Experiment I: The Aaron Sakulich Webring On Angelfire
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Experiment I: The Aaron Sakulich Webring On Angelfire

My Links:

Click here for a little more background about me!

To the Shout outs and acknlowledgements!

To the chronology of the War! War is Hell, berk.

A little Philosophy for you!

From now on, I will be putting all my new stories up on the complete story index. This is because I had like twenty of them cluttering up this front page thing here. So check in regularly! You can find it at The Story Index. The most recent story here is "The Invisible Man."

The Main Aaron Sakulich Expages page

If you went on KAIROS please read this.

Aaron has gone to Jackson. They put him on the train, laughing, down the long car laughing, the heads turning like the heads of owls as he passed. "What are you laughing at?" I said.

"Yes yes yes yes yes"

Two men put him on the train. They wore mismatched coats, bulging behind over their right hip pockets. Their necks were shaved to a hairline as though the recent and simultaneous barbers had had a chalk-line like Blank's. "Is it the pistols you're laughnig at?" I said. "Why do you laugh?" I said. "Is it because you hate the sound of laughing?"

They pulled together two seats so Aaron could sit by the window to laugh. One of them sat beside him, the other on the seat facing him, riding backward. One of them had to ride backward because the state's money has a face to each backside and a backside to each face, and they are riding on the states money which is incest. A nickle has a woman on one side and a buffalo on the other; two faces and no back. I don't know what that is. Aaron has a little spyglass he got in France at the War. In it it had a woman and a pig with two backs and no face. I know what that is. "Is that why you are laughing, Aaron?"

"Yes yes yes yes yes."

The wagon stands on the square, hitched, the mules motionless, the reins wrapped around the seat-spring, the back of the wagon toward the courthouse. It looks no different from a hundered other wagons there; Eric standing beside it and looking up the street like any other man in town that day, yet there is something different, distinctive. There is about it that unmistakable air of departure that trains have, perhaps due to the fact that Kathy and Kyle on the seat and Blank on a pallet in the wagon bed are eating bananas from a paper bag. "Is that why you are laughing, Aaron?"

Aaron is our brother, our brother Aaron. Our brother Aaron in a cage in Jackson, where, his grimed hands lying light in the quiet interces, looking out he foams.

"Yes yes yes yes yes."

Well, anyhow, if you've been here recently you've noticed some changes. Allow me to introduce myself: I am Aaron "Implicit Differentiation can kiss my foot" Sakulich. Way back in the glorious 11th grade I started a website at the Expages server thingie,w hich you can still get to through the links above. But then, I found I needed more room, so I moved to angelfire in 12th grade, made this place, and thenforgot about it and it fell into disuse. Thus, I have begun a Web Reclamation Project. I'm currently a Freshman in College, but more on me later. I hope to have more updates, info, and less crappy music soon!

But for now, anyway, by clicking on the above links you can get to my homepage on expages... a little more colorful, a little larger, but scattered on a wide number of pages with not much room on nay of them. Also, there's a bunch of links to my homies, word, and a bunch to other of my sites. Hope to see you there soon! But thats not the point. What was the point? I dont know. Of course it doesn't rhyme! Aren't you even listening? Darl has gone to Jackson. Why has Darl gone to Jackson? Because Darl was an individual. Or, as my comrade Herr Eric said,

"All hope abandon ye Friends, Romans, Countrymen, whom the center cannot hold, nevermore."

One thousand nine hundred eighty and one, that's the year I got here when my mom gave birth to a son. Not really realizing the prize that had been begot to her, the bona fide lo fi Redneck philosopher. Genius was the genus, the few the proud the me, I like me so much I had to buy the company. Soul for sale sold to Santa for a heck of a lot of luck I'm hard to come by like a straight guy working at starbucks. Idolized or despized but I bet I'm getting recognized half the people want me half the people want me dead.

I got to be in hell this week in English class even though it was in French originally. And I got to be a coward in hell and isnt that ironic and it was in English even though it should have been in French but we don't do plays in French except Candide, but Madame Kier was an oddball so we don't usually read plays in French unless we have an odd duck teahcing us like Madame and Candide was in French originally and we read it in French but this other play was in French originally and we read it in English in English class. German had nothing to do with it no one was speaking German it was only to be divided between French and English and no other languages although I guess it's been put into all of them so mauybe German too in some cases but not this one.Does that make sense? I tried to make this rhyme but I dont think it does unless you read it back wards and if you read it backwards that is strange and you are odd. I got to be a coward in hell even though Im not really a coward but I am in hell or maybe Im not can you tell I know you cant so there and maybe I am a coward but you can't prove that unless you're one of two, and in cause you either reek like cabbage and are a meanie and I hope I never see you again for as long as I live and even the sound of your voice or someone saying your name makes me want to form up and go up and over but you might be the other one of the two and if so I like you and I hope I see you again even though the cahnces of that happeneing are slim but I'll try anyway but you are so far away it will be hard. But the important thing to remeber is that I got to be in hell for cowardice and isnt that funny?

And now for a word from our sponsor:

Fiddle dee doo!

I also am a whole hearted supprter of the straight edge cause. Thats the cause where you don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. The berks who say Straight Edge folk can't eat meat or have sex can kiss my fur-covered behind, cause I plan to do both. Indefinately.

I am also a supporter of the Underground Carnivore Resistance Movement, dedicated to throwing off the shackles of injustice and tyranny brough to mankind by the evils of vegitarianism. I also support the Armies of Monobrow. I believe it's the most stylin' way possible for folk to go about wit' just one big fuzzy eyebrow going straight across they head.

My Associates:

Eric from Mountaintop! Be sure to look at the photos carefully for some of the most beautiful folk in the world!

I have nothing to do with this.

This here is my new buddy Lori