ok i think this is where we type things or somethin like that. well here goes... im the lazy half of this team so whenever you see something even more halfassed than the normally retarded shit we have on here it was problably me. Zack, well he's a homophobe with an artistic side. odd way of describing someone i know, but i still need to OH SHIT!!! i think i just crapped my pants (just another one of my many obscure and rather dumb excuses for getting out of doing shit) well i hope thats all the info i have to put in for now. its your turn zack.

Thank you, slave whore. This is Zack, the homophobic arty guy. Yeah. THAT guy. Chris is the guy who...well...i really don't know. And why does it matter to you, anyway? GO ASK HIM YOURSELF!!...ahem. Sorry. By the way, Chris, about the shit in the pants thing...are you sure somebody didn't PUT the shit in your pants? Cause I heard about that happening all over the place lately. Watch out, people.
Alrighty. We got ourselves another page. Thoughts From an Idiot are provoking thoughts (not in a bad way, or just interesting little quotes. We grade em, and if we don't like em, we mock em. So be careful what you submit. Email us at, or the address at the bottom of the page with the subject "Idiot". We'll Know. Tell us if you'd like your name posted next to it also. Thanks!...You know, it'd actually be nice if you could GET to the page, huh? Well...fine. here you go:
Hope you're happy.
It is I, Nataku, Supreme Being of the Universe!! Bow down or perish like the remaining epheral scum of this world! Oh, wait. Nevermind.
hmmmm well this is Chris I am almost done with my first campaign for DnD v 3.5 and i will upload all info and a map for anyone who wants to download id (even though only 3 people knowabout this site) i will also be uploading some of my WC3 campaigns. i have 2 citybuilder mods from when i was in clan D-S and im workin on finishing a TD that Zack and I started long before he left for California... We always have these great ideas and never seem to follow through. I'm surprised this webiste has even survived this long... hmm well i must be going i shall see you all at another time. well actually ill never see any of you but thats besides the point.
WOOOO!!!! WE MADE IT! WE'VE ALREADY HAD 10 HITS! YAHOOOEY!!!!!! I LOVE THIS COUNTRY. WOO-OOO WOO-OOO. OH YEAH. AROUND THE WORLD BABY. AROUND THE WORLD. OH WAIT. whats that? shit. well i have just been informed that 95% (round up) of those hits were from Zack and I checkin on our own work. sorry buddy. woo? Here is a poll and a feedback link so that we can get to know our viewers, if we have any, better.
get this gear! Hello again all you people who are reading this incredibly stupid "dialogue" between the boy who once tried to save my soul and ended up losing his, The esoteric onanist of the new age intellentsia and i guess, that it also involves yourselves to some degree. actually im thinking about setting up a message board so you really can be involved...WOOO isnt that exciting? yaaaay! ok well im gonna go clean my room... bye
I feel better now that I've apologized. You will too.

Hello everyone. This is Chris. i do believe this is the first update since maybe october or earlier...damn were some lazy sons of bitches. so anyway i got my license last friday (its sunday, may 2) and decided to drive to bloomington to see my sister. it was her birthday friday and were fuckin havin a blast. anywho sheck out the end of the world youre gonna fuckin wet yourself its great (maybe nto really that good, but still... good. lol lalala. yeah i asked syd, my girlfriend of (almost)7 months to marry me las wednesday so my lifes been pretty eventful lately. her parents wont let us even talk to eachother now though so you know... its a pain in the ass. i found the ring i want to get her but its 15000 dollars and im a little short on cash lol so if you have any spare change. I FUCKIN NEED IT. lol fuck my ass what else do i wanna talk about. hmmm o yeah u ppl need to fuckin email me some fuckin stupid quotes goddamnit for the thoughts from an idiot page. anythign from the bible will count as a thought from an idiot by the way. that man was crrrazy! ok well im done being retarded. goodbye for now. Top Ten(Eleven) things To Do While Bored:

  • Be bored
  • Make a website
  • Beat off
  • Get Drunk
  • Shoot Peple (no murders please)
  • Eat
  • Play Video Games
  • Beat Off
  • Eat
  • Look at Porn (w/o beating off)
  • Have a Seizure

Hi there everyone(not that there's really anyone who still knows anythign about this site). This is Chris and I didn't even know that this site still existed but I found it the other day messing around and decided to continue the tradition. Zack moved to California a couple years ago and we've somewhat lost touch, but I'll get him back workin on this and hopefully it'll help. Anywho, I may be going to college now, but I feel like this site deserves to stay just as retarded as it's always been. I just turned 18 and I believe the last time we worked on this site I was 15, just so you have an idea of how long of a sabbatical we've taken. Anyways, I'm a CS major at IPFW now and lately I've been working on replaying ff6 and ff7 simultaneously. This is just my time to get back into old things. I really don't know what to put on here. Oh, I'm engaged now. To the most wonderful girl I've ever met in my life. Don't tell me we're too young; I've heard it quite a bit already and I really don't give a shit. I love her and I just want to always be there to take care of her and love her. She's beautiful, smart, nicer than anyone you'll ever meet, and she's one of the most talented artists I've ever met. Her name's Sydney Minnick. She plays guitar, too. Just amazing, I don't know anyone else with as much talent in so many areas as her. Everytime I see her I'm awestruck. I don't know, it's like it's magic. We've been together for about 3 years now. I know, you probably don't want to hear all this srap, but she's always on my mind and I felt like talking about her. If anyone has any ideas on how to make money online with relatively no work let me know. Oh, yeah, my buddy Thomas will probably be on here quite a bit now, too. Anyway I'm off to class, I'll try to find some cool shit to put on here later. Here's the link to my new blog that I have no fucking clue what I'm doing with.

Talk about shit.

Photo album.
Sites to Make Our Site Seem Cooler!

The News You Actually CARE About.
Homestar runner - good shit.
Airsoft Atlanta... BB Guns, yay.
Go to Hell. No, not THAT Hell, dumbass. T-Shirt!
Bored Shitless. I think that explains itself.
Magic, D&D, basically any game that's decent and not a video game goes here.

ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!...fuckin hilarious.

All your base are belong to us.

newgrounds. a must-see.

group x arabian rap sensation. oh shaith.

white-ninja comics... theyre comics, sheesh.
