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Lou's Hung Gar/Kung Fu Home Page

If anyone has comments on this website, please sign my GUESTBOOK and let me know. Until then, have fun!!!

Directory / History of:
Kung fu
Hung Gar
Choy Li Fut
Praying Mantis
Eagle Claw
Wing Chun
White Eyebrow

Martial Artists Wong Fei-Hung
Lam Sai Wing
Bruce Lee
Jet Li
Chuck Norris
Steven Seagal

Miscellaneous Lou'sGuestBook
Chat Room
News Archives
Student of the Month Archives


09-09 Great distraught in the Great Grand Master's Compound!
Yes ladies and gents, Great Grand Master Lou Chi is quite discouraged in his Kung fu partners. Looks like some of them (Dancer) are getting black eyes from Mary K sales persons! News just got in that the dancer can't block since Great Grand Master Lou Chi has left the Kwoon which is seemingly left with no vision. It's been reported that FOCUS is literally non-existent and no one is serious anymore. This is why the Great Grand Master's Council has abstained from electing a Student of the month during the past months. Looks like some people need to train harder and with more ferociousness. Remember people; you are training to beat someone that is better than you, not someone you can beat in the present instance. Motivation is the sun that lights the mind and soul. Lack of thereof seems to endeavor some students to lose focus in instances where life or death could very well result.

The Great Grand Master's Council will conduct an emergency meeting and will discuss urgent issues that seem to be left in obedience. Special information will be warranted in the seeming less instances where someone will endeavor in solace. Regardless of the lack of seemingly unsorrowed and unbalanced students, the pith and substance of mediocre evaluations will nonetheless be regarded has high priority. Let's hope some of the students will keep this in mind when they try to achieve the summit of their conscience.

Stay tuned to hear more about this discouraging discrepancy of fortitude.

06-25 Great Grand Master Lou Chi's new coordination’s!
Yes ladies and gentlemen, and dancers, Great Grand Master Lou Chi will be moving in to his new apartment on June 30, 2001. This is to let everyone know that checks from his admires should be sent to his new address. Don't be afraid, Great Grand Master Lou Chi is the one who gets hardly paid!

The GREAT ONE can be reached at:
59 Abbott Ct app. 25
Fredericton, New Brunswick
E3B 5V8
Tel:(506) 455-9455

Hope to hear from all of you in the near future.
Take care,
Great Grand Master Lou Chi

06-03 And the May Student of the Month goes to...
The vote is in, and the gloves are off. We have crowned May's Kung fu student of the month. This is a good one since there was much controversy concerning the Dancer's future has part of the Student of the Month awards. To find out who is May's Student of the Month click on Student of the Month Archives in the Miscellaneous section.