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Wonderpower Sessions with Maggie

Maggie instills Wonderpowers personally with her SCIO-Q sessions. These holistic healing sessions can help almost any issue you may have and they are also PAIN-FREE, as the SCIO-Q is non-invasive and non-chemical, (no-needles, drugs or anything!) so your session will be a PLEASURABLE experience.

Maggie can do sessions in person with a harness that connects to the SCIO-Q and goes

around one’s head, ankles, and wrists – Or, Maggie can do sessions in “subspace,”.

Maggie’s general philosophy is to start by balancing emotional, mental, and spiritual stress levels. This facilitates most physical and psychological issues to dissipate as they are generally caused by stress. In doing so, Maggie has helped people get to the root of their issues as she has helped people with everything from Parkinson’s disease to the common cold. These sessions are life changing. 

Maggie can customize a session specific for your needs or you can choose from one of Maggie’s Wonderpower sessions listed. All sessions are fantastic and will help you feel positive and filled with Wonderpowers!

call Maggie at 877-525-0078  or email her at:

Ultimate Wonderpower Weapon: the SCIO-Q (QXCI)

The EPFX SCIO-Q (electro-physiological, functional xeriod – scientific consciousness interface operating quantum system) is a cutting edge, state of the art technology, advanced biofeedback energetic medicine frequency device. It was invented by Dr. Bill Nelson and begins by reading over 10,000 frequencies around your energy field and within 3 minutes tells us the top 280 concerns your energy is experiencing. (These could be mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual issues).
With this information, it sends energy back to you to balance you out, as it will then find and alleviate stress, increase your energy levels, enhance your general health and state of mind, improve physical and mental performance, and reversing the downward trend of disease. Also, it can help correct underlying causes of aging, Release addictions, allergies, food sensitivities, digestive problems, stress, fatigue, insomnia, depression, skin problems, headaches and tensions.

Some other examples of programs in the SCIO-Q are:

  • Electro-Acupuncture, Allergy Desensitizing
  • Aura Balancing, Color Therapy, Flower Essence Remedies
  • Zap Bacteria, Fungi, Food poisoning & Parasites
  • Over 100 specific Biofeedback programs
  • Brainwave patterns and balancing
  • EEG, Eyes, food sensitivies, Color Therapy
  • Electro Chiropractic, Cranial Sacral, Circulation
  • Detoxification, Digestion
  • Environmental Factors, enzyme balancing
  • Heart Measurements, ECG, Herbs
  • Homotoxicology, Miasms,
  • Hormone balancing & stabilizing, Lymph, Muscles, Bones
  • NLP – Neuro-linguistic Programming
  • Nervous System, Organ Reactivity, Pathogens
  • Nutrition Analysis / Information, Mineral Imbalances
  • Neurotransmitter Balancing / Tuning
  • Phobia Control, Electro-Reflexology
  • Scalar Waves / Chakra Tuning / Biorythms
  • Sinus, Sports Programs, Spinal Adjustment
  • Superlearning, TMJ, Toxicities, Viruses
  • Vitamin Imbalances/Special Nutrients needed
  • Anti-Aging RX
  • Belief therapy Hypnosis/Electro Hypnosis
  • Body Scan & Face Therapy
  • Energetic Skin Rejuvenation
  • Stress and Cortisol Balancing, Balance Adrenals
  • Release Any Addictions
  • Emotional and Spiritual Issues
  • Balances mental, psychic and emotional states which affect psychological and physical health


Rates for Wonderpower Sessions
Release the Negative effects of Trauma
Releasing Negative Thought Patterns from Karma
Releasing Resistance to Change
Release Spiritual Oppression / Haunted Houses & Victim Energy
Wonderpower Session for Athletes
Wonderpower Session for Entertainers
Life Changes and Transitions Session
Wonderpower session for Success
Get into the Groove Session
About Maggie

Rates for Wonderpower Sessions

Introductory Trial offer - 2 hour session / $99

Wonderpower Packages…. 10 hrs / $500
Wonderpower Packages are available for 10 hours for $500 – Quite a savings! These hours can be used anytime either in person, or on the phone in “subspace.” (Hours will be deducted as you use them.) Maggie recommends a session every 1-2 weeks for optimal Wonderpower results.
Call for other rates and promotions.
To make your appointment today, call Maggie at
877-525-0078   or email her at:

To Purchase a QXCI Device:
The SCIO-Q is used worldwide by medical doctors, dentists, psychiatrists, naturopaths, homeopaths, nutritionists, kinesiologists, veterinarians, chiropractors, acupuncturists, other natural health practitioners, business and education professionals, and individuals who enjoy working on themselves and the health of their friends and family - It can be a profoundly effective tool and boundless resource to increase the possibilities of your life and business.

