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h4x1000r: its my homeboy nigga from s - town
lowercaseye: nice
h4x1000r: south side!
lowercaseye: for r3al
h4x1000r: elbadass owns the world
lowercaseye: yea they do
lowercaseye: YES!!!
h4x1000r: yes!
h4x1000r: Total Value: $229,628,886
h4x1000r: bling
lowercaseye: nice
lowercaseye: respect
h4x1000r: 1000
lowercaseye: yea
h4x1000r: theres like an 80% chance that in 5 years or less my parents will get divorced
lowercaseye: ouch
h4x1000r: i wouldnt worry about it
lowercaseye: yea
lowercaseye: i was gonna say that
h4x1000r: lol
h4x1000r: 13 yrs fool
lowercaseye: how was your swimming thing?
lowercaseye: yea
h4x1000r: two word on the swimming thing
h4x1000r: :
h4x1000r: wow
h4x1000r: but sam wasnt there
lowercaseye: yea
lowercaseye: i had fun packing the wheel berings!!! :-)
h4x1000r: and britney has a boyfriend
h4x1000r: so dont worry about it
lowercaseye: i thought so
h4x1000r: lol
lowercaseye: sam said something to her sis
h4x1000r: pssh.
h4x1000r: yeah
h4x1000r: ?
lowercaseye: aout a bf
h4x1000r: lol
h4x1000r: shes the one that invited me
h4x1000r: it was cool tho
lowercaseye: yea she read a letter and asked about it
lowercaseye: yea
h4x1000r: like what?
h4x1000r: letter()
lowercaseye: she asked if "...are they going out again?
h4x1000r: brit and her bf?
lowercaseye: yea
h4x1000r: lol
h4x1000r: there 6 month is thurs
lowercaseye: sam asked buts sis
h4x1000r: their
lowercaseye: awww
lowercaseye: lol
h4x1000r: lol
h4x1000r: preciuos
h4x1000r: ous*
lowercaseye: total blockage
h4x1000r: lol
lowercaseye: yea
h4x1000r: i got your bathing suit here
h4x1000r: te he
lowercaseye: lol
h4x1000r: i swam with my boxers on
h4x1000r: and washed it
lowercaseye: :-*
lowercaseye: lmao
h4x1000r: !!!!
lowercaseye: j/k
h4x1000r: never again fool
h4x1000r: lol
h4x1000r: yeah
lowercaseye: ha
lowercaseye: haha
h4x1000r: no respect
h4x1000r: lol
lowercaseye: :-(
h4x1000r: aww
h4x1000r: un poqito
h4x1000r: no mas
lowercaseye: "never agian fool"
h4x1000r: un poqito
h4x1000r: mas
h4x1000r: pero, no mas
lowercaseye: que estats poquito
lowercaseye: ?
h4x1000r: esta ":-*"
lowercaseye: lmao
lowercaseye: hahahahaha
lowercaseye: !!!
h4x1000r: lmao
lowercaseye: haus
h4x1000r: for real
lowercaseye: change the subject
lowercaseye: ummmm
h4x1000r: um
lowercaseye: lol
h4x1000r: can i go to your house tomorrow
h4x1000r: te he
lowercaseye: probably
h4x1000r: around noon
lowercaseye: no mas?
lowercaseye: yea
lowercaseye: i think so
h4x1000r: cause thats when the ship leaves the harbor
lowercaseye: i'll check
lowercaseye: nice
lowercaseye: que es "ship"?
h4x1000r: car
lowercaseye: oh...
h4x1000r: vroom
lowercaseye: nice
h4x1000r: yeah
h4x1000r: and then we could go bowling
lowercaseye: yea
h4x1000r: with
h4x1000r: jakie
h4x1000r: katie
h4x1000r: katie
lowercaseye: amanda
h4x1000r: and
h4x1000r: yeah
h4x1000r: rebecca
lowercaseye: yes!!! Cancun!!!
h4x1000r: YES
lowercaseye: rebecca?
