Fanfic by Wouter Jaegers

Daria's Comatose
After seeing Mystik Spiral at the Zen, Daria is run over by a car on her way home. Trent and Jane recognize the driver: it's Ms. Li. A lot of attitude changes follow as the Lanes plan their revenge.

A Girl and her Guitar
When Daria finds Trent's guitar that he left behind (after "Lane Miserables"), she attempts to return it to him. But when he says that she can keep it, Daria decides to become musical, much to Quinn's chagrin.

Daria gets a makeover and performs one herself.

The School Bands
Ms. Li goes out for another crazy fundraising event that gets everyone to go musical.

Let's be in Love
Find out why Quinn never goes steady, and why Stacy always chooses Quinn's side in the Fashion Club.

Murder was the Case
Sandi, humiliated and infuriated by Quinn and Stacy's romance, strikes back with a vengeance... and a knife.

An all-out manhunt for Sandi is underway. Will she be apprehended before she kills again?

North Star
An expedition to the Arctic coast to study whale populations turns into both an adventure and a nightmare for Daria and her friends.

The Year of the Cynic
A crossover with "Kiss Psycho Circus," based on Brian Holguin's "The Year of the Fox."

Inside the Amplifier
Jodie interviews Wouter.

Sweet Child of Mine
Mother and child relationships: a thing that all the Lawndale High students know about, or think they do. But what is it really like to be a mother? One of our young Lawndalian women will find out.

Another Week in Lawndale
Two Kevins, a guy dressing up as Daria, and Pokémon? No, it's not a Sick Sad World promo, but it is rather interesting.

Break Out
Jane leaves Lawndale and her life and the lives of the people she leaves behind will change forever. Part One in the Trouble Walking Series.

Part Two in the Trouble Walking Series.

Fractured Mirror
Part Three in the Trouble Walking Series.

White Out
Part Four in the Trouble Walking Series.

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