The current price is $13,000 for a SCIO-Q device. With your purchase of a SCIO-Q, you will receive all of the cds, training, support, manuals you need and much more. Maggie will also share with you how to do these very unique Wonderpower sessions discussed here! Plus you will learn hundreds of other programs to help you with almost any ailment you may have - and yes, you can even do these SCIO-Q sessions on yourself!

It truly is the Ultimate Wonderpower Device – Every Super Hero needs one. It is amazing! 

To purchase a SCIO-Q device, call Maggie at:
877-525-0078 or email her at:

Wonderpower Gift Certificates & Birthday/Wedding/Christmas/ Graduation or any Celebration Present: A Wonderpower Session always makes the perfect gift! Gift Certificates start from $75 on up… Call 877-525-0078 to purchase a gift certificate and then you will be given an activation code to write on your gift certificate (see “Wonderbuck” on the next page). This gift certificate can be used at anytime by calling 877-525-0078 with this code.

Turn everyone into Super Heroes! Give Wonderpower gift Certificates today!


Release the Negative effects of Trauma

Trauma is a part of life - we all experience it at some point, whether it is a car accident, terrorism, or a simple emotional life change such as moving, jobs, break-ups, or a death in the family - this can all be very traumatic. 

This SCIO-Q session allows us to go in and release the negative effects of these traumas. We can work on a specific issue that you would like to focus on (no issue is too small or large), and/or the SCIO-Q can give us the issues that your subconscious wants to work on during the session (It will give us information such as the age you were and the conflicts around the trauma to be released, and we go from there). These sessions are like removing layers to an onion, as we work to release this old energy to get to your core. This will allow you to feel more peaceful and balanced. 


Releasing Negative Thought Patterns from Karma 

To help prevent trauma from happening again, we need to release negative thought patterns connected to karma. Karma can show up in different ways - either physical genetics/DNA that is inherited or mental genetics/beliefs and emotions that are deeply ingrained and passed down. Having this karma makes us attract and create the same problems and situations in life over and over, so it needs to be released. 

There are different beliefs about where karma comes from - in some cases it may be genetic while in other cases it may be carried on from a past life or even created in this lifetime. Somewhere along the way we pick up this karma and it needs to be released - and the SCIO-Q can help us to do it! (While the SCIO-Q will help us to read a bit about a past life where this energy has come from - but the relevance here is not about where it came from but simply to release the energy causing this pattern.) This session helps us to release negative thought patterns connected with your karma.


Releasing Resistance to Change 

To expedite releasing karma patterns, we need to do a Resistance to Change Session which will unblock obstacles in the way of our growth. 

Often times, while saying “I want to change,” we consciously or unconsciously have energy in our space making us refuse to change, even though we may really want and need to make changes. It’s as though we put the cart in front of the horse, so we need to unblock this resistance so we can turn the cart and horse around. This session will allow the events in your life to flow better with more positive thoughts, feelings and emotions - it helps us to move forward on our paths gracefully and accelerate real and permanent change into the future.

This session is great to do regularly as maintenance - it will give you energy to go forward and help for things to go more smoothly as you create your life.


Release Spiritual Oppression/Haunted Houses and & Victim Energy

This session releases negative energy that we may have inadvertently taken on. Like karma, there may be different beliefs about where this energy comes from - could be ancestors or beings out in the spirit world, or even old agreements we might have created with people here on earth in this life that we no longer need. In any case, we have outgrown this energy and it no longer serves us so it needs to be released.

