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Location. Near Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil Date: July 1998 Time: afternoon Two explorers reported entering a tunnel in an isolated area and spending five days in a subterranean city of more or less 50 inhabitants. During the tour the men were provided with fruits grown hydroponically underground. The men also claimed to have entered another tunnel in Rincano and discovered a staircase underground leading to four different levels.

In another case a mountain guide in nearby Joinville said that many times luminous flying discs have been seen around the opening of the tunnel and that he had heard a chorus of men and women singing underground near the tunnel entrance. Then he encountered a group of subterraneans who were standing near the tunnel. They were white with red beards and long hair, very muscular. As he approached them they fled. Another explorer claims he encountered a beautiful young woman in a tunnel who did not appeared more than 20-years old.

She spoke to him Portuguese and said she was more than 2,500 years old. Another man encountered a similar tunnel in the Serra do Mar mountains, and sampled a mysterious fruit from an orchid. He also saw several "subterraneans" talking to each other in high-pitched voices in an unknown language.

HC addition # 3152
Source: SOCEX Brazil Type: E?