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My Biography and What I am all about

Important things about me:

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Cool link...about Cows..hehe
Garfield page, check it out
The homepage of my College..look at the athletics stuff

Well if you've made it to this page then you must want to really know about here is the ugly truth about a girl named Adrienne....hehe, that's me:-) ok maybe the truth isn't so ugly after all:-P I was born on January 28th 1980, in Redbank New Jersey...a pretty big baby...10 lbs., I was prefectly healthy for the most part. At about age 3 my parents divorced and my mother, my older brother, he's 21 now, and I moved to Rochester NY, and that's where we have lived ever since. We've had numerous pets in our time in Ro cha cha, including a turtle, fish, bird, hamsters, and right now we have a dog, and 3 cats (Kirby, TT, and Peachy). I have always liked animals, and wanted to be a vet for the longest time, but then I realized you had to go to school for like 8 years for that, and suddenly I wasn't interested anymore..hehe, so I decided to become a physician assistant, 4 years of school, and then I am making good money in a good job:-)....So right now I'm alomst through my freshman year, and I have to say it went pretty well overall, I've made some good friends...(let's just hope they all come back next year...) and adjusted well to college life. My grades are good, and I still have lots of time to have fun. So you want to know more about what I am like? well let me tell you....I'm basically an easygoing person, not real argumetive or anything like that, I ussually just go with the flow. I don't let things get me too down, and I adjust to changes easily. I like to make people laugh and most of my friends are people who I think are funny....though I do kind of have a semi-weird sense of humer, and can be a little mean at times, though I don't try to be. I have my weird side, but I think that everyone is a little weird, and it's good to be a little different, as long as you are not, totally crazy or anything. I'm really quiet and shy when I first meet someone, but as I get to know them I can act more like wild and crazy self;-) lol, and as I've aged I have become alot less shy then I used to be, believe me I used to be bad.....wouldn't talk to anyone.....anyway, I really believe in the importance of family and in getting a good education. I'm basically a jock, but I do like to get dressed up sometimes, it's fun:-) i like to dance (like at clubs..not, watch movies, read, Shop, and lots of other things...and I'll try almost anything once. Well that's all I can think of for now, hope you enjoyed getting to know me:-) Have a nice day!