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Gos' Sweeties Harem

There are some guys that are just so adorable that you can’t leave them out; the kind that tends to incite coos instead of drool. For these cases, I have a Sweeties section. Not to say that none of the Lustier members aren’t also Sweeties, just that these are the guys that I would prefer a little friendly cuddling with to...other things.

Toon Sweeties

Denis Leary in a ‘kids’ movie.  One has to laugh Diego (Spanish variation of the Hebrew James: “Supplanter”)
I often go for the Bad Boys with Redeeming Qualities, don’t I? And Diego is one of the coolest. I love his sense of humour, and his voice is just...Wow. I kind of hate to admit that Denis Leary’s voice does this to me, but hey. Diego _purrs_.
"You’re a little low on the food chain to be mouthing off, don’t you think?"

The first role I ever saw Willem DaFoe in. Gill (Latin: “Young”)
I knew from the first note of his incidental music that I was going to love him. It’s very sexxy. There’s no other word for it. No, I don’t lust after him, but I do love him to death and would definitely like to have him in my tank for his ingenuity, charisma, and compassion.
"Fish aren't meant to be in a box, kid. It does things to them."

Danny Cooksey Milo Kamilani (Latin: "A soldier." Also, Teutonic: "Merciful.")
What can I say? I mean, really. He's just weird. Weird and artistic. And most of what he says is totally random. That's about the long and short of it.
"Angry teachers, when kept in the proper perspective, can be very entertaining."

Again, Jim Cummings Drake Mallard (Middle English: “Owner of the ‘Sign of the Dragon’ Inn.” ?_?)
I much prefer this side of the Terror that Flaps, myself – the mask seems to cloud his judgement. Unfortunately, it is virtually imposible to find a _good_ picture of him out of costume, so this one will just have to suffice. He’s a nice guy, a caring father, and has an amazing voice, to boot. And I love his mysterious air in “That Sinking Feeling” and some of the other season 1 episodes.
"Some people grow up and some just grow older."

Trey Parker.  Again, not the same guy as Trey McKay Parker. Stanley Marsh (Old English: “Dweller at the stony sea”)
I never would have thought I would be even a casual South Park fan, but that changed when I randomly decided to watch an episode and, instead of being revolted by the gore and sexual content, I was instead drawn to the cynicism of the Little Boy in the Red Poofball Hat. From that first episode, I was hooked, if not on the show itself, then certainly on Stan. See, Stan is one of the few characters that I can really relate to. He is able to combine all of the little internal paradoxes that I deal with and comes to most of the same conclusions I would. We both feel a duty to help people and the world, but we’re also kind of lazy. We both disagree with a lot of what America does, and we don’t necessarily think our country is superior to all others, but we have an inherent and somewhat inexplicable patriotism. And we both hate Cartman. Over time, I have come to very much like Kyle, Butters, and several other characters, but Stan is the real reason I watch the show.
"America may have some problems, but it’s our home, our team. If you don’t wanna root for your team, get the hell out of the stadium. Go America."

The first role I ever saw Geoffrey Rush in. Nigel (Gaelic: “Champion”)
What a sweetie, eh? A pelican who can befriend fish. I love him! It’s really his compassion, intelligence, and sense of humour that makes me want to throw my arms around that absurdly long neck.
"Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat."

Antonio Banderas’ best performance of all time ;^) Puss in Boots (Umm... He’s a cat. A cat from a nursery rhyme.)
Aww... Look at ‘im...! Don’t ya just want to pick him up and nuzzle him? He’s also a loyal friend, an awesome swordsman, and has a cute accent.
"I hate Mondays."

Mike Myers.  As a Scotsman. Shrek (Ogrish: “Onion” Or not. It’s German, I believe...)
Every time I see the scenes where he describes the Layers and the Wall, I am reminded exactly why I love him. Given my family, I can tolerate a certain amount of the crude behaviour. Just so long as he never does the ear wax thing again.
"Look, I'm not the one with the problem, okay? It's the world that seems to have a problem with me."

Dan Castellaneta Elmo Sputterspark (Italian: “Helmet; protector.”)
Megavolt is my Favourite Cartoon Character EVER, hands down. He's a large portion of the reason I'm studying Electrical Engineering. Why do I love him so much? He’s a lot like me. Well, he was before the accident... You want to see true devotion? I have a Helga-esque shrine in my closet.
"This is wrong, all wrong...and in definite need of repair!"

