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The Lance Of The Basilisk

A vision given to Bob Jones
Written by Keith Davis

On July 23rd 1996, Bob was given a vision of the Lord. In this vision a high level demonic spirit was exposed for Bob's observation. It was clear in the vision that the demon did not expect to be uncovered and revealed.

This evil spirit was accustomed to operating in secret without being detected or opposed. It was clearly pointed out in the vision that this demon operated in the realm of religious superstitious imaginations. In essence, its primary role was to promote religious superstition in the place of faith. This resulted in Christians praying out of their superstitious imagination rather that the true revealed Word of God and its sacred Promises.

In his address to the Athenians, the apostle Paul described them as being "too superstitious" or religious" as some translations render it. Paul presented the Truth of the gospel to replace their misplaced trust in fables and superstitions. The Lord is desiring to do the same today.

This great enemy of the cross was identified as "Basilisk" or "little king of Serpents". Basilisk is also a symbol of the devil himself whose primary purpose is death and destruction. The natural physical death resulting from this spirit evolves from plagues and other sicknesses extending all the way back to ancient Israel. The Egyptians worshiped this spirit as "the lord and king of Serpents, to awe all others, nor to be destroyed by any." They displayed a crowned Basilisk on the heads of their gods as observed in the Bembine table and other Egyptian monuments. This demonstrates Satan's attempt to elevate himself above God as an object of worship.

Throughout history this spirit, sometimes translated in the scriptures as Cockatrice, has brought plagues at various times causing great numbers of people to experience death. During those periods of time in history man attempted various superstitions and fables in its attempt to combat this evil spirit and the death that it brought rather than applying the blood of Christ and accepting the victory through His revealed Word.

Psalm 91 was given to Bob in this vision as a scripture of protection against this evil spirit. Particularly, the scripture declares that our foot shall be placed upon the scorpion and the adder. We have been given authority to deal with this spirit yet mankind has perished throughout history because of his lack of knowledge of this spirit and the true application of Christ's victory over all demonic opposition.

On July 23rd 1997, this evil spirit was again revealed to Bob. Only this time, this spirit was multiplied hundreds of times larger than last year. This seemed to reflect a tremendous increase in authority given to this fallen angel. It appears that throughout certain cyclical periods a tremendous increase in authority is given to this spirit to cause death and destruction.

This evil spirit now operating with the authority of a fallen angel was again described in Psalm 91:13. This scripture declares, YOU WILL TREAD UPON THE LION AND THE COBRA, THE YOUNG LION AND THE SERPENT YOU WILL TRAMPLE DOWN. The serpent referenced in this scripture is sometimes translated Basilisk or dragon.

In Bob's vision this spirit was again unveiled as one utilizing the winds bringing plagues and viruses upon mankind causing considerable death and misery. In his vision, Bob was shown this spirit approaching land between two bridges. This description can be found in Lamentations 1:3 and will be expounded upon later.

As the vision continued, this spirit was shown with tremendous authority brooding over a nest of eggs. This indicates that the spirit has been given the authority to birth tremendous death, tribulation and destruction in the earth. Isaiah 59:5 declares, They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.

These assaults of the enemy can be combated, but only through corporate intercessory prayer. This prince of darkness was again surprised to have been exposed for he was accustomed to operating undetected. So well hidden is this spirit that he did not even require the darkness of night to operate as most evil spirits. He even operated in the brightness of the noon day and prevailed during a three week period of the summer months with its greatest effect from 12:00 noon until three in the afternoon.

It was revealed to Bob in the vision and confirmed through Jewish literature that this evil spirit prevails during a certain season of the year. This season is called Bein Ha'm'tzarim by the Jewish writers. This term means "between the straits" or" between the bridges" as Bob saw in his vision.

At the same time that this subsequent vision was being revealed, hurricane Danny entered Mobile Bay Alabama in an area that perfectly fits this description. According to biblical definitions Dan is given to mean "to judge" once again pointing to the coming justice of God. Hurricane Danny brooded over Mobile Bay for a considerable amount of time dumping 40 inches or more rain on the area with high winds seemingly verifying in the natural the spiritual truths of this revelation. For those who have hidden themselves in Christ and the Truth of His Word, there will be nothing to fear. For those who have not, there will be great misery.

Lamentations 1:1-3 has a description of this term. Verse 3: "Judah is gone into captivity because of affliction, and because of great servitude: she dwelleth among the heathen, she findeth no rest: all her persecutors overtook her between the straits."

According to the early Jewish writers this term references a twenty-one day time period extending from the 17th of Tammuz until the 9th of AV in the Judaic calendar. It is a time when this spirit is prevalent and even predominant when unchallenged by the authority of Christ given to the Church through His shed blood. This high level authority cannot be combated individually but must be dealt with through corporate united intercessory prayer.

This demon is also described in Deuteronomy 32:24, according to the rabbinical writings. They recorded that this twenty-one day season was one of the most difficult times of the year "when the demons prevail". It is a dangerous time where attention must be given to details or evil will sneak up on you, they described.

The early rabbis taught that Deuteronomy 32:24 could accurately be rendered - AND I WILL FIGHT AGAINST THEM WITH FLAMING DEMONS. The "flaming demons" would be a reference to the spirit that the Lord is desiring that we understand. Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.

Isaiah 14:29.

History records many of the catastrophic events that have taken place on these dates.