h4x1000r: becky
h4x1000r: i mean
lowercaseye: make out chick
h4x1000r: cuase shes like the only one thats not gong from my table
h4x1000r: aww
h4x1000r: um
h4x1000r: coughh
h4x1000r: cough
h4x1000r: yeah
lowercaseye: oh yeah
lowercaseye: nice way to clear the screen
h4x1000r: lol
lowercaseye: lol
lowercaseye: yea
h4x1000r: um
lowercaseye: thats cool
h4x1000r: yeah
lowercaseye: 2 guys+4 girls...
h4x1000r: yes
lowercaseye: yes
h4x1000r: respect
lowercaseye: 1000
lowercaseye: dude
h4x1000r: cancun = 2 guys- gir1000s
lowercaseye: i saw one of my fellow lifegaurds
lowercaseye: from last year
lowercaseye: at montana mikes'
lowercaseye: and she asked me if i was going back
h4x1000r: dim l as char
<inject "l">

lowercaseye: and i said nope
h4x1000r: and what did you say
h4x1000r: ha
h4x1000r: and///
h4x1000r: did she crie
h4x1000r: cry
h4x1000r: **
lowercaseye: and then she procceded to caox me into going back
h4x1000r: WTF
h4x1000r: oh
lowercaseye: no
h4x1000r: proceeded
h4x1000r: haha
h4x1000r: muh bad
lowercaseye: i might go back as a cashier
h4x1000r: fuck that shit
lowercaseye: fu
h4x1000r: you might be havn a job as cofounder of c2
h4x1000r: fool
lowercaseye: nice
lowercaseye: time ticks away fool
h4x1000r: boo cashier
lowercaseye: time is moneyu
lowercaseye: money*
h4x1000r: roger
h4x1000r: speaking of time
h4x1000r: go ask your folks
lowercaseye: about tomorrow?
h4x1000r: i guess
lowercaseye: ok
lowercaseye: spend night and bowling
h4x1000r: roger
lowercaseye: brb
h4x1000r: t 4
h4x1000r: 10-4
lowercaseye: we have confromation victor victor
h4x1000r: for the 10-23'r
h4x1000r: ?
lowercaseye: thats a big 10-4
lowercaseye: were code blue
h4x1000r: roger. delta max 8.9er 9er coming in
lowercaseye: BR549
h4x1000r: !
h4x1000r: uh oh
lowercaseye: take it down
h4x1000r: negitivtory
lowercaseye: ?NOW!!!
h4x1000r: vegitivtory
h4x1000r: evading actaoins. nadmack 2659
lowercaseye: PORQUE?
h4x1000r: ""skkksssshh"
h4x1000r: fuckkkk you
h4x1000r: "sskkksssh"
lowercaseye: Listen to me private
h4x1000r: over
lowercaseye: I need your coorporartio1000n
lowercaseye: an di need it now
h4x1000r: "skssshsh"
h4x1000r: fart
h4x1000r: "sskkksssh"
lowercaseye: lmao
lowercaseye: Do you hear me?
h4x1000r: "ksskskssh"
h4x1000r: f
h4x1000r: "skskssh"
lowercaseye: I said do you hear me
h4x1000r: "ssksksh
h4x1000r: "
lowercaseye: U
h4x1000r: u
lowercaseye: ha
h4x1000r: "sksksh"
h4x1000r: do you not see my screen name
lowercaseye: "sksksh"
lowercaseye: yea
h4x1000r: it will fuck you up
h4x1000r: 1000
lowercaseye: :dusts off:
h4x1000r: lol
lowercaseye: 1000
h4x1000r: got the binary firewall
h4x1000r: dont make em like they used to
lowercaseye: you cant spell firewall
h4x1000r: ooh
h4x1000r: that hurts
h4x1000r: i wrote a poem
lowercaseye: f13rw4ll
lowercaseye: fool
h4x1000r: ha
lowercaseye: me too
h4x1000r: heres my poem
lowercaseye: ok
h4x1000r: Dandeliions
Candy cains
This is how you spell

lowercaseye: ha
h4x1000r: its a haiku
lowercaseye: nice
lowercaseye: diction
h4x1000r: roger
h4x1000r: nice eh
lowercaseye: yea