The Man of the Awesome Eyebrows, Will Friedle Ronald Stoppable (English, Scottish: “Powerful, rules with counsel”)
Ron’s adorable. And he’s even more adorable as a pre-schooler. Sarcasm and inflections always do it for me, and Ron’s got em both in spades. He’s got good taste in pets, too. It is kinda creepy that he doesn't have any pupils, though... Anyhow, I love his enthusiasm, disregard for any social norms that would potentially promote him in the eyes of society (though, oddly enough, not the ones that are detrimental to him - witness his strict adherence to the "rules" in "Grudge Match"), and immunity to embarrassment. If there is anywhere that the phrase “Ou phrontis Hippokleidei,” is applicable, this is it.
"I don’t know that I agree, but I admire your passion."

John Goodman at his very best. James P. Sullivan (Hebrew: “Supplanter”)
Boy, do I envy Boo. Every time I watch this movie, I want nothing more than to give Sulley a big hug. He just seems like the kind of person – – whose hugs would make everything seem okay. He’d be a great big brother and an even better father. Never before have I had such an urge to run out and buy a giant plushie after seeing a movie.

It’s Jason Marsden! (dot com) Tino Tonitini (Origin unknown: “Small”)
It’s a cynical, neurotic little wiseacre who squeaks when you poke him. What’s not to love? If young Mr. Tonitini were a smidge older, he would certainly be Over There with the others (though given he was 12 in 2000...). Tino is my Second Favourite Cartoon Character EVER.
"Did I mention that dramatic irony bites like a rabid monkey?"

Livie Sweeties

Python Eric Idle Concorde (Latin: "Together, heart.”)
Simply the best character in Holy Grail, Concorde is saddled with a slightly dense, altogether imprudent knight, though he takes it all in stride. Aside from "Is there someone else up there we can talk to," and "What a strange person," both delivered by fellow harem member, Sir Galahad, "Message for you, sir," is my favourite line from the movie.
"Actually, I’m not quite dead, sir."

Jason Gray-Stanford, who also does voice work! Lieutenant Randall Disher (English: “Shield wolf”)
My mother (again, the same mother who never watches television), after trying for about a year, got me into Monk not long before I left for college. And it was the first weekend that I was here – the weekend USA ran the Monk Labor Day marathon – that I first felt the urge to glomp the poor, under appreciated Lt. Disher. If I’m not mistaken, it was in the middle of the episode where Stottlemeyer gets shot, where he's quite obviously emotionally distraught but still tries to do both his job and his partner's, that I first caught myself wanting to give him a hug, and it only gets worse with each episode I watch.
"Now I have to go back and arrest my girlfriend for conspiracy and attempted murder."

Michael Palin, Globetrotter Extraordinaire Sir Galahad...the Chaste (Arthurian Legend: “Son of Launcelot" Err...)
He's just adorable. Michael Palin, even at his raunchiest, makes you want to give him a great big hug. Galahad, this character who wants to be a hero and who wants to have control of the situation but is repetitively denied these wishes and remains so serious in the face of utter absurdities, makes even a hardened cynic such as myself go "Awww!"
"Is there someone else up there we can talk to?"

Gary Oldman, who is a bloody chameleon, I swear... Lt. James Gordon (Hebrew: “The supplanter”)
There were plenty of fantastic actors in Batman Begins, and all of them gave amazing performances. And there were several very attractive actors who gave very tasty performances. But the actor who stole the show for me was Gary Oldman. I have never before been a Batman fan, and I’ve certainly never been a Commissioner Gordon fan, but there was something very endearing about the character in Batman Begins. I’m sure a lot of that has to do with Oldman’s being adorable (at least in this movie... I would hardly call Dracula “adorable”), but that’s not all. Probably it was the brief shot we got of him at home that did it for me – he became a real person with real concerns, and not just a largely uninteresting police officer. And my gods do I want to feed him something; he’s just so scrawny!
"I couldn’t find any crime bosses."

Heath Ledger...?  What's he doing in here?  Looking lovely, actually. Jacob Grimm (Hebrew: “Held by the heel”)
What an adorable little sweetheart, no? It’s rare that it is the same character in a buddy/brother pair that is both the most naively reckless and the would-be scholar, but such an unexpected combination of personality traits is surprisingly realistic and very attractive. When so many movies are filled with cookie-cutter characters with cut-and-paste character traits, even a little deviation stands out enough to catch my eye. Likely the only reason that Jake isn’t in the harem proper is that his brother caught my eye just a little bit more effectively, and he was robbed of my attention. But I’m sure he didn’t miss it much with my roommate concentrating so intently on him...
"I can’t hold me ale!"

