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One of the couples in the House of God cult led by Mark Duke is Matt and Ginger Skelton. Matt is one of our Selma Police Officers and from all indications he is a good officer, which makes the following news from the Cult so distressing. The Cult, Mark Duke and Gwen Brown, have decided that Matt and Ginger are becoming too dependent on one another as husband and wife AND MUST SPLIT UP. The cult is sending Ginger and the children back to Colorado and sending Matt to the Atlanta area to be near MARK DUKE. The cult's reasoning is that if they are separated, they will be more committed to the Cult than to one another and depend on the Lord more than one another. THIS UNSCRIPTURAL REASONING IS BEYOND BELIEF for those who are Christians. We are begging Matt and Ginger to get out of this brainwashing Cult while they are still young, to remain in Selma where both work, and live their lives as husband and wife as they have begun to do. It is BIBLICAL that they stay together, love one another, depend on one another, nourish and cherish one another TOGETHER...not be split up by some insane and evil cult leader like Mark Duke. There are many people in Selma who would love and welcome Matt and Ginger and their family as friends, neighbors, church members. WE URGE THEM TO FOLLOW CHRIST, NOT MARK DUKE, AND NOT SPLIT UP!!

MARK DUKE AND THE HOUSE OF GOD CULT/FREEDOM FOUNDATION are DISHONEST AND IRRESPONSIBLE in the way they handle their debts! The Cult, specifically Shawn Sameulson, is listed as the owner of 608 Tremont Street. The House is known as the "Sista House". Once Matt and Ginger Skelton are split up and sent to Colorado and Atlanta, the Sistas are going to move into the Skelton House AND LET 608 BE FORECLOSED. How honest, how Christian is a deliberate plan not to pay your legal debts? What a great witness for Christ that is! This is getting to be a pattern with the Cult members as this will be the second house that they have simply moved out and let be foreclosed. As one of the spiritual wives of Mark Duke, Shawn Sameulson has zero credibility and this action should put her in the minus credibility column.

ROSE SANDERS, Zeke Pettway, Ronald Smith, Franklin Fortier, Johnnie Leashore, THESE are the people you are supporting and in bed with. What a sorry witness!! Don't any of yall have any shame about being involved with a Cult and with actions like these!

And these are the people trying to disrupt City Council meetings - and we have a word for CULT MEMBER and Selma Police Officer, Kelli Brunson. We saw your little butt nearly sitting in Mark Duke's lap at the Council meeting Tuesday night when he disrupted the meeting. We want to know if you were there for protection or for what? Even though you were not in uniform, this has to be a violation of City Personnel Policy for an officer to be involved with a group which disrupts meetings of city government! Consider yourself warned that this isn't the end of this.... and while we do not think brothers are responsible for the crazy actions of sisters, we think Selma Police Officer Cody Clark should speak to his big sister Katie about her disruption of city government meetings....and speaking of Officer Cody Clark. He can quit harassing people who are demonstrating in front of City Hall, as he did this week. There were some counter protesters against Fortier, Rose and the Freedom cult, which included Katie Clark. The two counter protesters were Angela Benjamin's sister and Sunshine Alvarado. When they showed up, Katie Clark text her brother Cody to come around to City Hall. He came and threatened to arrest Angela's sister and Sunshine. What a jerk he turned out to be!! What Cody and Katie don't realize is that they do not want to cross Councilman Benjamin. She is one fiery lady when she gets harassed- as Sam Randolph can attest- and as we suspect Katie and Cody Clark are about to find out!!

As we said in previous posts, this really is the last battle, and good people need to take sides. This CULT and people like Rose, whom they called the devil, before hooking up with her, will either destroy Selma or be destroyed trying.