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          WHY THE CITY has hired a lady consultant who begins work at $50 an hour on January 22 to be a liaison between the "invisible and presently non-existent" new police chief and chief Jimmy Martin. By Perkins own admission, the new chief will not be hired until 4 weeks from now- mid-February, so why hire a $50 an hour consultant to start ripping the taxpayers off on January 22? What is she going to do between now and mid-February- GUARD THE MAYOR?

          WHY THE PERKINS ADMINISTRATION has let unpaid garbage bills reach over $700,000.00. According to City Finance Director Cynthia Mitchell, there are over $700,000.00 in unpaid garbage fees on the books. This is an outrage! Those who pay their $12 a month fee should be outraged that DEADBEATS are allowed to get garbage service year after year without paying anything. The problem is that most of these DEADBEATS are probably PERKINS SUPPORTERS and the Mayor has made no real effort to collect the money. We understand that the City Council has finally hired an outside firm to collect past due fees while getting from 25%-30% of all the money they can collect.

          WHY PERKINS wants to include a $1.4 million dollar expansion of the Library in the Bond Issue? Of course we know the answer. He is using the Library to get votes for where the really big money will be spent. We do have questions about the library expansion. The $1.4 figure was a 2003 figure. How much will it cost by 2009 when it is likely to be built? If the library can not pay the $6000 monthly utility bills for the present library, how will it pay the bills for an expanded library? Remember, it is Perkins who cut the library's funding by $84,000 a year a few years ago and WHO HAS MADE NO EFFORT TO RESTORE THE FUNDING-EVEN WHEN 4,600 CITIZENS PETITIONED HIM TO DO SO. Will he now suddenly become a supporter of that which he almost put out of business only 3 years ago? No, he is just using the Library to get his $21 million Bond issue passed!

          WHY PERKINS, Crenshaw, and Leashore ARE SO ADAMANT about keeping Geraldine Allen off the water board? HOW MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS HAVE THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD PAID THE MAYOR'S BROTHER IN LAW, Collins Pettaway, IN LEGAL FEES to keep Dr. Allen off of the Water Board. What are they trying to hide!!!?????

          WHY MAYOR PERKINS will not answer questions based on the Police Assessment which said that SELMA NOW HAS NO NARCOTICS UNIT? Also, we want to know what happened to THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN CONFISCATED DRUG MONEY THAT IS MISSING FROM THE SPD.