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Local Events

Ogden Chapter


2002-2003 Calendar of Activities
Revised 8October 2002


23rd -- Installation & Party -- 7:30 pm -- Organ Loft, Salt Lake City
29th -- Organ Recital, Karen Miller -- 6:00 pm -- First United Methodist Church

8th -- Tour, Conference Center on Temple Square, 7:30 - 9:00
October 8, Tuesday 7:30 - 9:00 pm LDS Conference Center Doors open at 7:00.
An introduction/demonstration of the new five manual Schoenstein & Co. organ in the Conference Center. This is a unique opportunity to hear an organ in a room that seats 21,000. This is a combined event with all Utah Chapters as well as Eastern Idaho.
A couple of guidelines.
1. Spouse/significant others are invited, but no children.
2. There will be NO opportunity to play the organ individually due to the number of people expected.
3. There will be NO organ crawl into the chambers due to the precariousness and number of people expected.

Those who are driving will be able to park without charge under the Conference Center. The parking ramp is accessed by driving north on West Temple, just north of North Temple. After driving down the ramp, take a ticket from the dispensing machine as though you were a paying customer. At some point during the evening you will be given a token that will allow you to exit later without having to pay. After taking your ticket if you look straight ahead you will see a sign on a sawhorse that says “AGO” marking your entrance into the building. Park as close as you can and walk to that entrance. Hosts will direct you from that point to the choir loft.

If you will be taking TRAX into the city or are otherwise approaching the Conference Center on foot, enter Door 4 (near the ticket office) at ground level on the west side of the building. Hosts will direct you from that point.

Anyone interested is certainly welcome to come early for a tour of the Conference Center. Tours begin every few minutes (as needed) and last about an hour. Anyone interested in taking a tour should enter the Conference Center through Door 15 on the south side of the building and should probably plan to arrive by about 6PM. Tours are not started after 8PM, so there will not be an opportunity for a tour following our meeting. At the conclusion of the tour please go to the hallway on the west side of the building on the Plaza level and proceed north toward the ticket office. A host will meet you and give further directions. (Hosts in the auditorium itself are instructed not to allow people to come up on the rostrum.)

Eccles Organ Festival at the Cathedral of the Madeleine
All performances begin at 8:00 pm
Sep 8 -- Martin Jean, Yale University
Sep 22 -- Peter Sykes, New England Conservatory
Oct 6 -- Ulrich Bohme, St. Thomas Church, Leipzig Germany
Oct 20 -- Thierry Escaich, St. Etienne du Mont, Paris
Nov 3 -- Andrew Unsworth, Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake City