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Sugarloaf Peak

Trail Facts

Sugarloaf Peak is a short trail located at the top of Little Cottonwood Canyon in the Albion Basin. The trailhead is at a parking lot at the entrance of the Albion Basin Campground.

The first half of this trail follows the Secret Lake trail.

The trail begins heading west from the trailhead then south around the campground for only about .1 mile where it then joins a service road and begins to head west/southwest toward the lake. Over the next .4 mile the trail keeps a very gradual climb as it passes through meadows and under an Alta ski lift. This is a very picturesque area with wildflowers completely filling the meadows later in the summer season and Devil's Castle towering above, spotted with snow banks that last through much of the season.

After this the trail begins a steeper climb as it zigzags up the final .3 mile to the lake. In this final stretch the elevation gain is about 280 feet, going through a series of short switchbacks. Secret Lake is very scenic. Nestled at the base of Sugarloaf Peak, it seems completely hidden from the campgrounds and resorts that surround it.

From Secret Lake the trail heads to the south from the outlet of the lake. If you have trouble finding this trail, just climb straight up the hill to the south toward a saddle between Devil's Castle and Sugarloaf Peak. After a short distance you will come across a well-beaten path. Follow this path, it continues a steep climb to the top of the ridge over a series of very short switchbacks. This climb from Secret Lake to the ridge includes a distance of .6 mile and an elevation gain of 800 feet.

At the top of the ridge there is a unique grassy area that seems out of place amidst the rocky ridge line. Here you can look to the south into American Fork Canyon with Pittsburg Lake directly below. At this point on the ridge turn right and continue west up the ridge to the summit of Sugarloaf Peak. This involves about another .2 mile and 200 foot climb. The view includes all of the Albion Basin, upper American Fork Canyon, and the backside of the Snowbird Resort area.