that she cannot allow these types of gang rape experiences to "turn her into a basketcase."

What is interesting is that her reptilian handler showed up during one of these "training exercises" and indicated to the human in charge of the operation to cease and desist as if he, the reptoid, had decided that she had had enough.

It also begs the question, was her stepfather brought into the picture PRECISELY to practice these base perversions upon her? Whether the stepfather was consciously aware of his ultimate role in this project is irrelevant. In the intelligence and security world most people are more often used than useful.

Do I agree with this sort of training? No. But as a student of military history I can tell you that its not uncommon during wartime for women to be raped three times in three days by troops moving in three different directions. Indeed the selling of entire conquered and subjugated populations into slavery was an accepted part of "The Right of Conquest" during war and was practiced for thousands of years. In any event we must learn to adapt to the most extreme environments.

I have to reconcile the fact that my close friend is under for lack of a better term "mind control" and can be made to turn on me at the drop of a hat. The possibility exists and has to be accounted for. Again, I think this way because I recognize the reality of my environment.

What can we learn from this if we apply the notion of opposites? At the very least a segment of the abductee population is being trained to become multi- dimensional operatives and to survive the coming cataclysms on the surface. These cataclysms may spell doom for countless humans on the surface. We can infer that this training is designed to prepare the abductees to eventually function in an adversarial role against an enemy or a perceived enemy and that the intelligence behind this training is deadly serious about it. They have put my friend through hell when she has been uncooperative with them.

Again, myself and some members of our team have taken part in some of this training with our friend. However much of our training has been of a different nature.

I guess the reader has gathered by now that there is more to this than the "gray areas" of missing time, hybridization etc. I will tell you this: When I have discussions with Barbara Bartholic the words "abduction," "aliens," "UFOs" seldom if ever come up. Too basic. We are thinking in terms of centuries and populations.

THE X FACTOR – Resilience to manipulation and mind control

Before I delve into the issues of counterintelligence, disinformation and propoganda I want to make two important points.

First, our team does not believe in any of this "equality" crap. An abductee who is manipulated and is a wellspring of accusations, chaos, confusion, discordance, egotism, gossip, misery, and possessed of a mercurial and resentful temperament is NOT equal to those abductees with a heightened sense of awareness and a sense of their own personal destiny who are willing to submit their ego and ambitions for the greater good within the team concept.

We have identified an "X" factor amongst some abductees who seem resistant to some of the very basic conditioning and mind control of the reptilians, which seems to be the norm within "the Muppet Show." Chaos, confusion, discordance and resentfulness are symptomatic of a reptilian and demonic influence.

Our time is valuable. We only spend our productive time with productive people. Napolean said, "I may lose a battle but I will never lose a minute." Napolean knew that in War, Time was the one ingredient that if lost can never be regained.

By saying that I am not marginalizing or invalidating the nature of some people's experiences. Please do not hear what I didn't say.

I am merely saying that if we had our druthers we would prefer to develop a friendship based on mutual admiration and respect with an abductee who has a heightened sense of awareness and a sense of self worth rather than a manipulated muppet who sows discord and misery as a natural by-product of its existence.

I know wherein I speak because I was stupid enough to allow a reptilian host into my experience not once but twice. This entity has facilitated support groups in the southwest and has recently placed a website on the internet.

The entity writes in "Opposites" from the beginning to the end of this particular website. On the one hand it says it has "stopped" alien abductions in its life and on the other it says it is seeking to bridge the gap between the human race and the reptilians. It mentions just enough "negative" reptilian information (the best disinformation always has an element of truth in it) to compel some abductees having reptilian experiences to seek her/it out as a source of information which is the worst thing an abductee could ever do. I have seen this evil host sit down with the children of abductees and show them sketches of reptilians and aliens from a binder she carries (I call it her "Family Album." She obtained some of those stinking sketches from me.) and asks them what kinds of aliens they have seen and to not be afraid of them and to accept them as a normal part of their life.

My friend has seen black ethereal cartoon-like "noodles" coming out of the top of the entity's head while it was in a trance state. On another occasion when it was in a trance state and whilst African drum music was being played at high volume, this reptilian host lay on its back and "air humped" i.e. vigorously thrust its loins upward in a sexually aggressive mannerfor over two hours.

Several eyewitnesses have seen astral reptilian "pods" floating in and out of its abdomen after a "rebirthing" workshop in Sedona, Arizona. This brings me to a very important point, which needs to be addressed.

I would strongly discourage anyone from meditating at or near energy ley lines, dimensional vortex areas and the like. Such places serve as "the membrane" between dimensions which is precisely why UFO's are frequently seen over areas with high electromagnetic anomalies. (That doesn't mean I believe UFO's are strictly interdimensional in nature. There is a school of thought which holds that the UFO phenomenon is either Extraterrestrial or Interdimensional in nature and are mutually exclusive to each other. I disagree. It all relates to frequency and resonance.)

Occult Ritual activity is practiced in areas where electromagnetic anomalies exist because it is easier to create portals to allow beings from other dimensions into our space-time continuum.

