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HS Facts and Memories

This picture is for my HS senior banquet, it was alot of fun:-)

Hi everyone this page is devoted to HS and all those wonderful... and some not so great memories, but all in all, it was a good experience, and made me what i am read on and enjoy.....Well first of all, I was basically a blend of a jock and a nerd in, i played three sports, but was also the salutatorian (and giving that speech at graduation is one of the things i am most proud of in my life..and i did a pretty good job if i do say so myself;-), and took AP classes, also i was pretty good in art, and took some classes in that as well. Oh, and i also played trombone up untill senior year:-) just an all around type of girl;-) HS is all politics, it really is. If your parents are all active in the school and what have you then it all made...but if not you can get screwed over, but it's part of life, and makes you a better person in the end, i mean just look how i turned out;-) lol. Tennis was my first sport of the year, and that was basically for fun, i wasn't serious about it, even though i did manage to make all county in it, god only knows I played doubles, and had tons of fun with my friend Abbey. Softball was my last sport of the year, and that was a good experience overall, i have played since i was like 8, and in 9th grade, our JV team went undefeated under the best coach i have ever had, Mr. Wight. I played first base almost exclusivly in school ball, but in summer ball i was pretty much a catcher. We had some fun times, on our trips to Virginia beach..Roman Rapids!!!!, sneaking out the window;-) Abbey in the bathroom at 4am...and me scaring that chinese delivery guy to Angel food cake!! Amy L, and those crazy pics, going into the ocean at night, those people in the pool..hehe..and i think we visited every damn mall in, ok now to Basketball, my one true love besides Kirby, my cat:-) Well what can i say, my coach basically ruined my last 2 years in hs for me, but i still managed to improve myself enough to accomplish some good stuff. Thank god for Rash, or i would have never made it through. Well that's it for HS, go and check out my other pages:-)

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