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Many abductees who have had consciously remembered reptilian encounters are victims of extreme back pain which was instigated by the reptilians. This form of back pain results in extreme emotional and physical anguish, which is harvested by the reptilians as an energy source. I know personally a woman who is in her sixties and who refused to cooperate in a love-bonding scenario( a love bite set up by the aliens) with a twenty two year old male and was subsequently punished for her transgressions. She was immobilized on her back for several days with excruciating back pain.


If these types of physical manipulations were not so common I would not suggest they are part of the modus operandi of the reptilians, but they are in fact very common. They represent a patterned data correlation, which cannot be ignored by "researchers." It is not surprising when you consider that some of these abductees have extra vertebrae, extra ribs, major organs shifted around to off the wall places etc.

The reptilians manipulate specific parts of the abductees body such as the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, sexual organs and so forth for the express purpose of depriving them of good health, which is one of the most insidious forms of control and manipulation that I can conceive of. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, allergies, Candidiasis, Yeast Infections, Fibromyalgia and numerous other illnesses and the whole gamut of gynecological problems are common amongst female abductees. Regarding the gynecological problems, Barbara Bartholic says "sooner or later it will sink in why that part of the female anatomy keeps breaking down."

Unfortunately, when women seek relief for illnesses from male physicians ignorant of the unique problems women have, these abduction related illnesses are not understood by many researchers to be related to the abduction syndrome.

Often times the abductees will undergo extensive physical examinations only to be told by their physicians that there is nothing wrong with them. If anything they find the by-products of the illnesses such as infections and the like but seldom find the root source of the problem let alone a cure. These types of imposed illnesses can plague abductees for years. These illnesses come up again and again within the life experience of countless abductees and yet for the most part they are not considered to be an aspect of the abduction syndrome.

When the reptilians have decided that an abductee has gone "too far" they will exact their preferred method of retribution which is Cancer. It is an excruciating way to die and the reptilians extract every last iota of physical and emotional anguish from their victim until their demise.


If you haven't guessed by now, the control and domination of human females is THE primary objective of reptilian operations vis a vis the human race, because women--through their creative, intuitive and nurturing nature--have a direct connection to the Divine and are therefore a threat to the reptilian overlords of this world.

This subjugation of women and the feminine principle in general has filtered down via the reptilian inspired secret societies and fraternal orders to become a fundamental aspect of most religions on this planet.

Ironically the use (or misuse as it were) of Tantric Sexual Magick is a fundamental part of Black Magick. In other words the Black Magicians know that the feminine generative principle is an immensely powerful force which they exploit for their own evil purposes at the expense of the human race in general and human women in particular.

That is what the "V" symbol is all about. A common symbol found on abductees appears to be the Triangle and most so-called abduction researchers regard it as such which again reveals their collective ignorance about these matters. What they are actually looking at is the Trikona.

The Trikona (an inverted three sided pyramid or a V) symbolizes the Yoni or the female sexual organ which is the abode of the sleeping fire snake and the source of the kundalini (serpent) energy generated through the Tantric Kaula rites.

What salient point do women most often report regarding sexual intercourse with reptilians? They experience the most powerful full body orgasms they have ever had sometimes lasting for hours!

In a Tantric Magickal Working the Adept seeks to activate the kundalini chakra of the female "Scarlet Woman." Once the kundalini is activated and forcefully propels itself through the other chakras finally exiting the crown chakra, the resultant "Ojas" or electromagnetic energy is magickally imbued into metal discs laid atop the middle chakras in order to store the electromagnetic energy.

These metal discs are stored in hermetically sealed containers for later use. These ojas are then imbued into the Adept so at a later time he may impregnate a woman with semen which in turn has been imbued with the power of these ojas in order to procreate a child of special qualities for special purposes.

The latter is just one example of the various usages of the ojas generated by the activation of the kundalini energy by a human Adept. Never mind what the reptilians can do, we're just talking humans here.

I should remind the reader that to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python. Olympia was an initiate of the Dionysian Mystery Schools and had frequently inbibed in hallucinogenics during these rituals many of which involved blood sacrifices, contrary to what some would have you believe. It has also been alleged that Julius Caeser was the product of a union between his mother and an Incubi.

I shouldn’t have to add anything about the impact these two men had on history in general and western civilization in particular.


Aleister Crowley called the kundalini energy released through tantric magickal sex the most powerful force known to Mankind. And where does this force come from? Human women! The K at the end of Magick (the correct spelling) is a glyph for the Yoni. The female sexual organ.

Much of the latter information comes from the Adept Kenneth Grant's outstanding book "Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God" which is essential reading for anyone interested in the abduction syndrome.

The V for Victory sign was actually originated by Crowley not Winston Churchill. Can you see now why the series about flesh eating reptilians invading this planet from outer space was called "V"?

In 1871 Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a member of the English Parliament and a Rosicrucian, published a book entitled "The Coming Race" which was rife with hidden occult meaning.

The "Coming Race" referred to a Matriarchal Nordic Subterranean race known as the Vril-ya. The Vril-ya are an advanced race of seven foot tall Nordic beings that have harnessed an energy source known as Vrill and with it have subdued other subterranean beings in order to survive--including reptilians.

