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"As the Tiger we are strong, as the lepard we are fast, as the dragon we are flexible, as the snake we are cunning, as the crane we are agile, and as the elf we are all of these, we will stand with our brothers and sisters, destroy the forces of evil"

--- notice, by popular demand the clan has seperated into four houses, if you are interested in becoming the leader of house Lothlorien (female), or you think that you could do a better job than an existing Leader contact me with ICQ (16102033) or email me here. Also note that all non-leaders in clans will be given the rank (archer) until you prove yourself as a ranger, or another officer, thank you ---
WE NEED PICTURES OF ELVES please send them to me here or send them to me via ICQ, my number is; 16102033, thanks a lot.

The Elven Ranks
Get free stuff, join the heat footsoldiers
The Elven Members
Read the rules and regulations
The Elven Nation's allies
Hints on stratagies
Join the Elven Nation
Challenge the clan
e-mail me with questions, requests, or suggestions for the clan

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