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Middle Ages and Medieval Times, fact, fiction, and legend.

Important news: I am no longer updating this page. I am, however, in the process of transferring the info kept here into my new homepage, I will be updating that. I will let you know when the transfer is complete.

You must make a choice for your Quest:

Does your path lead down the maze of mythology?-King Arthur, Merlin the Magician, Knights of the Round Table, etc.

Or does your destiny lead down the trail of truth?-Crusades,Weapons, real-life Knights, etc.

This is a really good site which sells swords, armour, models, and more! All weapons and armour are available at full body size, and everything is very detailed and finely crafted. Take a look at it!

I have ICQ, go ahead and add me! My number is 7961102, just mention that you found me on my homepage.

**This homepage is intended as an archive of information about the Middle Ages. I believe all the information on this page to be true, and usable for reports, other pages, etc. However, I am not perfect. If you find a mistake, then PLEASE let me know!**

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