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*STATISTICS SHOW THAT IT IS SAFER TO BE IN IRAQ THAN IT IS TO BE IN SELMA, ALABAMA! If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in Iraq during the last 22 months and a total of 2,112 deaths in that same period, that gives you a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers in Iraq.

In Selma, with a population of 19,300, in the last 22 months there have been 20 murders. THAT IS A FIREARM DEATH RATE OF 100 PER 100,000. You are more likely to be killed in Selma than you are in Iraq!!!...and you are 100 times more likely to be robbed or mugged in Selma than Iraq!

*THAT the Dollar General on West Dallas was robbed of about $1,800.00 this past Sunday Night around 8:30 pm and there has not been one word about it in the local newspaper. SEE OUR BILLBOARD AT THE RAILROAD TRACKS ON BROAD STREET...if you want Selma's news, this website is the only place to get it.

*THAT MAYOR PERKINS SECRETARY was fired recently after being called the "Mayor's hoe" by a former Secretary who still has great influence over the Mayor and who insisted that the new secretary be seems to us that the Mayor's personal business should be kept out of the City's hiring and firing practices!

*THAT THE CITY COUNCIL approved $74,000.00 to buy police uniforms - thinking each officer would get 3 new uniforms - instead only 1 has been purchased and even in this weather some officers are wearing short sleeves...OF COURSE, THE CITY DOES NOT HAVE THE MONEY TO PURCHASE ALL OF THEM AT ONCE.

*THAT NONE OF THE MUSEUMS AND OTHER AGENCIES WHO ARE SUPPORTED BY THE CITY HAVE RECEIVED ANY PAYMENTS AS OF THIS DATE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR WHICH BEGAN OCTOBER 1st...IS THIS CITY IN THIS DESPERATE FINANCIAL SITUATION??? Of course that didn't stop our incompetent City Attorney from getting an $8,000.00 a year raise or Councilwoman Venter from suggesting that the Mayor needs a pension...WHEN WILL THIS FINANCIAL LUNACY END???

*THAT 6 weeks after we first reported it, THE SIGN ON THE FRONT DOOR OF THE SELMA POLICE DEPARTMENT STILL HAS "ENTERANCE" ON IT TWICE INSTEAD OF ENTRANCE...Is there no shame or noone at the SPD who can spell??!!