This negative energy generally feeds on anger, greed, fear, jealousy, depression, etc - and it LOVES to be the victim. So this session is wonderful to release any spirit oppressions and any victim feelings/energy that you may have or you may be attracting. 

This session is also wonderful for people who have had issues with pregnancy/abortion, as we can help to communicate to the spirits of those fetuses.

It is also GREAT for healing haunted houses and clearing out any negative energy in your home! You might be surprised about how the energy in your home could be affecting you. Especially old houses - they can have all kinds of history with old spirit beings hanging around that may have lived and died there before you, etc. It may be affecting you more than you realize and you would feel much better after this energy has been cleared from you and your home.

Also, think of how you could positively influence the energy in a School, Hospital, Government building, Social institution, Business or Office!? A Session on these types of places would have very interesting implications – it could positively affect a whole town! 

Do this Wonderpower session to release any type of oppressive energy you may be experiencing.


Wonderpower Session for Athletes:

Wonderpower Sessions miraculously give athletes the edge they need, helping them to:

  • Get physically, mentally, Spiritually and emotionally balanced for your game
  • Reach peak performance 100% of the time, Naturally!
  • Be in the Zone - no distractions
  • Get the edge in “Subspace” - Experience a Wonderpower SCIO-Q session while you play!!

Some athletes take drugs to get this kind of edge – a Wonderpower SCIO-Q session is better. While a drug may strengthen you in one area, it will weaken you in another (mentally or physically) – therefore, you are not balanced and you are not at peak performance when you take a drug (not to mention, drugs are illegal – a SCIO-Q session is not.) This Wonderpower session will give you the edge you need, and has many types of therapies that will benefit athletes. 

An example of one Superhero Athlete who found their edge with this SCIO-Q was Lance Armstrong – He used it to consistently win the Tour de France for 5 years.

Maggie is an athlete herself, so she knows how invaluable her Wonderpowers are for athletes because she uses them for herself! And she LOVES to help people WIN! So let her give you some Wonderpowers with a session before your next game! Give her a call and you will be unstoppable! 


Wonderpower Session for Entertainers:

Singers, actors, speakers, and all kinds of performers also need Wonderpowers. Like athletes, there is a lot of pressure to come through and deliver your best performance! You need to be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually balanced. Also, you need to release stressful energy from the outside so you can fully connect with the material you are performing and deliver it with a maximum impact to your audience. 

Maggie has also been a performer so she understands your need for Wonderpowers! She wants to help you to SHINE! Leave your audience blown away! There are many Wonderpower programs she can use to help you, such as stimulate memory, creativity, and confidence, to mention a few. 

Wonderpowers will bring out your inner Super Hero and help you to have the performance of your life! Get this Wonderpower session with Maggie today!


Life Changes and Transitions Session

This Wonderpowers Session is phenomenal for assisting you to move forward and make progress in your life harmoniously. These changes include, but are not limited to:

  • - Changes of jobs and careers
  • - Moving
  • - Changes in Family
  • - Recuperating from Holiday stress and family visits
  • - After successfully achieving your goals

Get a Wonderpower session and have fun going through these changes, without effort!


Wonderpower session for Success

Wonderpowers can bring good luck and help you to manifest your dreams! This session helps to give you self confidence, self esteem, restore a positive outlook, reduce worry, fear & paranoia, release negativity, and stimulate your memory and creativity. Achieve your goals and get a Wonderpower Session Today! 


Get into the Groove Session

Do you need to get back into a groove? This session is great to help students going back to school after a break. Also, it helps you to throw yourself into your next project or go back to work. If you are feeling stagnant, low on energy, restless, lacking focus, attention is distracted, memory, creativity, or off your path for any reason, this session will help you get back in your groove!



Thank you Maggie for such a beautiful session. I feel lighter, as if layers of baggage have been lifted immediately during our session. I entered a new door of my life that day and the weight of the door from the past shut with such an impact and relief. I never imagined the impact of one session, I feel more in control and aware of my life, that is so powerful. This feeling alone is very comforting. I feel a significant ease in life that was not present before. The symptoms I had going into the session have been either lifted or greatly decreased. 

I only pray that everyone could experience this type of healing - from my experience I feel this is definitely a God Send. So many people want to know how I am so happy and positive.
I contribute a lot of who I am to the healings, so I want to spread this and get the synergy going to those who seriously want it.

