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From: Alan DeWalton <>
Date: Mon Jan 16, 2006  5:52 pm
Subject: Fwd: Asian Red Dawn Corroboration

Hello Eagles;

I was sent this post recently.

It speaks about the impending Sino-Russio-German, etc., invasion of the USA,
as prophecied by so many:

Here is the post. Read it and pray that the Almighty will guide you to a
place of safety when (not if) this all begins to happen...

BRuce AlaN walTON

Bob Macdonell ( ) wrote:
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 08:06:58 -0600
From: Bob Macdonell <
Subject: Asian Red Dawn Corroboration


Was thumbing through the 9/26/05 edition of Newsweek Magazine and on pages
24-25 there is a picture of Bush and others in a Humvee touring New Orleans
after the ravages of hurricane Katrina. Much to my utter astonishment, I noticed
that the driver of the Humvee was not only Chinese, but that he had a Red
Chinese emblem pinned to his lapel!!!!!

That same day CNN did a piece about how the Red Chinese had control of both
Atlantic and Pacific ports of the Panama Canal as well as port facilities in the
Bahamas which should be of grave concern to our own government, which to the
contrary is absolutely oblivious to the threat.

Strangely missing from the CNN report is the fact that COSCO now has control
of the old Naval facility at Long Beach, California!!!!!!

I can only assume that the New World Order plan, which is perfect harmony with
our present Neocon administration as with all others concerning this issue, is
to use the Chinese to subdue America!!! It has been often said by Alex Jones ( ) that Red China is the New World Order’s model for the
rest of the world, including America!


Bob Macdonell