Indeed the very first creature, the main character, a surface dweller, encounters a man-eating reptilian being who carries off his friend, a mining engineer who was killed in an underground accident which led to the surface dweller being trapped underground.

The surface dweller later discovers that this apparently peace-loving race of Nordics actually intends to invade and conquer the surface of the planet. Remember that the reptilians have long utilized the image of Nordics as "front men" in their operations.

Keep in mind that this book was published in 1871! It dealt with matriarchy, subterranean civilizations, an energy source that heals and destroys called Vril, reptilians, conflict between subterranean races and an impending takeover of the surface world by an evil subterranean race. And it was written by an occultist of the Rosicrucian Order!

The all powerful energy which the Subterranean Nordics harnessed was referred to as Vril, i.e. the V or Trikona, the source of the kundalini serpent energy.

What was he trying to tell us? That maybe it’s a waste of time conducting "Blue Book Investigations" seeking witnesses to three week old UFO sightings and learning about "hybrids," "polarities" and "spirituality" within the context of a war scenario?

To round out this section regarding the capabilities of the reptilians and their probable intentions let us turn to yet another work of "fiction" written more recently than Bulwer-Lytton's "Coming Race."

Dr. Harry Turtledove is a history professor from UCLA who specializes in writing what he calls "alternative history." One of his alternative histories is about the Confederacy winning the American Civil War and shows General Robert E. Lee sitting atop his famous horse Traveler and holding up an AK-47 assault rifle!

Dr. Turtledove has also written a four volume series regarding the Second World War, which has caught my attention. It is about the allies and the axis joining forces to repel a reptilian invasion from outer space! Do you know what the symbol on the covers of these books are? An inverted isosceles triangle (a Trikona) within which is the planet Earth!

Is the connection between Tantric Magick and the Reptilian Overlordship of the planet Earth beginning to sink in yet? And there are still some abductees out there wasting their valuable time with "researchers" who discount any such connection.

The above information flies in the face of those neutralist-positivist elements who would have you believe that throughout the vast cosmos, only human beings are capable of evil doings. Such a ludicrous notion is alarming and pervasive today, which in itself is indicative of conditioning and programming.

These are just some examples of the capabilities of the reptilians as witnessed by qualified observers of the past, present and hopefully the future.

ASSESSMENT--Intentions and Capabilities of the Reptilians

Keeping in mind that our definition of intelligence means the art of divining the intentions and capabilities of an enemy or a potential enemy. Does it seem logical to assume that with these capabilities, the reptilians have any intention of relinquishing their control and overlordship of the human race?

We must look at this situation in a mature fashion and learn to work from our strengths and not our weaknesses. The only way we as a race will be able to throw off the yoke of this cosmic vassalage is to obtain as much meaningful information as possible, through which we can develop effective countermeasures and an offensive capability of our own.

We must have the maturity to recognize the reality of our environment. Even here on the surface world all of the banks, telecommunications companies and utilities companies are merging at a tremendous rate. Hundreds of thousands of U.N. Troops are already deployed here ready to undertake what the U.N. euphemistically refers to as "Peace Enforcement."

Again it comes down to intentions and capabilities. What are all of these multi-national corporations capable of doing once they become a single monolithic block? At the very least they can develop a command and control infrastructure which will survive whatever economic or financial catastrophe that may or may not be looming in our collective future.

That is only what is going on in the surface world. Our team is really interested in what is going on in the subterranean world, which has everything to do with abductees.

Some of the underground facilities have been described by those who have defected from the Illuminatti as "waiting rooms for Hell." I cannot think of a more apt description.

It is the unanimous opinion of our team (of which I am but a small part) that the reptilians intend to maintain control over the human race by continuing their Grand Strategy of Divide and Conquer and by their continuing domination and marginalization of the feminine principle. The reptilians are well aware of the the geological calender of the Earth as well as the Apocalyptic Prophecies of numerous religions and have made their plans accordingly.

They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by allowing humans to attain a heightened level of awareness. The latter was one of the reasons why the human life span was artificially shortened by them.

The various cataclysms and upheavals naturally and artificially contrived, that will annihilate huge segments of the human race is merely the latest installment of a process which strives to reduce the human population to manageable levels BEFORE we attain heightened awareness and an understanding of our full potential. If this happened on a mass scale ( ie, heightened awareness) the reptilians will no longer be able to control us.


In the intelligence and counterintelligence world there is a mode of operating known as thinking or working "in opposites." "Opposites" is a language unique to the intelligence and special operations community as well as to those within the ranks of the secret societies. It basically means saying or thinking the opposite of what you really intend to do. When any members of the Bilderbergers give public or televised speeches, they routinely speak in this fashion when they discuss seemingly mundane topics such as economics or education. It is a hidden or occulted language, which the public at large is not meant to comprehend.

For example, if I am running a spy in a foreign country I may pass on a message to him or her prior to mission start which reads "Establish your bona fides. Ingratiate yourself upon your local community. Look to activation five years from this date." In other words the message means to not do anything but establish the credibility and lifestyle of a regular person in the community even if it means establishing a family and a business. A classic "Sleeper Operative."

