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WHY Mayor Perkins and his administration gives the City Council 3 DIFFERENT sets of figures concerning sales tax and lodging tax revenues and then REFUSES to say which of the three, if any, are the correct figures? The following was on the Council agenda which was picked up at the last meeting:

      Reconcile FY 2005-2006 audit figures concerning sales tax
            Audit (page 8) $11.3 million collected
            City's monthly report: $11,576,806 collected
            City's Actual to Budget Report: $10,976,000

      Reconcile FY 2005-2006 audit figures concerning lodging tax
            Audit (page 7) $330,000 collected
            City's monthly report: $345,161 collected

WHY won't the Mayor tell us which figures are correct??

WHY we are NINE MONTHS into this fiscal year and still have not received the final audit for the year which ended September 30,2006? Does anyone know if the City is BROKE or if it has money?

WHY Mayor Perkins continues to oppose the establishment of an Envirnmental Court to deal with all of the excessive noise his boom box supporters are making?

WHY the Mayor won't tell the Council how many (or how few) certified police officers we have? Aren't the names of City employees PUBLIC INFORMATION?