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Neo Shadow

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Neopets Home
My UserLookup
My Neo Shadow Soldierz Guild
Neomail Me
Guild Infos/Forum

Faerie Crossword Answer

About Me

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Daily Links
Free Omelette
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Fruit Machine
King Skarl
Healing Springs
Island Mystic
The Kadoatery

Wheel of Knowledge
Wheel of Excitement
Wheel of Mediocrity
Wheel of Monotony
Wheel of Misfortune

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Darkest Faerie Lair

Your OWN email service!

Faerie Crossword Answers at My Pad

Link to Me:

Latest Info

(09/28/04 1:43 NST)
  • I'll start posting news once i figure out everything for my guild and get things stable.

  • Stuff
    random stuff will go here such as poems, quotes, and member spotlight, etc. I just made this site just for the sake of having a site. I might add more stuff to it later on. If you want to check out some of the latest neopet news (unreleased info mostly), come here.

    If you have any cool poems/quotes you want to share..neomail it to me

    Any updates about the guild or this site will be posted here.I still have alot to do to make this a good Guild Website, this site is for mainly guild members but others may come here.

    Any questions about how to get an avatar?...neomail me

    If you want to report me for any reason...go ahead cause i will never break the Terms n Agreements of Neopets....
    Coming Soon!
    *Working on the Avatar Guide and Game Hints*

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