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WHY it has taken almost 3 months to bring City Councilman Johnnie Leashore to justice? Anyone else would have been fined or jailed by now for reckless driving (can we say 103 MPH) on city streets! We understand that Leashore did appear in court Tuesday to plead "not guilty" to the charges and that a court date has finally been set. Chief Martin still has not been able to pressure young officer Jason Whitt into voiding Leashore's ticket. Martin's actions in this matter are another reason he should be fired immediately as police chief.

*Note to Martin, Leashore, and others who try to fix tickets: An Auburn police officer and a local businessman were sentenced this week to Federal Prison for a ticket fixing scheme in Auburn. Their sentence for fixing 3 tickets was 21 months in a Federal Prison and 24 months probation. BE ASSURED THAT IF LEASHORE'S TICKET IS FIXED, WE WILL REPORT EVERYONE INVOLVED TO THE U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE IN MOBILE AND ASK THAT THEY BE INDICTED AND TRIED FOR TICKET FIXING...we were pleased to know that this is a FEDERAL OFFENSE! We would much rather that Leashore be tried..if he is innocent, so be it...if he is guilty, let him pay his fine like everyone else does!

WHY Personnel Director Valeria Jones continues to play favorites with getting her friends raises and promotions? It was Jones who recommended, at Perkins urging, that the inept City Attorney Jimmy Nunn be given an $8,000 a year raise shortly after Nunn LOST a case in which a $310,000 verdict was returned against the City.

Valeria Jones should be fired as City Personnel Director because of her cronyism. We are told that Jones did everything possible to keep the City Council Secretary from getting any raise at all; HOWEVER, THAT DID NOT KEEP JONES FROM PRESENTING A LIST OF HER FAVORITES FOR RAISES. The list she prepared is as follows:


WHY Councilwoman Venter has done NOTHING to stop the City Trash Dump from being put in her Ward? IS SHE IGNORANT of what a DUMP does to the quality of life in a neighborhood? Instead of wasting time worrying about meaningless items such as the South League, she needs to be working for her Ward!

WHY sales tax and lodging tax revenues continue to decline in Selma? When will Perkins realize that he is the reason people are leaving Selma in large numbers and those remaining do not have the means to pay high taxes to support THE KING AND HIS COURT IN REGAL FASHION. Business is down in Selma and so is tourism!

WHY people like Bennie Ruth Crenshaw and Johnnie Leashore are permitted to rip-off Selma taxpayers to the tune of more than $100,000 a year. Crenshaw gets $34,100 and Leashore gets $40,100 from the City Council and Water Works Board. Additionally, they take at least $25,000 worth of free trips at taxpayers expense yearly. And though they verbally abuse and misuse the Council Secretary by having her do more work for them than all the other Council Members combined, they adamantly oppose her being paid a fair salary. IN THE ANNALS OF SELMA'S HISTORY, NEVER HAVE SO FEW RIPPED-OFF SO MUCH FROM SO MANY! If ever two people did not deserve to be in any positions of leadership, it's these two money grubbing leaches on Selma's taxpayers.

When Councilwoman Martin sees how Leashore acts, surely she will not continue to vote to pay him $25,000 to be on the Water Board! She is our council person and we urge all Ward 3 residents to call her about this!!!