Captain Sir Edward Pellew.  I mean, Robert Lindsay Sydney Lotterby (English: “From Sidon”)
A keeper at the zoo in Fierce Creatures, Lotterby is insanely devoted to his animals. He's also a schemer, and the porcupine costume was very cute. Plus, he looks like a chipmonk (no offense meant, Mr. Lindsay. You don't usually look like a rodent. And I'm rather fond of the little critters, myself ^_^)
"What would you be saying if it went over there, jumped into that pram? What would you be saying to the child's mother now?"

Kelsey Grammer is m hero right now, I swear. Dr. Henry “Beast” McCoy (Teutonic: “Home ruler”)
Beast was my favourite from way back, proving that even when I didn’t know how to even say “paradox,” “irony,” or “dichotomy,” I was a sucker for them. My interest in Beast was piqued again when I saw X-Men the first time and realized how upset I was that only one of my favourite characters was in the movie (Cyke was, Beast and Jubilee weren’t...I have since realized that Jubilee was kind of annoying). And then I waited patiently for five years (I saw X-Men on video – shame on me) for them to add him to the cast. Boy was I happy when they finally did. X3 may not have been the best movie in the trilogy, but I was completely oblivious to the problems as I drank in the big, blue beauty that is Hank McCoy. I’ve never read the comics, but, from my somewhat limited knowledge of the cartoons, Grammer’s Beast was spot on, aside from the fact that one or two of his lines kind of sucked. Of course, that’s the writers’ fault, not Grammer’s.
"Oh my stars and garters..."

Brendan Fraser in one of his less mainstream roles Stu Miley (Anglo-Saxon: "A steward")
Cute, sweet, and artistic with a weird sense of humor and a tragic-ish past. I'm not hugely fond of his alter ego, but Stu had me by the heartstrings from his first shot, illustrating his repulsion to media hype.
"Excuse me, Kitty. I’ll be right back after I choke my monkey."

Chris Barrie of...well...Red Dwarf fame Arnold Judas Rimmer (Teutonic: “Strong as an eagle”)
You’ve gotta feel for this guy. He’s a complete failure, socially inept, and, to top off his utter lack of ANYTHING, he’s dead. The only woman he ever had a chance with is unable to stay with him, and his “friends” would far rather turn him off to bring back a pretty young female than give him the time of day. Granted, I wouldn’t be able to spend more than about a minute in the same room with the cocky biznatch, but I can pity him from a distance of a few millennia.
Ace Rimmer, on the other hand, can sod off.
"Love is a device invented by bank managers to make us overdrawn."

The multi-talented Noel Clark Mickey Smith (Hebrew: "Like the Lord")
Poor guy... No one treats him right, and he's always left out of the fun – even during the brief period when he was a proper companion, he managed to be shoved out of the way for most of the episodes. He's a sweet guy, inexplicably devoted, and (usually) far more understanding than most. And he may be the tin dog, but the tin dog can talk, reason, and analyze data, and he is extremely useful to have around, even if he's not 100% vital. I'm not going to lie – I would run off with The Doctor, too. But I would want Mickey to come with, and I would be much more appreciative of him.
"Surveillance... You ask me, that's just another way of saying 'Go sit at the back of the class with the safety scissors and glitter'."

Harold Ramis, of whom I know little to nothing. Dr. Egon Spengler (Gaelic: "Young fighter.")
In typical Robin fashion, I've fallen for the mad scientist. Okay, not mad, but he's walking a thin line. According to the script, "Spengler is a real egghead, who single-handedly got Venkman through graduate school. Spengler is incredibly intelligent but amazingly dense at the same time." And Ramis described him as "a human computer -- someone who has no emotional life whatsoever, who only deals in facts an information -- a 'new wave' Mr. Spock." And on top of being a brilliant, generous, open-minded, eccentric scientist, he has a nice, dry sense of humour. It doesn't come out very often, but that only makes it all the more enjoyable when it does.
"Sorry, Venkman. I’m terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought."

