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The Official Campaign Website of the J.R. Stragar Administation
At this page you will find as much J.R. Campaign information as if you are talking to J.R. himself.

J.R. is running for student council Vice President of Assumption School.

Click here to go to the other official campaign website for J.R.
J.R. Stragar is also running mates with Jon who is running for president and Max who is running for secretary. For more info on them click on the above link.

The election date is set for Tuesday October 5th.
J.R. would love to put  his slogans that are in the making on this website but you never know who might be reading them.

This page is still under construction. I will let you know when it is officially done

O, I almost forgot,  VOTE FOR J.R.

The agenda for a better School