The whole idea behind meditation is to seek the divinity which resides within. Its not meant to open oneself up to every marauding reptilian or demonic entity in the universe which seems to be the chief form of amusement for many New Age La Dee Dah's today.

"Spirit Guides " compel people to travel to places like Sedona Arizona or Machu Pichu Peru and take part in meditative workshops and then their family and friends wonder why they act so differently when they get back.

The aforementioned reptilian host has tried to attack me in the astral dreamscape and during sleep has tried to possess me. I have woken up tingling from head to toe feeling that icky reptilian energy saturating my bedroom. It has attempted to intimidate me in ways too numerous to count. Much of this happened to me whilst I was trying to expose the "support group facilitator" for what it was. A full on host for a reptilian entity.

Most "normal" humans simply can't do some of the things this entity can do. I am doubtful that the female host is even aware of its own abilities. She/it is not the only reptilian host whom I have battled in the astral dreamscape. There have been others but I am unwilling to mention them by name because they may not be aware that they have these abilities.

A well known researcher who likewise has a website (its getting to be a prerequisite for these hosts) and has lectured extensively appeared to someone I'm very close to in the astral form and watched as a reptilian being which my friend had never seen before (she is familiar with a different species) brutally raped and sodomized her. My friend is extremely psychic and can see astral entities and can see the reptilian image superimposed over host.

During this brutal rape the "researcher" sat at the edge of the bed watching my friend's plight with undisguised glee.

Likewise, I was told personally by another lecturer within the UFO research community that there are times when she does not see her own reflection in the mirror. Instead she sees the face of someone or something else looking back at her.

Are these the types of "people" you want to obtain information from regarding the alien abduction syndrome?

The reptilian host that my friend shared an apartment with brought into my experience a woman who was literally demon possessed. I referred to her as Demon Infested Deborah. Demon Infested Deborah brought unimaginable amounts of grief and misery into my life.

Demon Infested Deborah was possessed of the most crudest, perverse and vulgar characteristics imaginable and she was the hypnotherapist of the reptilian host's support group! (She called herself an "alchemical hypnotherapist" whose mission in life was to "deprogram people." She should have started with herself.)

Only a reptilian host could have found someone like her. In fact some of the most wacked out and confused people I've ever met were in that host's "support group." Demon Infested Deborah now resides in a suburb outside of Atlanta Georgia.

Do we have any volunteers who are willing to submit to a hypnotic regression by someone who is literally possessed of multitudes of trouble making spirits and who has the most feces oriented behavior imaginable? Any takers? And if you do not believe in demonic possession you are merely revealing your ignorance because its a given in many societies and cultures in the world except this one. I identified at least five different demons inside of Demon Infested Deborah at which point I stopped counting.

My only "crime" as regards my treatment of the reptilian host and Demon Infested Deborah was that I loved them unconditionally, did not judge them and did everything in my power to help them overcome whatever challenges they may have had but I may as well have tried to stop a tidal wave with my bare hands. It is simply not in the base nature of reptilian beings and demonic entities to repay your kindness with anything other than sheer grief and misery.


I'm not going to reveal what those "X" factors are because we are under a state of siege at the present time but are gradually attaining a degree of operational freedom. We practice OPSEC, that is Operational Security but not dogmatically and slavishly the way some "researchers" do. I would be crazy to reveal what makes this particular group of abductees unique.

"In War the Truth is so precious she must always be attended by a bodyguard of Lies."-Winston Churchill

This much I will tell you: Some of these people have endured the most hard core experiences with a commendable amount of equanimity and are eager to be thoroughly debriefed about their experiences down to the most minute detail. And we listen to them as opposed to just "hearing" them.

If anyone out there has been fortunate enough to see Barbara Bartholic give one of her infrequent lectures you will see that her tactic is to play videotapes of the abductees at length and allow them to describe exactly what’s happened to them in their own words. This tactic is almost totally at variance with the methods practiced by most so called abduction researchers who insist on cramming a square peg (abductee testimony) into a round hole (their own pre-conceived biases about the abduction syndrome which usually include "grays" "hybrids" ad nauseum).

The only way we can ever develop effective countermeasures and an offensive capability against the reptilian overlords of this world is to obtain ALL the information available from the people actually having the experiences (the abductees), correctly interpret the information, and disseminate it to those who have the most urgent need for it i.e. the abductees again.

Notice that I said abductees. I didn't say aeronautical engineers, Psychologist, UFO Investigators or people with backgrounds in the military. I said Abductees. We are only interested in the people who are down in the trenches actually having the experiences. I call them "Veterans of the Cosmic Wars."


Intelligence is broken down into three fundamental aspects: Collection, Interpretation and Dissemination. For effective countermeasures to be developed all three must be clicking on all cylinders all the time.

This is patently not the case in the abduction research field. It breaks down at all points but most notably in the last category of dissemination. When you don't get the finished product to the people who have the most need for it, disasters like the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbour are the result.

There was nothing "sneaky" about that attack. Japanese Naval and Diplomatic ciphers both high and low grade were being read by American Naval and Army codebreakers (Ultra and Magic), information was brought to the FBI six months prior to the attack by a double agent from British MI5 (run by the Twenty Committee or XX Cross) .So why then weren't the Americans prepared that fateful Sunday morning December 7th, 1941? Incompetence at all levels. Egos and Empires. So what else is new?

