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zariah at rest

...about me

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Zariah's Profile

I consider myself to be..... an opened minded human. There are two choices that we have in life. We can let the struggles and situations in life make or break us. I choose to make the struggles and situations building blocks to use as a firm foundation of experience.... Embracing new cultures, experiences, places, and life in general...with open arms.

I have spent a good portion of my life in indiana, illinois, michigan and seattle. I have also visited many states through out easteren and central north america. I was also lucky enough to be able to visit Puerto Rico. I have enjoyed my travels but they are far from over. I now live on the West Coast. It is awesome here. I don't really plan to move for a while.

the first moment I moved to the West Coast I have experienced such peace. I don’t think that I have ever been so relaxed and focused. Sure, everything has it’s troubles but for some reason I don’t get nearly as frazzled. I don’t know how to explain it other then with a poem I wrote a while ago.

In my past lives

Time in space
in my mind capturing the thought that
I have gathered up through my lives
not knowing everything I once have experienced
but in each movement I learn of those things
in my past lives....
each new thing
each new twist
each new movement opening the door
to those people,
those places,
those things which I once have experienced
habits, problems, people, places,
seeing things that remind me of my past lives
colors, smells, visions, dreams..
they all remind me of searching eternity to find the place
I belong in..
searching eternity to find the people
I belong to..
searching for the person
I belong with
each life brings me closer to a more perfect existence
a little more knowledge
a little more love
a little more exceptance
a little more faith
a little more patience
a little more understanding
a little more wisdom
a little more courage
a little more strength
a little more boldness
a little more of me
walking through the doors in my head
I come across visions of my past lives
from these visions
I learn to love
I learn to live
I learn to believe in more then just me...
I learn to laugh
I learn to breathe
I learn to feel
I learn to dream
I learn to touch
I learn to see
I learn to wait
I learn to be...

dedicated to my soul mate and to the place in which I can at last call home