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Hello, welcome to my College Life

My Favorite things about Daemen

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My First Page

hello all and welcome to my page of what college has been like so far, but since I am only a freshman, I guess I don't have too much to write here right now...but here it goes anyway...the long horrifying story of DAEMEN COLLEGE!!! Well first there was TVS, over the summer, it was hot, it was boring, it was DUMB!! Let's see then there was Bridge, and that great camping site, yippee, I've never slept better in my life!!..(yeah right) haha..Thank god Jen was there or I would have been friendless..:-(..but then we met Krista and Michelle, who weren't so big and bad at all, and of course Little Fawn!....of "I have a goldfish", and Sabrina and, unfortunately we also met hot dog Those fun little games we played and that nice relaxing hike..(my ass, that sucker was hard..hehe). The bonfire was great with those scary stories, and then of course MAFIA! hehe, what fun, but I still don't understand why everyone wanted to kill me first...Trying to tell me something??? haha. Then we got back to college and reality set in, we were gonna be here for on year. Everyone got settled, and we checked out everyone's room, had a little fun running away from a certain someone, with a 12 seat started school. Settled into a routine and then Basketball started...hooray...It was so nice to have a good coach and teammates that were so cool and nice and friendly:-) we started practice and then games, and before we knew it the season was over we ended up, 22-11, pretty decent, I ended up averaging 5 points a game and 4 rebounds, with a high game of 18 points and 8 rebounds vs. Mansfield. We beat my hometown team of Roberts Wesylan, 3 times...yippee....and that was that. First semester ended, got a 3.94 GPA, damn that A- in philosophy....grrr...Second semester was more of the same as the first, playing basketball hacing fun and doing well in school. Though i must admit it was nice when bball ended, cause i had more free time for my friends and all, well..ummm...ok, well more on college later...but that's it for now...Oh by the way, i did end up with a 4.0 for that semester:-), and also earned a partial basketball scholarship for next year:-)