The exact same thing happens in the abduction research field. The reason it breaks down at all phases especially in the dissemination phase is always the same. Egotistical manipulated abduction researchers.

It seems strangely difficult for some to realize that aliens perpetrate mind control on abductees and especially abduction researchers. Curiously everyone involved in UFO research and in conspiracy research in genera,l unanimously agree that the government practices mind control but they are silent on the reality of alien mind control and conditioning on human beings.

I have said it time and again: The first goal of the aliens vis a vis a particular abductee or researcher is to activate the ego. As far as I'm concerned, an abduction researcher who has allowed their puny ego to be activated by the aliens is worthless at best and downright dangerous at worst.

There are a number of female abductees out there who have been preyed upon in a very improper manner by their male hypnotherapist researchers both in and out of hypnotic regression and it is incumbent upon these women to identify who these perpetrators are lest another female abductee fall victim to the base primordial perversions of these "researchers."

I'll tell you another thing about some of these "X" factor abductees: Some of them can literally see the reptilian image superimposed over other abductees or RESEARCHERS.

If someone can develop something akin to Kirlian photography that would allow us to photograph the reptilian entity overshadowing the host and put the pictures up on the internet I guarantee you some paradigms would be shattered.

The abductee community would be aghast at how numerous these hosts are and how pervasive is their malign influence upon the lives of abductees.


A final point I want to make before we move on to the subjects of counterintelligence and propoganda. There are a lot of researchers and UFO activists out there thumping on there chest like Tarzan and blowing smoke about how great they are and how stupid everyone else is.

Well, talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. This is what I believe about the current state of abduction research:

If you call yourself an abduction researcher and you are unaware that:

A) the reptilians and aliens manipulate the dreamscape and condition the physical body to respond to certain stimuli of an erotic or even a perverse nature,

B) that the reptilians promote the use of drugs especially methamphetamine and crank in order to turn an abductee into an energy sucking manipulated muppet and will sometimes host these people to further a particularly violent or sexually perverse agenda or,

C) Can manipulate the health of abductees in myriad ways and have even been responsible for the deaths of abductees or,

D) have actually hosted abductees and researchers alike, then I don't take you seriously.

I don't care how popular you are, how many times you've been on the Art Bell show, how pretty your website is, how many books you've sold, how massive your ego is or how long you've been playing Big Shot Researcher.

Please don't tell me you are an abduction researcher because everything I've just described is so basic it isn't funny. It’s a tragedy that the people who are having these experiences or are caught up in the misery of them (vis a vis manipulated abductees and vengeful aliens) aren't being given the truth--or any idea that what I have described is even related to the abduction syndrome. As such, they remain uninformed and under the bonds of imposed ignorance. Destined to make choices that are not in their best interest.

And if you have never had the experiences-- or worse do not admit to them, then shut the hell up. I have grown weary of abduction reseachers who've never had the experiences misrepresenting the lives of countless abductees who have. I hold beneath contempt those Closet Case Abductees who presume to lecture others about the alien abduction syndrome and yet lack the guts and self worth to admit to themselves let alone anyone else that they've had the experiences.

People like that are not even qualified to venture an opinion about the subject. They can take that Doctorate in Psychology, History or any other subject and use it to blow their nose with for all I care. It does not entitle them to comment on the Alien Abduction Syndrome.

If you as a "researcher" or abductee for that matter-- don't believe, understand or never heard of some of the information I have shared, it doesn't mean that its not true. It only means that you don't believe it, don't understand it or never heard of it. That’s all that means.


If the craft of Intelligence can be defined as the art of divining the intentions and the capabilities of an enemy or a potential enemy than counterintelligence can be defined as the art of deceiving or misleading an enemy or a potential enemy as to ones own strength, capabilities and intentions.

It was British General J.F.C. Fuller who drew a parallel between the commander in wartime who seeks to impose his will upon the enemy commander, thus delving into the realm of magic and the magician (or Warlock) who seeks to impose his will upon his victim thus delving into the realm of war.

General J.F.C. Fuller was uniquely qualified to speak about both War and Magic.

It was General Fuller who was the originator of the "Blitzkrieg" concept of modern warfare.

Blitzkrieg (Lightning Warfare in German) means the utilization of tanks and armoured vehicles, supported by close air support (CAS), artillery and motorized infantry in a concentrated attack against a weak point in the enemy's front in order to gain access to the enemy's vital communications and supply centers in his rear, bypassing enemy strongpoints to be handled by trailing elements of non-motorized infantry whilst the armoured spearheads continue the advance.

General Guderian, the foremost proponent of Tank Warfare for the Germans prior to World War II, has stated for the record that it was from Fuller's writings that Guderian had derived the concept of Blitzkrieg which led to Germany's smashing victories in France and the Low Countries in 1940 and to their initial successes in North Africa and Russia in 1941.

Likewise it was to Fuller that then Major George S. Patton, commander of the fledgeling U.S. Tank Corps in France in 1917 turned to for advice in tank warfare for the Americans during World War I.