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-WHY the wife of Police Officer Carlos Jones wrote a letter to the Selma Times Journal denying that she caught Carlos in bed with another officer? HAS ANYONE IDENTIFIED ANY OFFICER INVOLVED IN THIS ALLEGED INCIDENT? This website HAS NEVER identified Carlos Jones or any other Officer involved in this rumored perversion! We are distressed Mrs Jones mentioned this website in her letter...IF SHE CONTINUES TO ATTACK US FOR SOMETHING WE HAVE NOT DONE, WE WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO INSTITUTE LEGAL ACTION TO PROTECT OUR GOOD NAME...and perhaps we will suggest people buying their shoes somewhere other than SNEAKERS where she works!

-WHY Senator Hank Sanders promised in March to get funding for the Selma-Dallas County Public Library and DID NOT DO ANYTHING to help the library? However, in Sunday's Birmingham News and Monday's Montgomery Advertiser, it was reported Sanders got $41,500 funneled through Wallace College for his wife's Voting Rights Museum. UNDER JAMES MITCHELL'S LEADERSHIP, WALLACE COMMUNITY COLLEGE HAS BECOME A CESSPOOL OF NEPOTISM AND CRONYISM.

-WHY MAYOR JAMES PERKINS thinks he has to run the Selma Public School System. If ever a person had the mindset of a political tyrant, IT IS THE MAYOR. With productive people leaving Selma every day, WHO DOES HE THINK IS GOING TO PAY FOR HIS VISIONS? Leaders have plans, people out of touch with reality have visions.

-WHY PERKINS continues to try to undermine AND REMOVE Selma School Superintendent Dr. James Carter. IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT PERKINS WANTS TO PUT CHARLOTTE GRIFFITH IN AS SELMA SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT - then he can run the school system, the city, the water works - WHAT'S NEXT..THE HOSPITAL?

-WHY the Selma City Council continues to recklessly spend money? We hear the City SPENT MORE THAN IT TOOK IN during the fiscal year just ended. We are trying to confirm that will have accurate information posted soon. Sometimes the City Council acts stupid because when the City goes bankrupt, DON'T THINK THE MAYOR IS GOING TO TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY - he will blame the City Council!