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Patch #1
Patch #2


(Stick the files in your C:\Program Files\Call of Duty folder. Make a backup of your original
CoDMP.exe and stick that in a new folder. Run both of the patches to your original CoDMP.exe
To start the hack, run CoDbot.exe instead of CoDMP.exe. Instructions for running the hack are below.)


To change the aimbot's cvars you use the "set" command. Normal cvars have the syntax "\set <cvar name> <new value>". The special cvars take more arguments. Example for autoaim on: /set aim 1. Example for autoaim off: /set aim 0

When you have the ESP enabled, the names of enemy players will be drawn in red color and your teammates will be green. Also note that the times used in the burstfire configuration are given in milliseconds.

Normal cvars

quiet: 1 = disable all bot console messages, 0 = quiet mode off. default value is 0.
predict: how much the bot will try to predict the movements of it's target. default value is 1.
fov: the aimbot's field of view, in degrees. default is 0, which means fov checking is disabled.
teamcheck: this cvar affects autoaiming and esp. it's used to tell te bot who it should be a shooting at. 2 = opposing team, 1 = same team, 0 = everyone. you should always set this to 0 when playing deathmatch. default value is 2.
fire: 1 = autofire on, 0 = autofire off. default value is 1.
esp: tells the bot what info it should draw on screen about other players. 2 = name and distance, 1 = name only, 0 = ESP off. default value is 0.
aim: 1 = autoaiming on, 0 = autoaiming off. default value is 0.
wallhack: 1 = wallhack on, 0 = wallhack off. default value is 0.
thirdp: 1 = third person mode on, 0 = third person mode off. default value is 0.

Special cvars

burst: takes two arguments: the time to keep firing and the time to wait before firing the next burst. note that the times are in milliseconds! example: set burst 300 800. default values are 0 and 0.
aimvec: takes four arguments: number of aimvec to change, x, y and z axis. codbot uses three different aiming vectors: #1 is for standing targets, #2 is for crouching targets and #3 is for prone targets. for example, to set vec_stand to 0 0 60, you would enter "\set aimvec 1 0 0 60" and so on. The defaults are:
vec_stand: 0 0 60
vec_crouch: 0 0 40
vec_prone: 0 0 11
thirdpcfg: this command changes the third person mode settings. it has two options:
range: specifies how far the camera is from your player. default range is 100.
angle: adjusts the horizontal angle of the camera. valid values are from -180 to 180, default is 0

Battlefield 1942
Call of Duty
