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Why, via e-mail to this website, have so many "Perkinites" communicated about their disappointments and how they feel dominated and threatened by James Perkins?

Why are Leashore and the Mayor setting up a meeting with the businesses they are trying to force annex? The businesses have signed a petition stating they do not want to be a part of this city! Do you blame them?

Why people are saying they pass the Mayor coming into town on Hwy 14 between 7 and 7:30am most mornings? Is he tellng the truth about living on First Ave or is his son living there?

Why the St James no longer has a lounge or restaurant? Is this the beginning of another weight hung around our city's neck like the Good Sam Building?

If a remark overheard from hotel management that they were not there to increase business but to close the St James is true? Wonder if the Mayor is aware of this but will not tell the public?

Why sales tax revenues are dropping so rapidly? Business closures? Crime? Attitudes? Prices? Over 900 people laid off? No Jobs?

Why so many people support Perkins to his face but dispise him behind his back? Are they recipients of city monies or favors? Are they in his chosen class and this is normal behavior for that class? Are they afraid to publicly acknowledge how they feel?

Why people spent so much time and money in Prattville, Montgomery, Clanton, etc. buying Christmas? Do they not feel appreciated in their own city?

Why do the people who keep saying we need to get along are the same ones who keep stirring up people against each other? Could they be bipolar or have a split personality?

Why the local newspaper thinks that if a person disagrees with their point of view they have a special agenda? Wonder why the newspaper feels they are the ones with the "right" agenda? Sounds like a "Perkinism" line of thinking, don't you think?

As we enter another year, the Selma Watcher would like to thank those who have helped this website with information about their city. From the Mayor's staff to the man on the street, thank you for giving us the oppotunity to report to the citizens of Selma the WHOLE truth!