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The Freedom Foundation/House of God Cult in Selma! Now we hear that RONALD SMITH, PASTOR OF THE CULT CHURCH, Selma Community Church, is divorcing his wife and relocating to Georgia to be with the Mark Duke cult there. This is an outrage! How can a man, a pastor like Smith, leave his wife and family and follow the Cult to Georgia? It is amazing how deceptive Satan is and how he works through people in the FF/HOG Cult to break up families. THIS IS AT LEAST 10 FAMILIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CULT who have broken up their marriages so one partner can continue in the Cult.

We are especially disappointed in Pastor Ronald Smith. What does divorcing his wife to follow Duke say to the misled members of the Selma Community Church? The FF/HOG Cult has been a divisive presence in this community and has misled many people into a false religion, heresy and apostasy from the true faith. This community will be better off when all of the cult members have relocated to Georgia and Colorado.

AND WHO IN THIS COMMUNITY HAS BEEN MOST SUPPORTIVE OF THIS FAMILY DESTROYING, FALSE RELIGIOUS CULT? James Perkins, Jr., Johnny Leashore, Bennie Ruth Crenshaw, Sam Randolph and Hate Radio 105.3! These are the people who have joined with the cult to create dissension, division and hatred in our community.

Perkins and his puppets should be held accountable for what they have fostered on this community by their OPEN SUPPORT OF THIS CULT. What Perkins has done is especially egregious because not only has he joined forces with the cult in Selma, but he has gone to Colorado to accept an award from the FF and in the process bashed his own city.

HATE RADIO 105.3 IS ESPECIALLY CULPABLE BECAUSE THEY HAVE PROVIDED an avenue for the Cult and individuals such as Smith, Leashore, Gwen Brown, Ezekiel Pettway, Perkins and Crenshaw to spew their hate throughout Selma and the Black Belt. We have not forgotten REAL TALK radio with Gwen Brown, Ronald Smith and Ezekiel Pettway filling the airways with their venom against city government, especially against Mayor Evans, the City Council and Dr. Williamson. And who supported them? Perkins, Leashore, Crenshaw, Randolph! These individuals should be held accountable for what they have done in dividing this community by their support of the haters and dividers in the FF/HOG cult.

The FF/HOG cult is slowly leaving Selma. They are leaving behind them BROKEN MARRIAGES, BANKRUPTIES, ABANDONED BUILDINGS AND HOUSES and disillusioned people who followed Mark Duke and his false religion. Those who enabled the Cult such as James Perkins, Jr and his followers should explain to the community why they welcomed, supported and encouraged a false religious cult which denies the Jesus Perkins claims to believe in while at the same time creating strife, division and animosity throughout Selma. Our hope is that the members of the Cult will be enlightened to see the truth and get out of the FF/HOG group and that those who in Selma who have enabled the Cult will be held accountable for their misdeeds.

HATE RADIO 105.3. We knew the FCC would grant 105.3 a temporary license to operate. We read the filing with the FCC by Peter Gutman of Womble, Carlyle Sandrige and Rice, LLP asking for the temporary license. It is obvious that Mr. Gutman has never listened to any of the programs on Hate Radio because had he done so he could never have written what he wrote in his description of the programs on 105.3. For example, of Faya’s Fire, he writes that the program features Faya Rose Toure “who educates the public on the significance of history and the need for social change”. In reality, Rose’s version of history is a distorted view in which every white who ever lived is a racist and every black who has ever lived is a victim of white racism and slavery. The truth is that Rose lives in la-la land which exists only in her own mind where slave ships are sailing daily from Africa, where millions of slaves are still dying in the Middle Passage, where the Klu Klux Klan still rides the streets of Selma lynching people, and where police are still turning dogs loose and fire hosing demonstrators. Rose’s world exists today only in her own mind.

The description of the AllLies program (masquerading as True Selma) in Gutman’s petition describes that program as one in which “complicated questions involving financing and community development are addressed in this community program”. What we have heard are a bunch of lies about city government, personal attacks on Mayor Evans and Dr. Williamson, and general misinformation about city government in an effort to re-elect James Perkins, Jr. Gutman should have described AllLies as the Perkins reelection program.

Hate Radio’s application for a temporary license makes interesting reading for those who know what 105.3 is in this community and what Washington attorneys say it is. Their writings do not resemble the hate, discord, strife, division and animosity that this station spews throughout Selma. HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN DO. There is now a public comment period as 105.3 seeks to have its license renewed. PLEASE go to the FCC web site and express your opinion that this station does NOT serve the public interest and should not be granted a license.

The City Election on August 28 will be the most important election in the history of Selma. The voters will decide to either give the city government back to the haters and dividers or to continue the progress of the past three years under Mayor Evans.

We will have the choice of returning to the 8 years of the Perkins era, which were years of contention and division from 2000-2008, or we can go forward in unity and progress under Mayor Evans. We will decide if Hate Radio and the purveyors of hate are the majority in Selma or if they are merely sounding brass and twinkling cymbals. We can return city government to those who divide the city against the county, divide the city against Valley Grande, and divide the city against a segment of its own citizens. The haters and dividers caused the city’s population to decrease for 8 years, caused crime to skyrocket, caused the city to have an $8 million debt in the pension fund, left $1.1 million in unpaid garbage bills, overspent the city budget by $722 thousand the last year in office and generally reduced the quality of life to its lowest point in the history of Selma. Thousands of people left Selma during the 8 years James Perkins, Jr was Mayor.

Hopefully, on August 28, the voters of Selma will vote for unity rather than division, for truth rather than lies, for sincerity rather than hypocrisy, for progress rather than regression. If the good people of Selma, black and white, have had enough as we have, the good people will once and for all let the haters and dividers know what we think of them.