

Name: Jodie Abigail Landon (Goddess of the Over-Worked and Under-Appreciated)
Age: 17
Occupation: Junior at Lawndale High School
First Appearance: "The Esteemsters"
Voice: Jessica Cydnee Jackson
Favorite Pastimes: Studying, giving advice to people, making announcements for the student council

Jodie, president of the student council, is pretty much the perfect student. She's attractive and popular, but is also a very dedicated pupil and is always on the honor role. She's a very deep thinker, and is often found pondering something or another.

Even though she's popular and good friends with Brittany, she enjoys Daria and Jane's sarcasm, and sometimes asks them for advice.

She dates Mack, captain of the football team, who is also one of the (very) few African Americans in the school.

Jodie usually wears a pink button-down blouse, a side-buttoning khaki skirt, blue barrettes, and heeled black shoes.

Jodie's Trivia

- In distance shots, her hair sometimes looks grey

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Jodie's main picture was taken from Outpost Daria.