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(grab your eye patch too)

White hat, Gray hat, Black hat. I don't care what color you want to call it, if you wear the hat, you are breaking the law.

Just to set a few things straight here, I have been doing hacking/pirating since 1983 on a Commodore 64, back then we ran the (N)orth (S)hore (P)irate (N)etwork, we had BBS's set up all over the United States, we had copy session that ran as long as 48 hours.  We understood one thing, if we ever got caught we would go down.  Software Companies, Security Companies, and the Government made it clear for the start, if  you copy a piece of software or use another persons software and their key number, you are breaking the law.  

So if you think YOU can make classifications this white/gray/black hat bullshit, think again.  You use a code/tones to add time to your cell phone, your a Pirate.  You want to rip the Satellite off with a box, your a Pirate.  You want just that 1 or 2 pieces of software for your own use, but don't want to pay for it, because you can download it and go on the Internet to get the registration code, your a Pirate.

So my whole point is this, we KNOW the chances we are taking, not only can you loose all you computer equipment, you will get a fine and jail time, along with a record to carry the rest of your life.  So next time you THINK, well I am not a Pirate I just do this for myself, WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!! Just put a patch over one of  your eyes, toss on a bandana and yell "Ahoy Mate".  Because you just Pirated a piece of software and did not pay for it, you stole from that person or Company.

This is your wake up call, you can make yourself  feel better by telling yourself, I am only a White hat, or a Gray hat type person.  WELL THERE ARE NO HATS in our line, you either Pirate or you don't.

Now I have better things to do that give lessons on Pirate101.  You don't like what your read, oh well it's the truth!!  Don't agree with what you read, I don't really give a shit.  We are what we are, we are a bunch of Pirates that want free programs and fuck paying for them.  I don't care if it was Pac-man and someone gave you the access/serial number you are NOW A PIRATE,  "Ahoy mate, shiver me timbers and pass the next CD to burn."

End of  lesson

Spider, Piraterights since 1983, the only good software is free software. Copyright(c), it's okay go right ahead and copy!!!!



Click on the image above any place your see it, it will take you to the user group.

 >>>>> All new members will be have to be approved by Management. <<<<<


Sysop: pctech777               Co-Sysop: Cracksserialsmore2



This is the HOME of Cracksserialsmore. 

We are here to help each other learn about software and what makes it run.  We do not believe it taking software and using it for anything but our own use.  The board is here for people to use, please keep in mind when you post a message others can see it.  I/we do not have the time to sit and watch every single thing that goes on.  So as adults please use this site under the guidelines of your State and Federal laws.

 Layout/concept by pctech777, color="#FF0000"> 





It's a plug, but I earned it!!

Click on the image...(no ads no popups)

It gives you an idea of what can be done with scripts and a little bit of imagination.  Plus a lot of time making it come together. 


  • Voting Polls are up and going.
  • Message area is coming along good.
  • Moderators are here to help you and answer questions.
  • If your looking for something special just let us know. 


        Its a fun group to be with.











Good solid hacker links, not shareware, not freeware.


(The above back-home-next are not yet active)

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I hope you enjoyed the site. -

Cracks-Serials-and More, 2004 (c)

Before you go ripping off our work, it is noted and posted in a public place.  If you copy any images or work from this site, be aware that the images may/do contain Trojans and you are stealing our work at your own risk.  You have been warned.