She’s amazing, and thanks to her intuition to go with this breakthrough program, there is nothing like this! This SCIO-Q technology is powerful and more accelerated than all of the other healings that I have experienced and this is no coincidence. Our world needs this and our children need this. This could bring about so much peace on earth... and a higher level of awareness and healing.. thank-you once again, Maggie.

- Valerie Stevens, Fashion Designer

Things really turned around for me after my session with Maggie. I waited a long time for things to happen and then it was like everything started falling into place. Contracts with my business started coming through and then it was a snowball effect and I gained more confidence personally when my business became more successful. Things just got resolved in my life and I am now in a good cycle feeling more peace of mind and positive.

I attribute this to Maggie - whenever I feel out of whack I see her and she straightens me out.

It’s the truth, Maggie is truly gifted and has a special ability to really help people. I hold her in high regard and high esteem and I can't write a big enough testimonial about her. For me, she is better than 10 trips to the doctor - I feel so much better now. I wish everyone could experience this.

- Gill Villanueva, Business Contractor

Maggie and her Wonderpowers book have been most helpful and inspiring to me in every aspect of my life. I am deeply grateful for her loving, sincere gift that she has so willingly shared with me, as she has helped so many. 

I want everyone to know how wonderful her Sessions are - she has helped me in so many ways... Maggie and her SCIO-Q machine are truly a God- send!

- MaryGrace Gordon, 92 year old Wise, Amazing Woman with lots of SPUNK!

Maggie’s treatment made me feel very energized, optimistic and uplifted. I now feel very good, happy and ready to go!

- Edwardo Bar, Actor

Because I was really burned out from work, I received a SCIO-Q treatment from Maggie Moline, specifically the “Release Resistance to Change” protocol. I was referred to Maggie by a friend who knew I was dealing with a lot of stress concerning work. He had glowing praise of Maggie’s treatments which he had received in the past. The biofeedback-computerized treatment which is truly a cutting edge therapy had a dramatic effect on how I feel after just one 2 hour session. I feel revigorized with a renewed sense of optimism in approaching and dealing with my work problems and life problems in general.

- Dennis Cava, Attorney at Law

I was worried about my residence in the USA as my immigration wouldn’t settle, until I had a session with Maggie! Then I got approved and it all went through! 

Everytime I have a problem, I use her natural gifts and talents and everything always works out for the best.

So Thank-you, Maggie, for the SCIO-Q sessions and all your help – you have helped my goals and dreams to come true!

- Romina Arena, International Recording Artist and Producer

MIND-BLOWING!! That’s all I can say!! I want to say so many things, I don’t know where to start – and there is just never enough time to do everything with the SCIO-Q! All I can say is that it blew my mind.

- Milena Mortati, Actress

Maggie and her SCIO-Q Treatment have changed my life. After several treatments for focusing and resistance to change I was impressed by the results it was producing for me. I’m looking forward to transforming my life experience. Thank-you, Maggie, for offering these great treatments.

- Lee Baron, Designer

SCIO-Q Treatments and Maggie’s approach of removing Resistance to Change layer by layer has reflected positive results in my business and my daily living. There’s no turning back now.

- D. Edwards, Management Consultant




About Maggie

Maggie Moline (aka Wonder power Woman) works with the energetic medicine device called the SCIO-Q. She also has worked with energy as a Quantum touch healing practitioner and studied at the Southern California Psychic Institute.

Maggie helps people on all levels – mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, as she understands how energy works and

incorporates all of her Wonderpower healing knowledge and experiences with the SCIO-Q, which takes her healing practice to a new level.
Maggie also is a singer/songwriter, actress, athlete, and stunt performer. Her favorite role was playing Wonder Woman in a DC Comic/Warner Brothers live action stunt show in Six Flags Fiesta Texas, which is how she got the idea for her Wonderpowers book and showing people about their Wonderpowers. (see above)
Maggie is an amazing healer and is available for healing appointments. She can do appointments over the phone or in person in the Los Angeles, California area. For more information about Maggie go to:




To make an appointment, call: 877-525-0078
or email






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