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          Arrogant! Disrespectful? Derelict in her duty by not removing Bennie Ruth Crenshaw from the Council Chamber? Evelyn Ghant is all of these, but more importantly, she is, in our opinion, an evil pawn of Mayor Perkins and Chief Martin in their futile efforts to silence a good and decent man, Councilman Reid Cain. Shame on you, Ghant! Don't you have any integrity?

          If she thought she was being harassed after the Council meeting, she could have arrested Councilman Cain on the spot-without a warrant! Is she so ignorant that she doesn't understand that police officers can arrest people without warrants? Rather than arresting Cain on the spot, Ghant entered into a conspiracy with Perkins and his incompetent police chief, Martin, to embarrass Cain by swearing out a warrant against him. Our opinion is that this proves that Ghant (like Perkins as Mayor and Martin as Chief) is unfit to be a police officer and should be removed from the force immediately.

          Our opinion is that Perkins is unfit to be Mayor, but is so desperate to keep power that he will now do anything to destroy those who disagree with him. When the local Magistrates rightly refused to issue a warrant for Cain's arrest, Perkins, who is an out of control egomaniac who must have his way on every issue, devised a plan to appoint his own judge and have him issue the warrant.

          Look at the mess Perkins has created in the city with crime out of control, the police department in disarray, and city government in chaos. Now, he, Leashore, and Crenshaw have embroiled the Water Works in continuing controversy; and why is Selma the only city in Alabama still rationing water? More of Perkins' incompetence!

          We know that Councilman Cain will be exonerated at trial on this phoney charge. We urge him to continue to stand up against evil in city government and against evil people who try to persecute him. One day Selma will be free from the likes of Perkins, Martin, and their lady friend Ghant, and we will be able to joyfully say, Free at last, free at last, Thank God Almighty, Selma is free at last!