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The Real Hawker
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A Few Words of Wisdom.

Being as this is the inaugural edition of our little experiment in uncensored media, one might think that I’m grabbing for attention with this one. And I am. But that is very definitely not the motivation behind this article. Instead, I want to express loudly and clearly that the student body at HTHS is not satisfied with the respect we receive from our principal. Full Article

Our Very Own Skatepark.

As residents of Haddon Township, we understand that there is little room to spare. We are confined to our strip malls and our drug stores and our muddy sports fields. In 2002, the HTAA realized that something had to be done to handle the problem of field space. The Recchino Fields were too small, over used, and drained water poorly. The possibility of fields in the MacArthur Tract brought about a huge controversy due to a really old tree. Full Article

Feedback and Hate Mail.

Word. Let us know what you think of the site. If you wanna write about something, e-mail it to us. If it's not ridiculous or racist or really poorly written, we'll put it up anonymously. If you strongly disliked something we wrote, let us know. We can handle it.

Sorry. I’m not Cool Enough to Hate School.

Senior year: the crowning achievement in high school. The ultimate experience of the education process in Haddon Township, and perhaps even the universe itself! No longer will I have to run home after an abusive day of school, and weep into my pillow. This year has given me a whole new perspective on school. Full Article

The Separation of Church and State (sometimes.)

Here’s another touchy subject. Religion. The Hawker would never touch this one. But here we go.

America is the land of freedom. And liberty. And equality. Well maybe not equality. But we would at least like to think that our public school system was making some semblance of an effort in bringing a sort of impartiality to the things it does. But during the holiday season, everything doesn’t have to be equal, as long as everyone is happy and filled with joy. Full Article