However if we are talking in "opposites" what I am really saying is "establish contact with agent x immediately. Operation to commence in 48 hours upon receipt of message. The goods will be moved to safe house. You will be provided with escort to move them" and so on and so forth.

It is implicit in this mode of communication that there exists a prior understanding between the parties involved.

Let us now apply the mindset of thinking in "opposites" to what the reptilians know about abductees and what we in turn can learn from them.

The reptilians and their vassals can manipulate abductees both in and out of the physical body. They are well aware of this inherent human capability to separate our astral or ethereal consciousness/soul matrix from the physical body.

Medical procedures have been performed on abductees in which they are subjected to real physical procedures. While they are in this environment the aliens see them and react to them. The abductee can experience pain and discomfort and can even see the physical after effects of the procedures i.e. puncture marks, clamp marks etc.

At the same time the other half of them may be lying in their bed at home wondering how the hell they can be in two places at once. This is an example of bi-location. In other words, the aliens can manipulate a very real physical body which senses and feels as your "real" body does despite the fact that by all appearances you are still safely esconced in your own bed.

This happened to me once when this odd looking midget "nurse" with a nurse's uniform and hat, a phony black wig which was crooked and a gray wrinkled face injected my upper left bicep with a hypodermic that looked similar to one of those large black pencils 1st grade children learn to write with. This "nurse" was very bossy and definitely displayed poor bedside manner.

Afterwards I was allowed to get up from the table. I walked outside of this "clinic" and stood beneath a bright blue sky and looked at and felt the puncture mark on my upper left bicep with my right index finger. I was running my finger over the puncture wound and felt the soreness.

All the while my other half was lying in my bed with my eyes closed trying to reconcile this image in my mind and the accompanying discomfort I was feeling in my real arm. An abductee friend telephoned at that point and when I answered the phone I described to her what just happened. Although there was not a puncture mark on my "real" arm nevertheless, the soreness was still there.

What can we learn from this? Perhaps the aliens are working on cloned bodies which feel sensations that are recorded by your real physical body or they have a means to split us off and work on our ethereal bodies in another aspect of vibrational creation where full physicality is seemingly retained?

The procedures performed have a very real effect on our bodies here in this dimension. There may be much more to this but the point I'm trying to make is that it’s apparent the aliens know about this capability within us and exploit it for their own ends. I suggest that we learn from such experiences and learn to exploit the situation for our own benefit.

It is also essential that we recognize the reality of cloning and the fact that some of us do have cloned bodies.


Much teaching and training goes on at altered states of awareness within alternate realms of existence. In these altered states of awareness we perform tasks and carry out certain functions, but for many, the critical thinking faculty has been switched off. We seem to have lots of information "downloaded" into us but for the most part we are unable to access that data in the normal state of awareness. Many abductees develop a feeling of self- importance merely because they are a student who has attended "UFO University." I have lost count of the times I have attended these classes and I can tell you it has not materially benefited my life here on the surface one iota.

Some of the training is of a paraphysical nature, i.e. walking through solid objects, levitation and the like. It is not uncommon within the framework of some of the eastern metaphysical traditions and even some western ones that initiates learn to develop these types of abilities over time through adherence to a rigorous discipline. "Whatever the mind of Man can conceive of and believe in, he or she will achieve."

Many abductees are subjected to testing and training procedures which seem to be designed to determine their decision making process under duress. Often times the scenarios involve "escape and evasion" or ones which place the abductee in situations where they have to choose between rescuing strangers or loved ones. Some seem designed to determine the attitudes, biases or morals of abductees.

Could it be that this program is designed to identify those with inherent leadership capabilities and who could be utilized in some capacity in a futuristic war? Conversely, could it be designed to identify those who are merely good "followers?" Much of the training that some of the abductees are going through is military in nature with advanced weaponry, including learning how to fly certain alien craft. I know for a fact that some of this weapons training is being conducted in cloned bodies at the behest of the reptilians.

We also know that certain deep black elements within the military are conducting an intensive training program in an alternate realm of existence. This training seems geared towards ensuring that the abductees in this particular program survive the coming cataclysms here on the surface. We also know that a particular segment of the military in the high desert of California is working for a particular race of reptilians that our team is very familiar with.

One of my closest friends is undergoing this sort of Cosmic G. I. Jane training. Myself and some close colleagues of mine have also found ourselves in some of these scenarios.

At least we can infer that the deep black military expects something of a drastic nature to occur here on the surface in the not too distant future and that they have a vested interest in the survival of at least some abductees.

We can also infer that the reptilians also have a vested interest in the survival of some abductees. (Our team does not ascribe to the notion that "Hybrids" will eventually supplant the human population here on the surface. This completely ignores the huge drama that is played out by the reptilian overlords and their energetic and emotional harvesting of the human race, which to them is the stuff of life itself. What Barbara Bartholic refers to as the "Great Human Nintendo Game." It also fails to take into account the number of hosts currently operating on the surface as an active fifth column at all levels of society.

This training is truly comprehensive. I've watched this woman change from a battered and abused housewife to a trained operative honed to a razors edge imbued with the "Killer Instinct."