The fangirl in me is _screaming_ ‘JTT!!!’ Randall Taylor (English: “Shield wolf”)
I adored Randy when I was little, like every other fourth grade girl in America, simply because it was JTT. And, also like every other fourth grade girl in America, I dropped him like a sack of bricks when he became old news. So imagine my surprise when I randomly started watching Home Improvement reruns a couple of months ago and realized just how cute Randy really was. I mean, come on. He’s a petite, humanitarian smart alec. So basically a live action Tino Tonitini.
"Well, Cousin Randy would love to, but unfortunately I've got to spend a couple hours with Uncle Chemistry and Aunt Algebra."

Billy Boyd.  What a cutie. Peregrin Took ( Latin: “Wanderer”)
What an adorable little ding-a-ling, no? I finally managed to see Fellowship in its entirety, and though it would not have surprised me to come away with either Boromir or Samwise in my harem, it is clear which character grabbed me in the end – the cute, stupid one with the Idle-esque features and Scottish accent. Mmm...positively delicious little guy, Pippin. I want to poke him on the nose and ruffle his hair. And then tie him to a chair so he’ll stop being such a menace ^_^
"Don’t talk to it, Merry. Don’t encourage it."

Littie Sweeties

Played here by Sam Rockwell.  Another excellent Flute could be seen at the Shakespeare Theatre in DC in late 2003 - Greg Feldon does an excellent job in the part. Francis Flute the Bellows Mender (Teutonic: "Free")
Poor guy... Everyone is so mean to him, and no one ever remembers him except as the cross-dresser. He didn't want to be Thisby (and his attempts to avoid the part are quite adorable - "What is Thisby? A wand'ring knight?" "Nay, faith: let not me play a woman: I have a beard coming.") I am glad, at least, that Rockwell and Feldon both did such a marvelous job as Flute. They make me want to give the poor guy a hug...
"Nay, faith. Let not me play a woman; I have a beard coming."

~!Wyrd Sisters spoiler!~
Sorry for the poor quality.  Picture taken from the Cosgrove Hall Wyrd Sisters miniseries. The Fool
He lost most of his charm when he took the throne, but he was such a pathetic, loveable jester... The courting scenes with Magrat are just too cute. And if the book didn’t draw you to him, you should just hear him. Andy Hockley has one of the most lovely voices...
"I think you have a right to know what it is you’re not being told."

Matthew Lewis, who has become quite an attractive young man Neville Longbottom (Old French: "From the new town or settlement")
Isn't he a cute little guy? I am enormously glad that he has become an important character in the series - I had picked him out as one of my favourites from the beginning. I finally decided to officially add him after I saw Goblet of Fire, where he actually had a chance to help out (finally!).
"'Apparently Professor Sprout told Professor Moody I'm really good at Herbology,' Neville said. There was a faint note of pride in his voice that Harry had rarely heard there before. 'He thought I'd like this.'"

Another Paul Kidby masterpiece.  Or part of one. Rincewind
[says a few more “Hail Pratchett”s] Rince is a brilliant character. Everything he says is hilarious. Everything he does is hilarious. Maybe I’m just easily amused [cue brief chorus of consenting voices]. Maybe I just like the failed-whatever-this-person-is-trying-to-be type a bit more than is healthy [cue consenting voices again]. One way or the other, I cracked up over this bit from The Last Hero – “Occasionally one of the dragons hiccupped. Everyone present, bar one, would freeze. This exception was Rincewind, who would be crouched down behind a pile of timber many yards away.” I love this guy. And if you need any more of an explanation, either you haven’t read the books and should meet the guy on your own, or you have and you just don’t get him. If the later is the case, I sincerely pity you, but nothing I could possibly say would help you in any way.
"Dead is only for once, but running away is forever."

Portrayed here by the adorable Rupert Grint Ronald Weasley (English, Scottish: “Powerful, rules with counsel”)
I must just have a thing for slightly ineffectual Rons. Or perhaps the Thing is for humourous, befreckled supporting characters named Ron who carry around animals of the rodent persuasion. One way or another, this guy really caught my attention in The Order of the Pheonix, which I read not long at all after I really started paying attention to certain other characters who have more than a few things in common with him. If you would direct your attention upward to the Toon Sweeties you’ll see what I mean.
"And from now on, I don’t care if my tea leaves spell die, Ron, die - I’m just chucking them in the bin where they belong."

Thanks to The NameLocator Search Engine and Baby Zone for the name meanings.
