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About Me Sexy Girls My Boyfriend Soccer

Amy-you r such a sweetie dont ever change i love you to death you are my best friend! xoxo love ya bunches!! (cough cough transfer cough) I LOVERS YOU!! your alwayz here for me i love you babers!!
Shaylee- hey babe your alwayz here for me and i love ya for it! ill be here if ya ever need me!you like my best friend gurl!! love ya for it! those bathroom adventures are the best!!!!!!!!ooh yeah yo ucan have zachs LEFT LEG bc its so sexy!!! but i ge the rest of him!! hahaha ooh yeah that was so scary!! thank god your not moving!!! loldude that was so scary atmy house!!!
Kristen- you are definently a mother fuckin P.I.M.P!!!!
Kelly-i hope you get the best in life your such a sweetie!!
Desiree- you r such an awesome girl and we need to hang out over the summer!! I'm so happ your going to basha!!!
Alessa- you r sooo sweet and soo beauiful dont ever change!!i miss you more then yo ucan ever imagine!! i need you gurl!!
Nicki- your sooo sweet!! yuo need to talk to me at practice! hey wouldnt it be easier to play soccer if your feet pointed outwards lol it would make it hard to shoot though lol hahaha!
Kayla-snoochi booci noochies!!! hehehe thankz for inviting me to do the zutopia thing w/ you that was so fun!i lovers you! EYE heart you! " we should move the bench closer to the warmer" "or we could move the warmer closer to the bench!!" lol good times
Stecki-freakin a talk t ome at practice lol
Danielle- you r soo funny!!i love ya gurl!! ill keep beating yo uat those eating contests!!!
Ronnie-hey babe!!we need to hang out more often!!!
Tiandra- you are such a cutie and its awesome havign you in my pe class!!
Caroline- omg you are soo cute!! its so kelw that you are in my pe class and its so fun talkign to you! I STILL HAVE MY BOW!!!ooh my god something is STINKY!!! dude you can drink lol
Alyssa- your such a cutie!!!you are a lightweight!!! lol
Megan - you are so sweet and beautiful! i love runnign w/ you in pe lol!
Brittnay- you really need to transfer hammy is so fun!!
Amanda- omg you are soo adorable!!! you are such a cutie and i love talkign to you!! it is so awesome that yo uare in my pe period !! hehe
chelsea- hey gurl! your such a sweet heart stay that way! ooh yeha i'm not mad at you !! why would i be!!! nerd lol
Page- you are so awesome!! its tyte how i cna talk to you so easily and i hope you have fun wiht richard this summer!!!!!!!
Sarah Cobb- dude that was tyte at my house.. you can drink lol

i love you all!!

if i missed you tell me and ill put you on here
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