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Full Name: Megara
Age: mid to late twenties or so?
Occupation: evil minion, double agent, damsel-who-is-most-certainly-not-in-distress
Voice: Susan Egan

In the original myths, Megaera was Heracles’ first wife. The two had three sons and were happy and such. Until Hera made Heracles think his family was an invading enemy and he killed them all. But this isn’t Megaera, this is Megara. And as far as we know, Hercules didn’t kill her.

In Disney’s take, Megara is a no-nonsense damsel who can bloody well take care of herself, thank you so very much. Oh, yeah, and she has sold her soul to Hades. But, see, she did it to save a boyfriend, so it’s not like she’s really evil. Besides, he ran off and left her, so…


Which would, of course, be where her stand-offish attitude came from. At one point, in a moment of extreme lack of forethought, Herc tells her that “When I’m with you, I don’t feel so alone.” Meg replies with “Sometimes it's better to be alone…Nobody can hurt you.” The song she sings later after Herc leaves is quite likely the best Disney song since Beauty and the Beast (except Hellfire and Be Prepared. Okay. The best non-villain song.)

Initially, I was repulsed by her 20-2-24 figure, but I’ve learned to look past that to her personality, which she has in abundance. When all is said and done, Meg is a highly complex character with an outlook on life that is remarkably similar to my own.

Meg Quotes:
~”He comes on with his big innocent farmboy routine, but I could see through that in a Peloponnesian minute.”
~“You know how men are. They think ‘no’ means ‘yes’ and ‘get lost’ is ‘take me, I'm yours!’”
~“I'm a big tough girl. I tie my own sandals and everything.”
~Hercules: Aren't you, a damsel in distress?
Megara: I'm a damsel, I'm in distress... I can handle this. Have a nice day!
~Hercules: You know, when I was a kid, I would have given anything to be exactly like everybody else.
Meg: You wanted to be petty and dishonest?
Hercules: Everybody's not like that.
Meg: Yes they are.
Hercules: You're not like that.
Meg: How do you know what I'm like?

So did they give you a name along with all those rippling pectorals?
Created December 25, 2003.