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Terry Ekberg West High School Honors Biology Web Page

"I already heard that one, you fucking unoriginal bastard. Go suck a cock, you piece of fucking; repeating shit!"

-Adam Sandler

Welcome to this web page. This web page is designed for anybody that has Mr. Ekberg's class at West High School. It contains Assignment for Ekberg's class and the test key to Chapter 14-22 of the take home test. Mr. Ekberg might not let people take the test home and give it to them in class but the answers are still valid. The answers should be all right since it took me about five individual tests to compile this answer key. The essay questions are as close as they can be and I can assure you that the concept of all of them is right but something might be missing and since some people are nerdy bitches, they might grade you unfair on the essay questions.

I am sorry; some of the things are not available. The food web on Assignment #20 is not available because there was no way I could put it onto the computer and I do not have a scanner. The picture of cellular respiration and photosynthesis are also unavailable for Assignment #8 and the cell picture for Assignment #6. Assignment #25 is unavailable in its entirerty and the last two questions of Assignment #17 are missing. You will have to abide without those unfortunately. I do not want to take away from anybody's learning but I do not learn much in Ekberg's class and think he is a bad teacher. That is why I decided to make the web page. For those of you that will take AP/IB Biology, and need to know Biology, you can listen attentively to Mr. Ekberg typing up notes is just downright irritating and the test is just stupid, long, and hard. If the assignment question in times is too long, feel free to shorten the answer. You are free to reproduce the contents of this web page, in any way, shape, or form. You can rebroadcast, retransmit, or do anything that you want with these assignments.

The test key on the web page is based on Biology: Principles and Explorations published by Holt, Reinhart, and Winston in 1996 by George B. Johnson, Peter H. Raven. It is 60-80 questions per chapter and contains true/false questions; multiple choice questions based on text and figures, fill in the blank questions, essay questions, and analogies. It has all the components of a test. Have fun using this web page and doing practically nothing in Ekberg's class except a couple of things, which I did not include, like a research paper or some pictorial assignments. Ekberg's class is just busy work anyway.

Additional ways of cheating in Ekberg's class:

When third term rolls around, you will have a very annoying test called a Dichotomous Key Test. In this test, you determine what type of plant it is by the use of a key. I recommend that you go to the library or the bookstore and get a field guide to plants. This field guide contains pictures, descriptions, and what the plant, cones, etc. looks like so I can see that it is going to be a very easy test for you. If you have half a brain, then you will get a perfect score. Ekberg gives you more than an hour to key out all the plants so just look them up in the book or see if you are correct. Be careful as to not let Ekberg and other people see you using this key or you will get a zero. I hold no responsibility if you get in trouble, doing this.

Get your research paper of a web page or take a science article and paraphrase it, so it does not sound professionally written or Ekberg will give you a B or lower.

Check off your assignments yourself on "I. R. S. day" or when Ekberg has all the assignment dues. Then when he tells that you have a finish, tell him that you have a check and show him a freshly printed assignment with a check on it that looks like his. Alternatively, something that is more fun, check them of yourself when he leaves his grading sheet on the table and leaves the room. Have some one watch for him so you are not busted and suspended or expelled.

If you think about, Ekberg's class can turn out to be somewhat fun in the end. Some people try to improve their grade by sucking up to him but that's no fun, since you have to better than that. Enough of this BS, the test key and assignments are below. Besides, Mr. Ekberg's class is just fun and games.

 If you want to send any response, comments, feedback, or to send additional components of Ekberg's class, email me at ,


Biological Groups
Test Key