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Updates on my life.....

8/15/01: Well the summer has been a lot of fun and now i am back to school in 2 weeks..wah..but i am also looking forward to it. So this summer i went on 2 vacations. Me, Mike, Krista and Sabrina went camping at Darien Lake, that was cool, Sabrina is like a camping Then me and Mike went to his grandma's cabin on a lake in New Hampshire..long drive, but it was worth it:-) We spent about a week there, then went down to Kingston (his home) for a family reunion type i met even more people from his family. I think everyone liked me well enough. Mike's cat is really fat and mean, and he always makes fun of my cat for being Then the rest of the summer was spent doing more typical stuff, working, going to the gym, going to Red Wing baseball games, seeing a few concerts, etc. Overall it was a really great summer, my best in recent memory:-) But now it is back to school, and back to that life...that will be different now that it is just me and Big Poppa left on campus..oh well, i will manage. Bye for now:-)

5/28/01: Well it has been a long time for, oh well. I am just gonna say that i am currently adding more pictures and crap to my site, the newest addition is the Springfest page. I am home for the summer now and start work this wednesday..yuck:-| i wanna be a bum for longer, after all it is what i am best at;-) Anyway, Mike graduated last weekend, it was cool, and i got to meet all the family that was up to see it. I think they all liked me:-) So that was fun. The project of the summer is cleaning up my house. Me and Mike plan to clean it all the way far so good. Well that's all for now folks...SIGMA ROCKS

10/6/00: Ok so it has been a little while here, but i have some free time now so i will update:-) ok i am back at school for my third year now, doing great as usual. Basketball has started and i worked pretty hard over the summer, and i think that has shown up in my play. The only bad thing is, I have been having this pain in my knee, and it really hurts, but all i can do is ice it and hope it gets I decided to pledge a sorority this year! can you believe it?? Sigma Omega Chi!! and now i am in it..all i can say is that it was a very interesting I have to give a shout out to all my pledge sisters, they are all awesome! and the rest of the sisters are pretty darn cool too. So far i am having fun here at school. We went to this awesome club a few weeks ago and had a kick ass time. Everything is going super with me and Mike, it was great seeing him everyday over the summer, i really enjoyed it. We have been going out for like a year and 3 1/2 months, so that is cool. The pic is me and Krista in my room before dyeing are hair. That's about everything for

5/24/00: It had been a long time since i have updated this little, but i doubt anyone really cares:-p But i enjoy doing this so, i will continue even if noone ever comes and looks lol. So i am done with school for the summer, and am working again. I like the job at times, but i am just on my feet sooooo much, and i must have super sensitive feet or something, they start hurting and stuff:-(...Oh well, this summer is bound to be fun, cause Mike will be on his co-op and will only be 15 min away from me all summer!!!! We can see eachother every night if we want, it will be soo fun:-) i am excited. i am still waiting for my grades, i am sweating it out over 2 of them, whether i will get an A or not...we shall see

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