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VMF Graffiti Graphics

Welcome to VMF Graffiti Graphics. Come on inside for some great things to stick on your websites or just on your computer!

Graphics page w/in this site may take a minute to load. But please wait for it to load because you will just LOVE what you see!

Please keep reading below the enter graphic for more stuff. :)

Please click on this graphic, to enter this site.

All graphics on this site are free for the taking as long as the few rules I have for my graphics are respected.

VMF Graffiti Graphics was created in August of 1998. My graphics were origionally for Pagans and Drug Free life-styles, but due to the large amount of requests from people who have viewed my many sites, I have decided to upgrade VMF Graffiti Graphics to a multi-purpose design site.

Disclaimer: All graphics shown on this site are owned by VMF Graffiti Graphics. All graphics have been designed and/or redesigned by VMF Graffiti Graphics. At no point will any micro-writing on graphics be changed or taken off. If you would like a graphic with out the VMF Graffiti Graphic signature on it, e-mail me and I will gradly fix one for you, with the understanding that some terms of agreement may apply. All backrounds on this site have come from the Angelfire Communications Site Editor, and I am unsure if they are as well free for the taking.

Hey! Want to hear some music? Click on the little box with the music notes in it, Below! This is the first time I've put any music on any of my websites, So I'm pretty sure you have to double click on it. :) If it doesnt work, e-mail me. :)

[ KeyTrax...Audio Generator ] [ Angelfire...Free Web Pages ] [ WhoWhere...People Finder ]
