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From :  James Truthseeker <>
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Sent :  Wednesday, December 22, 2004 7:51 AM
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Subject :  [Shasta_Truth] UFO CONTACT FROM ANDROMEDA
Subject: [SD] Elyense \ Extraterrestrial
Date: 17 Apr 2000
In 1972 an internationally known Mexican University Professor, a
member of the Mexican Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. R.N. Hernandez (a
pseudonym) became an extraterrestrial contactee. It all began with a
voice in his head leading him to scientific breakthroughs in his own
medical research in immunology which brought him special recognition
by his peers.
Hernandez knew the ideas were not his own, because he had no
background in developing them. They came to his mind full blown, as
though someone who knew perfectly well what he was talking about had
explained them to him in detail. Later in that year he was approached
by the author of that voice in his head, and it turned out to be a
beautiful extraterrestrial woman who said he could call her Elyense,
which he changed to LYA for short. She met him several times on the
University Campus before she went any further.
LYA wore a dark pantsuit of some very fine material that the
professor could not quite identify. She had dark eyes and wore dark
hair shoulder length. She walked our streets and breathed our ambient
air with no difficulty. She even drank fruit juice with him at a
sidewalk lunch table as they talked. She was obviously far better
educated than Hernandez, and he was considered one of his country's
foremost scientists.
When the professor questioned LYA's extreme intelligence and the
source of her superior knowledge, she took him into her confidence and
told him that she was not from this planet -- that she came from
another world in a group of stars we called Andromeda. He thought she
meant the Andromeda Galaxy at first.
On a subsequent meeting she guided him to a secluded desert area
outside of Mexico City and took him aboard her disc-shaped spacecraft.
There, she showed him many scientific wonders, and at one point took
him to a viewing screen where she worked some controls and brough up
an image of a star-field in the screen. She showed him some guide
stars in Cassiopeia and in Andromeda Constellation, and then showed
him where her home sun was in relation to those other stars.
LYA told Hernandez that there were many space-races far more advanced
than men of Earth who were also coming here for exploration,
observation, and study of our humanity about to enter a point where we
would either join others in space travel and exploration, or we would
eliminate ourselves in a suicidal employment of our primitive
technology. We had become a society of some interest to many.
LYA picked the professor up and took him on trips on her spacecraft
on four occasions. One of them was a small five meter diameter
explorer. Another was a 60 meter intermediate ship that carried a
number of the smaller ones. And one time he was taken to a much
larger mother-ship that was a mobile support base for several of the
intermediate class. She said that they had many teams working in our
solar system and here, and they had many Earth contactees. She told
the professor of another contactee being used by a different contact
team from her society who lived in Chicago. His name was Thomas
Haskins, and he was a black man who lived in the South Side. Prof.
Hernandez ultimately met Haskins and they compared notes.
LYA also told the professor of other space-traveling races carrying
out operations on this planet, including, remarkably, some contacts by
"Pliones" with a one -armed man who who lives in Switzerland. This was
mentioned to the professor in 1976, before anything on the Pleiades
contacts in Switzerland had been released outside of a very small
local group of people around that man.
In 1984, with his contacts still going on, Professor Hernandez just
disappeared -- without a trace -- and nothing of him has been
discovered of him since, though both private and police detectives
have continually searched.
A full 224 page report on these contacts has been published as UFO
By Rodriguez-Stevens.
(Note: Elyense also told Prof. Hernandez she thought of our water as a
"liquid of excellence" and that one day in our very near future it
would be more valuable than gold").

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