1. Moses smashed the tablets of the Torah at Mt. Sinai.

2. Daily sacrifices ceased.

3. A Torah scroll was burned in the Temple by "Apostomos".

4. An idol was erected in the Temple.

5. The city wall was finally breached.

9th OF AV

1200 B.C. - Israel told by God in the wilderness that generation would not enter the land of Israel.

586 B.C. - The Babylonian army destroyed the Holy Templr of Solomon.

70 C.E. - Titus and the Roman army destroyed the Holy Temple.

135 - "Bethar" the stronghold Bar Kochba fell ending the last trial for Jewish independence.

136 - Rome began to erect the pagan city on site of the Temple dedicating the temple to Jupiter.

1096 - The first crusades began

1290 - The Jews were expelled from England

1306 - The Jews were expelled from France

1492 - King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella signed expulsion orders for the Jews from Spain. By July 31, on the 9th of AV, all Jews had to be out of Spain.

1648 - Chmelnicky massacred tens of thousands of Polish Jews

1914 - World War I began

1942 - "The Wanasee Conference" held in Germany. Detailed plans for the annihilation of Jews were finished beginning World War II.

The twenty-one days extending from the 17th of Tammuz until the 9th of AV represented a notable time of bitterness and destruction for the Jews. According to these Rabbis the demon that prevails during this time is also called "ketev" or "destruction" which is also an adjective for bitter or marra. We believe that this is the same spirit that Bob was shown in his vision.

It was during this precise time that the Lord's prophecy concerning the destruction of Jerusalem was fulfilled. On the 17th of Tammuz 70 C.E. the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem. For three weeks, Roman troops ransacked and destroyed the city until, on the 9th of AV, they burned the Temple. The Jews regarded "Ketev" not just as a plague but as a demon with the authority to cause death and destruction through plagues.

The ancient leaders recognized that the righteous must be hidden in the secret place of the Most High during this time of trouble which they believed was a dress rehearsal for the birth pangs of Messiah.


Even the early Jewish writers recognized that this evil spirit not only operated during darkness but also in the brightness of the noon day. This prevailing evil spirit even used the heat of the noon day sun to cause death among those who had not hidden themselves in the secret place of the most High through the blood of Jesus Christ. According to these rabbis the heat of the noon-day from 12:00 until 3:00 was a time of extreme activity for this evil spirit.

For 1998 this twenty-one day period begins the evening of July 10th and extends through August 1st. . Even a review of recent years will reveal that this season of time has produced considerable destruction through storms and floods along with extreme heat and famine.

If this demon continues to go unchecked through intercessory prayer then great destruction will come to people. We must be brought out of darkness into light so that we would not perish because of a lack of knowledge of this evil spirit and its operations.

The prophet Zechariah spoke of these dates in Zechariah 8:19.


The fast of the fourth month was to be conducted on the 17th of Tammuz representing a day of mourning because of the capture of Jerusalem and the various other catastrophic events that took place on this date. The fast of the fifth month was to take place on the 9th of AV because of the historical tragedies that occurred on this date. These dates of mourning and fasting were to be conducted until the promise of the coming restoration of Judah and the Messianic Kingdom.

On July 16, 1994, the twenty-one pieces of Shoemaker-Levi comet began its bombardment on the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is commonly recognized as a symbol of idolatry and paganism. One of the most devastating events in the history of Israel occurred when the image of Jupiter was placed in the Temple of God. We continue to observe the feast of Hanukkah as a celebration of the victory of the Maccabees in removing this pagan god from the temple and re-instituting temple worship.

This date is extremely important because it was the 9th of AV for that year. We've already outlined the various events that have taken place on this date throughout history. It is clearly prophetically significant that the Shoemaker Levi comet began its assault on the planet Jupiter on this notable date. It is also significant that the comet was broken into twenty-one pieces also representing the twenty-one days extending from the 17th of Tammuz until the 9th of AV, the season which this prevailing spirit operates with its greatest authority.

In Biblical symbolism the number 21 is also connected to the evil reign of Zedekiah as well as the twenty-one day battle between the prince of Persia and God's angels Michael and Gabriel. It was also divine order that this bombardment on Jupiter began on the 9th of AV and extended exactly seven days until July 22, 1994. All of these have prophetic implication and should be meditated upon by each Christian to extract its fullest meaning.

Even though Jupiter is a symbol of idolatry for the pagan world, it is also a term for righteousness in the Hebrew language. The Hebrew name for Jupiter is Tzedeq and comes from the word meaning righteous or righteous one. It is from this term that the name Melchizedek is derived denoting "King of Righteousness".

Clearly, we can see that Satan has perverted Jupiter into a symbol of idolatry yet we can glean understanding from this term as a symbol of righteousness in the hope of our being cleansed by the truth of God's Word making us a suitable habitation for His Holy Spirit so that we can share in His holiness.

In Isaiah 26:17-21, the prophet Isaiah speaks of a season when the elect in Christ are directed to hide themselves for a season while wrath and indignation take its course. Zephaniah 2:3 also makes reference to a season when we are directed to seek the Lord, seek righteousness, and seek humility and perhaps we will be hidden in the day of the Lord's anger.

This 21 day season is a rehearsal for the season of great pain and tribulation coming to the earth. Fortunately, the church has the promise of being hidden away in Christ during this season for He bore all our judgment upon Himself. This can be referred to as the day of concealment.

It is imperative that the church begin to recognize the truth being revealed by the Holy Spirit so that she can be prepared during these seasons. We must be like the sons of Isachar who knew times and seasons. We must know when to attack and when to simply hide ourselves in Christ and allow tribulation to run its course.

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